------------------------------ DETH 4.24 [5tht Dec 98] ------------------------------ Removed some debug code I forgot about that showed keypresses in the Undo operation field Increased tag limits for linedefs and sectors to 32767 ------------------------------ DETH 4.23 [21st Oct 98] ------------------------------ Fixed a bug in the code that removed duplicate textures, flats, and colormap names on wad load. Now, as originally intended, duplicates are simply ignored. Fixed a misalignment in the Alt-I/F8 menu that was preventing some functions below the new hallway function from working. ------------------------------ DETH 4.22 [21st Oct 98] ------------------------------ Added default lighting to preferences scheme Initial value in INI is 255, compatible with present default ------------------------------ DETH 4.21 [20th Oct 98] ------------------------------ Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break handling disabled to prevent inadvertant exit and loss of edit Added "Connect Linedefs and Add Hallway" to Linedef Misc menu. This supports basic operation of door/window sector creation. Two 1S lines facing away from each other must be selected. A hallway thru void space between the two lines is created. ------------------------------ DETH 4.20 [21st Sep 98] ------------------------------ Added a Replace All textures command for each of the six possible wall texture match targets - 1st/2nd and Upper,Lower,Normal. No more doing it three times to replace a texture. Also added feature that if linedefs are selected, only those walls are replaced. Added a Replace Both flats command for each of the floor texture match targets - floor,ceiling. No more doing it twice to replace a flat. Also added feature that if sectors are selected, only those floors and ceilings are replaced. ------------------------------ DETH 4.19b [29th Aug 98] ------------------------------ Fixed display of "large" textures, those with height>254, so that DETH will accept and display them if they each have at most one post per column. Changed loading DETH.FNT so that it will be found in current directory or any path directory. This allows DETH.EXE to be run from the path, with DETH.INI the only required file in the editing directory. The config file paths in DETH.INI should point to a common copy of the configs in the DETH directory, and the include of common.cfg in doom?.cfg should use that path as well. Now that Pwads = is supported in DETH.INI each editing directory can load a particular set of resource and level wads automatically when DETH is typed there. This simplifies shortcut creation for Win'9x quite a bit. ------------------------------ DETH 4.18b [16th Aug 98] ------------------------------ Rotation code improved thru use of double throughout calculation and removal of DEU superstition that vertices have to be on the 8 unit grid. Fixed a buglet pointed out by Andre Majorel in the texture display routine that failed to clip the texture start to 0 if it was negative. Added checks for triggers and tags (boom compatible) to error checker Invalid line type Line Acts on Tag 0 Push Action on 1S line Line requires a tag and doesn't have one Line has Special and Tag, unused Line has unneeded Tag Sector has tag, but isn't used Added capability to write error check out as CHECK.LOG text file If the SpecialEffects variable is true in DETH.INI then facing linedef open sector checks are skipped, floor above ceiling checks are skipped and all missing upper and lower texture errors are suppressed. Fixed error checks given by colormap and translucency map textures. Textures on 242 linedefs are checked against C_START/C_END marked names, plus COLORMAP and WATERMAP, if BOOM Enable ON. The ability to load pwads under PWads = in DETH.INI is now supported. Two new sectors mode Alt-I(F8) Misc menu functions have been added. "Clear all Secret Sectors" "Renumber Selected Sectors Lowest" A new line mode Alt-I(F8) Misc menu function has been added. "Renumber Selected Lines Lowest". Added -lemu to the makefile to support machines without floating point coprocessors. Fixed another hang situation in the sector splitter. This should be the last one, since a level would need an infinite number of linedefs to hang now. N, P now jump thru the marked objects if any are marked. Otherwise it selects each object in numeric order as before. ------------------------------ DETH 4.17b [30th May 98] ------------------------------ 1) Made line-line triggers highlight triggers and matching tags ------------------------------ DETH 4.16b [20th May 98] ------------------------------ 1) Upped local limit on number of levels loaded from 64 to 100 ------------------------------ DETH 4.15b [16th May 98] ------------------------------ 1) Upped limit on numeric thing type entry to 32767 from 10503. ------------------------------ DETH 4.14b [10th Apr 98] ------------------------------ 1) Added M_NOPAINT to mouse event polling call to not erase mouse cursor after events polled. 