Title: DOOM WAD Manager v1.30c
Filename: utils/frontends/dwm130c.zip
Size: 28.35 KB
Date: 05/13/94
Author: The Blind Preacher (Nick Sabinske)
Description: DOOM WAD Manager is a manager that allows you to organize and work with all these PWAD DOOM Levels tons of people are developing. DWM lets you do the following:

- Catalog your PWADs and give them descriptions (subdirs supported)
- Change the levels PWAD Modify (Maps and Music)
- Flag PWADs for whatever you want
- Run DOOM with a combination of PWADs to try them out
- Configure how you want it to work and appear
- and generally make living with 2000 .WADs much easier :)

DWM is also a user-supported program. This program is completly free, and I usually consider any reasonable request for a program addition.
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