Title: CleanWAD V1.54
Filename: utils/wad_tools/clnwd154.zip
Size: 505.39 KB
Date: 05/04/06
Author: Martin Howe
Description: I just took the source code of CleanWAD that was released way back by Serge Smirnov and updated the program for today's DOOMing standards. No longer do you have to remind yourself to "never run a WAD cleaner on anything with GL_* entries, BEHAVIOR resources or BOOM colormaps, etc."!
Credits: ID Software -- wrote DOOM and DOOM II and released the source code
Raven Software -- wrote Heretic and HeXen and released the source code
Matt Fell -- wrote The Unofficial Doom Specs
Olivier Montanuy -- gave Serge Smirnov the idea and suggested some of the design
Serge Smirnov -- the original author of CleanWAD who worked so hard on it
Loads of people -- wrote the source ports that make gaming so much better
Jacob Navia -- wrote the freeware C compiler Lcc-Win32
Reign -- for the music I mostly listened to while doing this :-)
Base: The original CleanWAD source code by Serge Smirnov
Build time: A several weeks on and off including comments, testing, documentation and a complete re-write.
Editor(s) used: EditPlus, Lcc-Win32 IDE, CygWin/GCC, WinTex
Bugs: See the manual for details of known problems
Rating: (22 votes)
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There is a manual in the zipfile, but essentially this goes through a WAD and removes various types of null pointers, and can optionally compress the images used for flats, textures and sprites. This can result in anywhere from an 8% to 0% reduction in WAD filesize.x

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