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Go to hell (DooM 2) ****
1 level.
NOTE! Because of the great size & detail of this level, you need to use some of the latest source ports or you will crash DooM often. Good choises are BooM, DOSDooM and DooMLegacy.
This level is big, well detailed and challenging... Lot's of fun and very interesting fight with two CyberDemons at the same time! I loved it! Only thing that bugged me was the Quake sounds that in most cases don't fit to DooM monsters.
GO2HELL.ZIP (310 Kb)

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Grenian DooM (DooM 2) ***
15 Single player levels, 2 deathmatch levels, graphics, music.
Some of these level are very good quality, but some are only middle quality. I have also find that there are some spots where you can get stuck without dying. Although there are some flaws on the levels, they are mainly very well designed. Some levels are actually very well designed. Few times I got frustrated while looking for button or something and I couldn't find an exit for one level...
Download: GRENIAN.ZIP (734Kb)

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Ground Zero (DooM 2) ***
1 level for DooM 2.
Made by Richard M. Sham.
Not much detail or anything special looking places... The whole level is quite basic stuff, but it's not as boring as it may sound! While the level doesn't look very special, it does give a fairly large amount of challenge. Nothing like in Hell Revealed, but it does have a nice amount of monsters and trappings that are usually well placed... Oh, I almost forgot to mention those traps... When you don't expect anything, suddenly a wall near you can lower and behind it is a bunch of baddies and so on...
Download: GNDZERO.ZIP (31 Kb)

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Gut-Father (DooM 2) ****
1 level.
Small level, full of battle, guts and challenge! 100% kills on UV is extremely hard (if not impossible) to get with this baby... There are 4 main teleports that lead to small but hard rooms... Only 3 of these however have to be accessed, and if you try to manage from all four your ammo and health won't propably last (if your playing on UV) and you will die. In the end you don't have to kill the final demons if you don't wan't (just run to exit switch), but I find it more fun to kill 'em!
Download: GUT-FATH.ZIP (37 Kb)