Title: DOOM WAD file extractor v1.0 beta
Filename: utils/wad_tools/dmx.zip
Size: 85.8 KB
Date: 10/12/94
Author: Morgoth
Description: DMX is a simple extraction tool for DOOM type WAD files. It is a simplified, universal version of programs like dmgraph,dmaud etc...
Credits: - ID software for DOOM and DOOM2
- People who make nice PWADs
- People who dig in WADs
- People who try to make nice DOOM Editors (keep trying)
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: - In DOOM 2, the Sound Effect 'DSTINK' in .WAV format cannot be played by MusicRack (Windows .WAV player supplied with Logitech SoundMan Games). Standard Windows players CAN play it.
- If you find any, let me know.
- DMX was tested on DOOM v1.2 ,DOOM 2 v1.666 and some PWAD's. Let me know if other versions of DOOM give problems...
Rating: (4 votes)
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