2) Made search for texture name case insensitive so id's lower case textures would display in the info box. ------------------------------ DETH 4.14 [8th Apr 98] ------------------------------ 1) Fixed bug in Thing flags display preventing Not DM and Not Coop from showing up 2) Unlimited numeric sector type entry to allow for general types ------------------------------ DETH 4.13 [6th Apr 98] ------------------------------ 1) Removed check for texture names from list browser to allow sentential texture names for colormaps and (someday) sounds to be entered. Also allows textures in a resource wad to be used in the edit if you know their names, without loading the resource wad. ------------------------------ DETH 4.12 [21th Mar 98] ------------------------------ 1) Found problem causing immediate exit to DOS on insertion of vertex or thing before anything else 2) Added new linedef flag to enable push to work thru a linedef and activate further specials behind it. ------------------------------ DETH 4.11 [19th Mar 98] ------------------------------ 1) Combined sector bits for Icy and Sludgy, and their names 2) Removed thing flags for wind - no longer needed 3) Fixed click outside of menu crash to DOS bug 4) upped prefab rectangle limits to 16384X16384 5) made prefab stairs angle limit 32767 ------------------------------ DETH 4.10 [16th Mar 98] ------------------------------ 1) Added code to prompt before merging point to linedef or linedef to linedef if VertConf is true in Expert Mode. ------------------------------ DETH 4.09 [7th Mar 98] ------------------------------ 1) Added support for BOOM generalized sector types ------------------------------ DETH 4.08 [7th Mar 98] ------------------------------ 1) Added Wind Controller thing name 2) Added flags to Thing Flags menu for Wind Controller 3) Updated COMMON.CFG for new BOOM line types and sector types, and thing type. ------------------------------ DETH 4.07 [9th Feb 98] ------------------------------ 1) Fixed hang problem in split sector routine 2) Added "Connect Linedefs and Split Donut" function to Misc menu. Two facing linedefs across a donut sector are marked, the function creates a new quadrilateral sector between them. ------------------------------ DETH 4.06 [6th Feb 98] ------------------------------ 1) Fixed the single texture browser to only display 256 if the horizontal resolution is less than 800. 2) Added primitive support for BOOM generalized linedefs. Updated COMMON.CFG for the new ordinary types added as well. 3) Added parser routine to print out generalized linedef properties when highlighed. ------------------------------ DETH 4.05 [2nd Dec 97] ------------------------------ 1) Widened the single texture browser to display textures up to 512 in width. ------------------------------ DETH 4.04 [26th Oct 97] ------------------------------ Bugs removed ------------ 1) Found what really should be the last WallBrowser problem. It was being called with an unallocated pointer to the texture name already on the sidedef, in Normal, Lower, and Upper cases. Changes ------- 1) Fixed the linedef tag limits to allow 999 tags for BSP22X ------------------------------ DETH 4.03 [19th Sep 97] ------------------------------ Bugs removed ------------ 1) Found yet one more instance of indexing past array end in the Wall Browser. This was causing an exception and loss of edit changes. Hope this is the last. ------------------------------ DETH 4.02 [15th Aug 97] ------------------------------ Bugs removed ------------ 1) Fixed a remaining instability in the Flats browser causing the array of flat names to be indexed past end. 2) Repaired the PWAD and flat loading routines so they work in nearly all circumstances. As it was, only FF_START/FF_END delimited sections of flats could be added. To operate with any wad your doom2.cfg should have its [ftextures] section changed to look like: [ftextures] F1, F2, F3, FF, F 3) Fixed a problem with the limits for manually entering thing position. The y check was using the x map limits instead of the y. 4) An obscure bug that caused the wall texture browser to crash after changing video mode in the edit was repaired. Addresses modified ------------------ 5) My contact address is now jflynn@pacbell.net ------------------------------ DETH 4.01 [5th June 97] ------------------------------ Bugs removed ------------ 1. Fixed two memory glitches that caused exceptions during configuration 2. Linedef #0 now splits with Ctrl-V, even when not selected 3. Missing line type 48 and extra type 78 corrected in COMMON.CFG 4. Pressing ESC during the savename dialog from File, Save no longer quits the edit losing all changes. It only quits the dialog. 5. Alt-I operations no longer clear the selection of the current object during their execution. 