Title: DMPSMU: DooM PostScript Maps Utility
Filename: utils/misc/dmpsmu32.zip
Size: 180.94 KB
Date: 05/10/16
Author: Frans P. de Vries
Description: DMPSMU is an interactive utility on Unix and Windows (source code included) to generate PostScript maps of levels in DOOM, DOOM ][, Ultimate DOOM, Heretic and Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders. It offers several advanced features: - detailed control over layout and appearance of the page(s); - multi-page capability, printing on 2 or 4 normal pages; - detailed control over which Things will be printed; - fading LineDefs that are secret or part of a secret Sector; - shading secret Sector areas, but not their inner Sectors; - linking teleporters and their exits by faint lines. It is derived from DEU, the Doom Editor Utility and retains from this tool all functions that have a read-only effect on the main WAD files, thus allowing examination but not modification of these files under Unix, and it has a new function to display a level's vital statistics. A command-line based utility DMPSMAP with only the map printing function is also included.
Credits: Derived from DEU, the Doom Editor Utility.
Base: DEU 5.21 gcc
Build time: -
Editor(s) used: vim
Bugs: -
Rating: (4 votes)
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Wow- THATs useful!!!x

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