>>>>>All Code Pointers in Doom v1.9<<<<< <<<<>>>> Additions by Francesco Orsenigo (159, 184, 788) Notes: Each code pointer is listed only once. The two "check line of sight" pointers are different, but with the same effect. Only one pointer has a function unknown to me. All pointers which make sounds ONLY can be used anywhere, but they may not always work. Weapon code pointers are restricted to the weapon frames, and the monster code pointers are used anywhere else. For the Mancubus firing pointers, the directions are as viewed from the mancubus, so a "left" fireball will go past you to the right if you do not move. That should clear things up. Weapon Code Pointers: 1 - Light restore (after flash) 2 - Weapon bobbing pointer 3 - Weapon select pointer 4 - Weapon deselect pointer 6 - Player Punch 9 - Last shooting frame (if fire button still held, jump back to first shooting frame instead of frame with this pointer) 14 - Player Pistol shot 17 - Light flash (dim) 22 - Player Shotgun blast 31 - Light flash (bright) 36 - Player Double-Barrel Shotgun blast 38 - Check ammo (If 1 or 0 shells left, skip reloading frames and select different weapon) 39 - Play sound "dbopn" 41 - Play sound "dbload" 43 - Play sound "dbcls" 52 - Player Chaingun shot (check ammo; don't go to -1 ammo, change weapon) 60 - Display firing frame 61 - Player launch rocket 71 - Player use chainsaw 77 - Player fire plasma bullet 84 - Play sound "bfg" 86 - Player fire BFG shot Monster Code Pointers: 119 - BFG blast effect 127 - Radius explosion 157 - Play pain sound 159 - Plays "PLDETH" 160 - Dead body mode 166 - Play sound "slop" 174 - Wait to wake up 176 - Standard walking code pointer 184 - Turn to face the player's direction 185 - Trooper pistol shot 190 - Play death sound 243 - Archvile walking code pointer (check to resurrect monster) 255 - Play sound "vilatk" 257 - Create archvile flame at target 264 - Archvile blast target 281 - Play sound "flamest" 282 - Unknown (used only in flame frames (281... and 791...)) 285 - Play sound "flame" 316 - Revenant fireball homing (and smoke trail) code pointer 336 - Play sound "skeswg" 338 - Revenant punch - play sound "skepch" if hit 341 - Launch revenant fireball with possible homing (and smoke trail) effect 376 - Play sound "manatk" 377 - Mancubus shoot 2 fireballs: one straight, one left 380 - Mancubus shoot 2 fireballs: one straight, one right 383 - Mancubus shoot 2 fireballs: one left, one right 397 - Magic Code Pointer 417 - Chaingun guy or SS nazi shoot chaingun 419 - Check line of sight to stop firing 454 - Imp shoot fireball or scratch at close range 487 - Demon bite 506 - Cacodemon shoot fireball or bite at close range 539 - Baron of Hell or Hell Knight shoot fireball or scratch at close range 590 - Lost soul attack - attack sound REQUIRED or game will crash 603 - Play sound "metal" 616 - Spiderdemon shoot chaingun 618 - Check line of sight to stop firing 635 - Play sound "bspwlk" 648 - Arachnotron shoot plasma bullet 676 - Play sound "hoof" 685 - Cyberdemon launch rocket 711 - Spawn lost soul 718 - Spawn 3 or 4 lost souls 774 - Magic Code Pointer and Dead Body mode 779 - Play sound "bospn" 780 - Play sound "bosdth" and make explosions (frames 799-801) about 320 units south of object 783 - End level 785 - Play sound "bossit" 786 - Fire spawn cube - Landing REQUIRED on level or game will crash 787 - Play sound "boscub" 788 - Check for spawn point (spawn monster) 801 - Create explosion (frames 127-129)