6. Instability in Wall texture browser and caching fixed 7. Stray lines no longer fold into view at very high zooms 8. Map still scrolls at highest zoom 9. DETH.FNT now loads reliably from the DETH directory at runtime Changes ------- 1. Ported to DJGPP v2 so it works with Win'95 in full screen DOS windows 2. Limits for texture offset entry, floor/ceiling diffs now -16K to +16K 3. New flats now loadable from any wad on command line, not just the IWAD 4. Since v2 doesn't yet support thick lines, added primitive for same 5. Support for all games but DOOM2 removed from this version for now. 6. DETH directory structure flattened - all files in DETH directory now - part of general attempt to simplify installation. 7. INSTALL.TXT added with instructions for installing this version only. 8. CSDPMI3B.ZIP added to provide DPMI platform for DOS users. ------------------------------ DETH/HETH 3.92 [23rd April 96] ------------------------------ Bugs removed ------------ 1. If you pressed escape while inputing an initial offset then funny numbers would be used. 2. Removed error that caused DETH to crash if adding the first sidedef of a new (c)reated pwad. 3. Interactive Texture Alignment should not have been displayed on SideDef menu this was messing up the Search and Replace functions. 4. Suspended the writing of Pwads (to automatically load) to the ini files until I clean up this operation. Changes ------- 1. Can now use the keys 'F' and 'C' in the sector texture display area to copy Floor and Ceiling textures as you can wall textures. 2. When aligning textures with an initial offset, the current offset is set as default in the prompt. 3. Updated the Heretic config file to accept the new levels present in the new update Heretic - Shadow of the Serpent Riders, the new levels are: E4M1 - E4M9, E5M1 - E5M9 and E6M1 - E6M3. 4. Stop producing the SLIM version, as nobody reported that this fixed the graphic and font problems, I suspect that it didn't anyway and that the new video drivers have actually resolved this. If anyone would like me to continue then drop me a message. All changes apply to both the SLIM and FULL version of DETH & HETH ----------------------------- DETH/HETH 3.91 [3rd April 96] ----------------------------- Bugs removed ------------ 1. Things angle was being drawn wrong, an oversite in 3.90 :( Changes ------- 1. Cleaner scrolling, the mouse doesn't pickup on objects when scrolling now. resulting in un-interupted smoother scrolling. 2. Can now navigate the texture browsers with the cursor keys and enter to accept. 3. Added a small delay in wall texture browser, when using the buttons to page up and page down. ----------------------------- DETH/HETH 3.90 [1st April 96] ----------------------------- Bugs removed ------------ 1. Fixed the SaveIniFile = False option. 2. Fixed the routine that saves the ini file, now saves much faster. 3. Rotating ('[' or ']') a single Thing, caused DETH to crash. 4. Fixed a problem with writing the default textures to the ini files. Changes ------- 1. Increased the scaling limits. 2. Removed the scrolling limits, if you get lost use '/' to return to the center of the map. 3. Wall textures that are shown on main screen and within the browser are now clipped correctly. 4. Wall texture browser now much improved, takes up less memory, and once cached, draws a screen of textures instantly. 5. Added separate pwad path options for each game type. ------------------------------ DETH/HETH 3.89 [13th March 96] ------------------------------ Bugs removed ------------ 1. Stairs created inside Sectors had all the LineDef flags set to Impassible. 2. The Create and Edit buttons on the front-end have been fixed. 3. Fixed the common.cfg file, the painful sector types were screwed. Changes ------- 1. When LineDefs are copied, the SideDef information gets copied aswell, this makes duplicating objects faster and easier. This option can be switched on/off in the F5 - ini options menu and set with CopySideDefs = True. 2. When you highlight(blue square) an area of the texture display(main screen, bottom right), you can press the following keys: '-' set highlighted texture to nothing. 'U' set highlighted texture to same as upper texture on same SideDef. 'N' set highlighted texture to same as normal texture on same SideDef. 'L' set highlighted texture to same as lower texture on same SideDef. This is not a new addition, but the routine has been improved. 3. Using the '[' and ']' keys you can rotate objects by +90 or -90 degrees. Note: the rotation and scaling routines have always been a lump of crap, I have improved the 90 degree turn, but the angles in between and scaling still needs improvement, if anyone can come up with a better routine, I'd be very grateful. 