SacrificeDM - Finale by Derek "Afterglow" MacDonald 6 deathmatch levels for Doom II with limit-removing source port. Thanks & Credits: - Fredrik Johansson for improving 06's textures & 02 suggestions - Iikka Keränen for the brick texture bases in 06 - Doom Legacy team for the rsky1 240 high base - Nick Baker for textures - David Gevert for 02 textures (SHUDDUP DAGGAH!) - Anthony Czerwonka for textures - Ola Björling for 04 sky - Dan Twomey for 04 banner textures - Crista Forest for 05 textures - Dario Casali for 05 textures - id software for Doom, Quake2 textures and the new doom engine trailer - Tarin for Tallsky - mewse for his mewsiness