Title: tangwin.zip
Filename: utils/misc/tangwin.zip
Size: 1.43 KB
Date: 09/14/94
Author: Erwen Tang
Description: This is a non-playable test wad to show how to do a window similar to the window at the opening of Episode 2, Mission 1 but without any sides visible outside of the window. There is only one sector and no exit switch. Feel free to use this any way you want, I don't care.

This provides a way for a wad creator to show an outside without necessarily having to build a huge courtyard just to have an outside visible. This is a much better looking outside "window" than other people have done.

The bottom of the window should be above eye level (about 40 or so) as done in this test wad for best results. This prevents the user from seeing the bottom edge of the ceiling patch. (To demonstrate, use your favorite wad editor to lower the bottom level of the window to 26, (which is waist high) and you will see the edge. This will explain why you don't want the edge to be visible.
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