4. Improved the speed at which the screen scrolls or zooms, especially if the mouse is over the map. 5. Increased the limits of the screen scroll. ------------------------------ DETH/HETH 3.88 [12th March 96] ------------------------------ Bugs removed ------------ 1. Fixed the problems with DETH crashing when you exited from some menus. Changes ------- 1. All ini settings are automatically saved when you (Q)uit from DETH\HETH. This can be turned off with SaveIniFile = False. If turned off, then you can manually save the settings from the File menu. Other setting saved include - current editing mode, grid settings and game. When saved, a backup file is created, and called either DETH.BAK or HETH.BAK. 2. When you startup DETH, you are now asked which game you wish to edit. This question can be turned off with, ChooseGame = False. Enter: DOOM, D or 1 for Doom\Ultimate Doom. DOOM2, D2 or 2 for Doom II HERETIC, H or 3 for Heretic STRIFE, S or 4 for Strife ** config files not complete yet ** or just hit enter for the last game type you edited. QUIT or Q to quit 3. You can now turn off the graphical front-end, GraphFront = False. This option only works with the full version. 4. All ini settings can now be changed from within the Preferences(F5) menu. The Preferences(F5), Display(F7) menus now stay displayed until you escape or choose the exit menu item. -------------------------------------------------- Deth version 3.87a SLIM (Compiled on 7th March 96) -------------------------------------------------- Introduced a SLIM version of DETH to try and eliminate the problems with graphics and mouse drivers that some people seem to be experiencing. The differences between deth.exe and deths.exe are: 1. No Graphical Front-end 2. No External Font 3. No Internal Node Builder Routines(they were there, but not used) 4. No View Sprite Command 5. No Help 6. No Special Prefab tools, i.e stairs, crates teleports etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Deth version 3.87 (Compiled on 4th March 96) also includes Heth 3.87 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs Removed ------------ Tidied up the pwad path option. Tidied up the Flip and Swap SideDef routines. Changes/Additions ----------------- New command line command - DIR, this shows the wads present in the pwad path. If the option usepromptonly = true is set, then a small listing also appears on the main screen. Can now enter -1 in the on-screen 'SideDef Sector Ref' entry box, to delete a SideDef. New buttons for manually adding SideDefs to LineDefs. New ini file option: hidegrid, this works in conjunction with initgrid to hide an initial grid upon startup. Two new check options to quickly replace invalid and missing textures. New options added to Sector Misc. Menu and LineDef Misc. Menu:- Search and Replace Textures, replaces all textures that match the currently highlighted choice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deth version 3.86 (Compiled on 27th February 96) also includes Heth 3.86 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bugs Removed ------------ New font caused special symbols in Thing Flag and Thing Filter menus to not show up, so the've been replaced with asterisks. Fixed bug that, after dragging a single vertice, caused it to be selected. this was happening unknown to the user so was causing strange error messages. Stopped the selection counter, from displaying stupid numbers. Fixed error that was not allowing the auto-marquee to work if scroll was on. Changes/Additions ----------------- Thing Flag and Thing Filter menus now don't return to top item after selection. Added the ability to state the path to your pwads, set this in the ini file e.g path = c:\pwads\ make sure that you place a '\' at the end. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deth version 3.85a (Compiled on 19th February 96) also includes Heth 1.85a -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs Removed ------------ Pressing escape whilst within a sub menu of 'change sector type' would hang the program. Changes/Additions ----------------- New VESADRV.VDR video driver, this may solve some graphical errors that people have been experiencing. - Take a backup of the old one first. New external & internal fonts used, this too, may improve on display errors. Fixed the ini files, there was a couple of errors, mainly the button-bar stuff was still present(these options have moved to F5 and F7) and selectiondelay should have read stretchdelay, this is the amount of time to wait for the automatic marquee select box to appear. Tidied up the vertex 'show line length' mode (F4) by using a thinner font. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deth version 3.85 (Compiled on 13th February 96) also includes Heth 1.85 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changes/Additions ----------------- F5 Preferences menu split up and new options added. Made some changes to the menu system: Can now move left and right between the pull-down menus. Cooler looking design, with better highlighting. Left and right cursors now cancel standard menus, this is the same as pressing the escape key or right mouse button, makes operations quicker, as you don't have to reach for the escape key! Cleaned up the map scrolling, no more "clutter" drawn on the top bar. Cut down on the amount of rougue lines/objects that can be drawn if you are zoomed right in to the highest levels. If the wording 'Help', on the top bar, turns orange then by pressing F1, help will be displayed about the item under the mouse. