NOTE: There is a known issue with the most recent entries having screwed-up information and links. Some databases are out of sync and we haven't been able to fix it yet.
Cyberdreams is the perfect WAD for people who don't feel like shooting demons in Doom and yet want to feel extreme danger and tension. Instead, you must challenge Cyberdemons in a game of wits and swift movement to get them telefragged, crushed or stuck inside obstacles. Failure to do so will result in a rocket in your face... and likely death. Forget about fighting them back with weapons; all you have is your fist and sometimes, a pistol, which you'll use to shoot switches from a distance.
The gameplay of Cyberdreams is simple, yet so unique for a vanilla megaWAD from the late 90s. You'll usually run around, pressing or shooting switches while dodging cyberdemons or herding them at places where they won't be as much a threat. I wouldn't be calling this a puzzle WAD since it's usually obvious as to what needs to be done in any given level, but it's definitely a conceptual map set which plays by its own rules.
Not every level concept comes out well (*cough* Hot Dog *cough*) and some levels tend to recycle the same gimmicks, which docks it a few points. It also doesn't have any MIDI replacements at all (with that said, a MIDI pack was made for it so there's an alternative!). But in overall, Cyberdreams is a very good reimagining of Doom as a game which is worth checking out.
Do you want to cry because you don't know when the suffering will end? Did you think BTSX maps were short? You love mazes? More important... Do you love lost souls?
Well, this map is for you!
With an average duration of 1 hour, this map has made me suffer 4 mental breakdowns (and while I remember everything, a 5th) Not because of the difficulty (which is high) If not because I had already started to get dizzy from being so many hours exposed to the screen and (especially) dying from Lost souls
And you'll tell me, "But you did it!" Well... My body is still there, I'm speaking to you from beyond the grave!
I'm not kidding when I say that the map has given me headaches, dizziness, (and the occasional fainting spell) NOT JUST BECAUSE I SUCK AT THIS GAME! BUT BECAUSE THE WAD IS CONFUSING IN SEVERAL PLACES
Other than those times when my soul left my body and wandered around for days (specifically with 4 day breaks between sessions) yeah, it's ok.
The best doom wad to live
This wad showcases an story, not just "get gun, kill demons", An cyberdemon has escaped from "The lab" Bringing in an precise feeling of mystery and vagueness to The organization That hosts "The lab"
The gameplay is never seen before, NO GAMES in 1999 Ever had such stunning gameplay, with the cyberdemon and bfg being used in an "Illusio pit" As an environment, Truly showcases the creative depths the devs went in to make this wad