--- Team Eternity Presents --- The Eternity Engine v3.29 Development Beta 5 ------------------------------ This is a special development beta release of the Eternity Engine intended to demonstrate new features added up until now, but not intended to be a complete, stable product. Terms of the normal Eternity Engine license apply to this package, see http://doomworld.com/eternity/ for more information. Email haleyjd@hotmail.com with any questions or to report bugs. ============================= New Features in This Version: ============================= * Particle system Adapted from zdoom, the particle system allows low-bandwidth, high-impact effects for blood, smoke, fountains, environmental ambience, etc. All effects are optional and can be independently enabled or disabled via the menus and console. Thanks due to Randy Heit for much of the code. * MapInfo Extensions Added nextsecret field to allow customizable secret exit destinations for any level. Also added an exitsecret function to FraggleScript to help support this new feature. * Translucent text FraggleScript strings can now specify translucency using the \z escape. * Fully functional dialogue system startdialogue function for FraggleScript can run compiled dialogue scripts which can display text, character names and pictures, and call back into FraggleScript to play sounds, move the game camera, and change thing angles. Cinematic pause can stop player and monster movement during dialogues and other events. =========================== Bugs Fixed in This Version: =========================== * Mouse double-clicking actions should now work, and the buttons which can be double-clicked to generate a use action can be set in the configuration file, independent of any action bound to those mouse buttons by the keybinding system. * Joystick buttons no longer generate double-click events. * Setting player name via menu should not crash the game. * More robust handling of text in heads-up and finale systems with respect to tabs and characters with no font glyph. * Walkcam should be able to move again. * Removed monster falling damage. * Restored default global translucency %age to 66% * Player bobbing properly recorded as a demo- and net-sync critical variable. Bobbing console command is now a netcmd. * Several printf calls in video mode removed. * Sprites properly clipped w.r.t. deep water when viewed from a camera.