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Deth version 3.84 (Compiled on 9th February 96) also includes Heth 1.84 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************* * VERSION 3.84 WAS AN IN-HOUSE RELEASE ONLY * ********************************************* Bugs Removed ------------ Fixed front-end error that was stopping the use of the quick keys and buttons. Changes/Additions ----------------- New ini option - stretchdelay, this is a value of how long to wait after pressing the left mouse button to automaticaly start-up the marquee select box. New display on the alternative info bar, shows amount of objects currently selected. Object highlighting improved. New option in F5, Prefab Texture, Preferences, Load Texture Scheme: this points at a new area of the config files: [schemes] where you can set up any amount of texture 'motifs', if you want lots of schemes I would suggest creating more sub menus. example: [schemes] "Scheme 1" 1, "Big Bricks","BIGBRICK1","BIGBRICK1","BIGBRICK1","FLOOR7_1","RROCK09" 2, "Classic","STARTAN3","STARTAN3","STARTAN3","FLOOR4_8","CEIL3_6" You don't get asked for a sub menu, if only one menu exists, as above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Deth version 3.83 (Compiled on 7th February 96) also includes Heth 1.83 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs Removed ------------ Removed bug that was automaticaly changing object 0. Changes/Additions ----------------- Thing Filter now works again, and has been updated for HETH, now accesed via the Search menu in Thing mode or 'F' in Thing Mode. F4 in thing mode toggles the display between showing the Things as Sprites or not. F7 brings up new menu, where changed to the display con be made. New ini file options, griddashed, showthings and automap. New items in Help menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Deth version 3.82 (Compiled on 5th February 96) also includes Heth 1.82 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs Removed ------------ The top menus, if selected via mouse were screwed. Couldn't scroll then screen down if information bar wasn't on. Changes/Additions ----------------- Top Menus can now be drawn nested rather than on the middle of the screen (nestmenus=true). F6 - Special keys, now mode sensitive and upto date. F1 - Standard keys now upto date. Flat and Wall Texture browers now start on page containing current texture, and current texture is highlighted. Browsers now show more info about Texture. F4 - In LineDef mode nows toggle Doom style Automap display. Thing flags now shown under graphical display, they can be toggled by clicking on them. The file keys.txt is now upto date. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Deth version 3.81 (Compiled on 2nd February 96) also includes Heth 1.81 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************* * VERSION 3.81 WAS AN IN-HOUSE RELEASE ONLY * ********************************************* Bugs Removed ------------ Screen redraw wasn't happening after direct editing, if the mouse was over an info box. In Heth, the Trigger menu would lead onto the Special menu. Many functions still didn't work on object number 0(the first item created in a new WAD). Direct editing of Sector Refs was limited to 255, now set to current high sector number+1. Changes/Additions ----------------- Limits to Texture Offsets increased to -2048 -> +2048, if input via the direct editing. Started implementation of Context Sensitive Help. Started routines to bring back(via an option) Nesting of Menus. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Deth version 3.80 (Compiled on 26th January 96) also includes Heth 1.80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs Removed ------------ In Deth you couldn't highlight the Thing Sprite display to bring up the 'Choose Type' menu. Many functions wouldn't work on object number 0(the first item created in a new WAD). Age-old bug of Vertices being de-selected after moveing them has been removed, they do how-ever de-select if an auto-merge takes place. Changes/Additions ----------------- When you highlight(blue square) an area of the texture display(main screen, bottom right), you can press the following keys: '-' set highlighted texture to nothing. 'U' set highlighted texture to same as upper texture on same SideDef. 'L' set highlighted texture to same as normal texture on same SideDef. 'L' set highlighted texture to same as lower texture on same SideDef. