Title: DOOM Audio Editor - version 1.1
Filename: utils/sound_edit/dmaud11c.zip
Size: 38.58 KB
Date: 08/18/95
Author: Bill Neisius
Description: DMAUD will store sounds into or extract sounds from DOOM WAD and PWAD files. In addition, DMAUD will play the sound if a SoundBlaster compatible sound card is present.

Patch WAD files (PWAD) can be edited the same as WAD files by using the '-f pwad' option on the command line; the PWAD will be created as needed. To remove a sound from the PWAD, use the '-r' option. For the PWAD to work correctly, the filename must end with .WAD.

Please be sure that you have a backup copy of the original DOOM WAD file available.

Input files can be any format (.AU, .VOC, .WAV, .SND, etc) and any sample rate; they will be converted as necessary.
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Dmaud/Dmgra - Man... Everybody used to use this thing way back in the old days. I remember i tried using it once or twice but it just pissed me off in the end. It is a pretty crapppy tool and the only reason everybody used it back then was simply because there weren't all that many graphics/sound editors out there. Thank god for NewWadTool (NWT).x

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