[Base DM #1 screenie]

Base DM #1

A DooM Shack Select Map!
A DooM Shack Select Map!

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Base DM #1 is the first level in my own Deathmatch project called Base DM. Base DM has some new textures, new player sprites (so you can view it's death from all directions), new sounds, and new music. Base DM #1 is BooM WAD!!!

This first level is small and is inspired by MAP07 of DooM 2. Fits perfectly for 2-player head-to-head playing (MAP07 was a bit too big), but also works fine in 4-player fragfest, and supports up to 8-players.

NOTE! This level is made for BooM. It's tested on ZDooM and it works, but not perfectly. If you wan't to play with more than 4-players, you have to either wait for the next release of BooM or use ZDooM.

The text file

BASEDM1.ZIP (385 Kb)
