Title: NetCheat 1.0beta
Filename: utils/network/netcheat.zip
Size: 13.53 KB
Date: 04/17/94
Author: David Bialac
Description: This program allows you to edit a modified saved network/modem game. Currently, it is restricted to two player games only. You can use it for three or four player games, however you can only modify the settings of player one and two. Further documentation will be provided with the full release.
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All this util does is some limited editing of two-player network savegames. Naturally, both player must have load the same savegame or there will be a consistency failure. So thi has nothing to do with "online" or even cheating per se, in the sense of taking unfair advantage of your opponent(s). -N_Ax
This just shows how old Cheating in online multiplayer is...x

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