Valkyrie 1.12 is a ddf dm mod that will work with DosDoom 0.65 &/or the Deathbot. This mod takes the sound & graphics of Heretic & Hexen & combines them for a unique deathmatch experience. This mod is not a dehacked patch. It will not work with any port other than DosDoom 0.65 or later, nor will it work with any current bot other than the Deathbot. Credits: id, Raven, & the DosDoom Team for the goods Fanatic & Gokuma for the inspiration Tools used: Wintex, notepad, edit.exe --------------------------------------------------------- What's new in 1.12: The Minotaur Launcher replaces the SSG. This was highly experimental, & it works okay in single player, but the Deathbot will crash mysteriously if you are in a botmatch with this mod. Just toss the minotaur figurine, & POOF, you have a helpful minotaur that will seek out & thump all enemies. The ai isn't the best, but it is still fun to play around with. To use: dosdoom.exe -file v112.wad or ddbot.exe -file v112.wad To run with external wads: dosdoom.exe -file v112.wad wildpack.wad or ddbot.exe -file v112.wad wildpack.wad (substitute any wad name for wildpack.wad if you want) It would also be very helpful, if running the Deathbot, to add the following parameters: -deathmatch -altdeath -skill 5 Valkyrie 1.12 replaces the following weapons: Pistol: (blue wand) This is your starting weapon. You should recognize it from Hexen. Shotgun: (crossbow) This shoots a projectile that packs a good whallop. Super Shotgun: (minotaur spawner) Spawns a helper monster that you should recognize from Hexen. Plasma gun: (Snake Staff) This thing is pretty similar to the plasma gun in that it shoots projectiles in rapid-fire fashion. Rocket Launcher: (Spirit Staff) It shoots helper ghosts, & definitely adds a new wrinkle to the dm experience! BFG: (Fire Blast) This is a different use of the bfg spray attack. Try it, you'll like it. The next version will replace the super crossbow with a different weapon, add a minotaur spawner, some new ammo graphics, & more.