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Deth version 3.70 (Compiled on 8th January 96) also includes Heth 1.70 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes/Additions ----------------- F4 while in Vertex mode switches LineDef length on/off. New Video mode - Set Mode to 5 to use DETH\HETH in 1280x1024 resolution. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deth version 3.60 BETA (Compiled on 5th January 96) also includes Heth 1.60 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes/Additions ----------------- DETH and HETH are now in the one zip file. Any changes/additions from previous versions of HETH now also apply to DETH. Config files have been merged. The source code has been stream-lined and a lot of function calls have been re-written and tidied up, the result is a slightly smaller execuatable and better/smoother functionality. New friendly hightlighting of the information boxes, when an area is highlighted blue, it means that you can click that area to edit it. Cleaner dragging of objects, you may not notice much here, but be assured, it is cleaner and has slightly better screen redraw. Added 'usepromptonly' to ini files, this sets a simpler front-end. ------------------------------------------------ Heth version 1.06 (Compiled on 21st December 95) ------------------------------------------------ Bugs Removed ------------ Something, but I can't remember! Changes/Additions ----------------- Gamma setting added to ini file, also change this with the F7 key. Scaled textures mean more of the graphic shown in main display and more selection shown in browsers. Now uses the same source as DETH but is complied differently, so any changes made to either program will be present in both. ----------------------------------------------- Heth version 1.05 (Compiled on 5th December 95) ----------------------------------------------- Bugs Removed ------------ None Changes/Additions ----------------- Can now use Home and End to navigate through the texture browsers. New buttons bars, can be turned on/off with the 'buttonbars = true' setting. Choose style with 'barstyle = 1' for top aligned buttons or 'barstyle = 2' for left justified buttons. Also choose to close the buttons on use with - 'closeonuse = true' setting. Change video modes while editing! Added reference to my WWW homepage. ------------------------------------------------ Heth version 1.04 (Compiled on 29th November 95) ------------------------------------------------ Bugs Removed ------------ None Changes/Additions ----------------- Tidied up the Sector colors. Took a few old/unnecessary options out of the ini file. New Flats/Texture browser, click on the textures in the main edit screen or choose Browse.... from the menus, and you'll be presented with a screen of textures, use the mouse to select, escape to cancel, use the buttons or PageUp and PageDown to page up and page down!!! To stop the editor selecting other objects when you move the mouse around just hold down the shift key. New 'initgrid' option, set this in the ini file for the starting grid level. New 'keepinfo' option, set this to TRUE in the ini file and the MAPINFO and SNDINFO lumps will be saved along with the PWAD. New 'caching' option, set this in the ini file to turn texture cahcing on, but be warned, it will eat just over 4 megs, and doesn't have much effect with fast machines. This feature is turned off by default. ------------------------------------------------ Heth version 1.03 (Compiled on 22nd November 95) ------------------------------------------------ Bugs Removed ------------ Heth had a problem grouping more than 1 MAP, this has now been fixed. Changes/Additions ----------------- Command 'O' converts a renamed compiled script to BEHAVIOR.WAD Compile your script with the acc.exe utility, rename the file from MYSCRIPT.O to MYSCRIPT.RAW, Edit or Read a level. at the command line type:- O MYSCRIPT.RAW then Group them to form a new PWAD:- G NEWPWAD.WAD This is a quick addition, as inserting lumps this way only works for map01, a proper command from within the editor itself will be implemented soon. ------------------------------------------------ Heth version 1.02 (Compiled on 20th November 95) ------------------------------------------------ Bugs Removed ------------ More Menu bugs removed, when setting objects to 0 or pressing escape. Intelligent Highlighting fixed/upgraded. Front-end errors removed. Heth would quit if you entered the command 'R'. Heth no longer copies the MAPINFO lump, this should be inserted after editing, just as you would insert a BEHAVIOR lump or SNDINFO lump. Changes/Additions ----------------- Increment floor/ceiling heights now has a limit of 8192 not 1024. Pressing 'A' in LineDef or Thing Mode brings up a 6 entry window, which prompts for the Special & Argument values, use the Tab/BackTab/Enter to move around. Pressing CTRL + 'F' in Thing Mode brings up Things Flags window. Pressing CTRL + 'C' in LineDef Mode brings up LineDef Flags window. You may be wonder what 'C' has got to do with Flags, the truth is I'm running out of keys! Pressing CTRL + 'E' in LineDef Mode brings up Trigger window. See the comment above! Clicking on the information boxes will bring up direct editing of values. This is still under development and doesn't yet work on the following fields:- SideDef1 - Normal/Upper/Lower Textures. SideDef2 - Normal/Upper/Lower Textures. Sectors - Floor/Ceiling Textures. To stop the editor selecting other objects when you move the mouse around just hold down the shift key. Pressing escape when prompted for a field will set that field to 0. In thing mode pressing 'B' will ask for a TID and jump to the first object which matches. Can you find the hidden front-end message? Heth version 1.01 (Compiled on 16th November 95) ------------------------------------------------ Bugs Removed ------------ LineDef Trigger, option to set trigger type to "Walk" wasn't working. Filter option removed, until I have it working again :-) LineDef Menu Item "Normal" now works properly. Spawn list item "0 - None" now shows up. Spawn list descriptions/numbers corrected. Long Spawn descriptions would crash Heth, now fixed. Grouping of Pwads fixed, went wrong when I added the new front-end. Next Free Tag Fixed. Changes/Additions ----------------- Sector height check increased from 1024 to 8192. Things that can contain other Things now bring up the Spawnable object menu (arg1). Intelligent object highlighting. Next Free Tid added to Misc menu (Thing Mode only). New Quick buttons and keys on front-end, this is still in development. Click in the lower area to access the prompt or just hit "enter". New Drop to Dos feature, use the quick key, button or enter "!" at the prompt. If a level is not found, then Heth will default to MAP01 instead of crashing. ------------------------------------------------ Heth version 1.00 (Compiled on 13th November 95) ------------------------------------------------ Changes/Additions ----------------- New graphical front-end. "ldtypes.hex" file renamed to "specials.hex". "hexen.cfg" file renamed to "config.hex", so that all Hexen files end in .hex. Restructured Special Argument routines to allow more flexability, See the "specials.hex" file for more information. Things angle display changed so that at lower zooms the direction is still visible. Tidied up the menus and display boxes again! Tag checks removed, as they didn't work! Spawnable name now displays properly in arg2. ---------------------- Heth version 0.13 beta ---------------------- Sprite frames of 8 characters long now display in selection. Cleaned up the display boxes and Hot-Keys screen(F6). All config files i.e Things/Specials/Sectors now correct. Can now select Spawnable objects from LineDefs and Things. List of Spawnable objects now complete Spawnable name doesn't display properly in arg2(will be fixed) ---------------------- Heth version 0.12 beta ---------------------- LineDef wording of "Type" changed to "Special". Thing Flags input and display changed to: EMH|FCM|SCD Deaf Dormant EMH - Easy, Medium, Hard skill levels. FCM - Fighter, Cleric, Mage. Deaf - Thing is Deaf until hurt or sees you. Dormant - Thing is Blind/Frozen until activated. LineDef Activation flags now changed to Trigger type: (000) 0 - Walkover, Player crosses the line. (001) 1 - Switch, Player uses the line with the use key. (010) 2 - Monster, Monster crosses the line. (011) 3 - Hit, Projectile impacts on the wall (100) 4 - Push, Player pushes the wall. (101) 5 - Projectile, Projectile crosses the line. LineDef Special flag renamed to Repeatable. Spawnable objects now listed for special types 134-136. (./config/spawn.hex) CTRL + 'B' in Thing mode sets Blind flag. '>' in Thing mode increases Thing Height by 16. '<' in Thing mode decreases Thing Height by 16. Thing descriptions now include:- [f] - Z value is height of object above the Floor. [fg] - Z value is height of object above the Floor but is subject to Gravity. [c] - Object starts life on the Ceiling and Z value is taken from Ceiling. [d] - Object is Desctructable [dc] - Object is Desctructable and can also contain an Object ---------------------- Heth version 0.11 beta ---------------------- CTRL + 'G' in LineDef mode resets all LineDef Arguments to 0. CTRL + 'G' in Thing mode resets all Thing Arguments to 0. Arguments in the display and menus are now displayed in the correct terminology for that type. All Things descriptions have now been entered, except the sprites but not tested. All LineDef descriptions have now been entered but not tested. All Sector descriptions have now been entered but not tested. Can now enter the Thing Special (this is the same as LineDef Type). Thing and LineDef Flags now correct. When an Argument requires an input i.e type of key, or type of sound, then you are presented with a list, not just an decimal input box.