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Justice - Infernal Mechanics

   (25 reviews)


3 Screenshots

About This File

Pick up your holy sword, Justice, and run into the fray. You have a rocket launcher and a powerful, sweeping sword to battle your way through this fairly small and hectic level, battling against my monsters and the standard fare in something of a frantic foray into what might be part of something bigger one day. Your mission is to destroy the Heaven-Hell generator that will power thew dimensional gat the demons have created and then move on to your next destination.

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Unknown date

this is... interesting, while to exactly eye candy this is fun, and thats what counts, also an interesting puzzle to get the serious bomb as well anyways this does force the player to think about how they fight again interesting, so 4/5 - hnsolo77

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Unknown date

I love this so much there's nothing better than running around yelling "JUSTICE WHIP!!!" as I smite enemies.

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Unknown date

This was is really interesting and has a good gameplay...and i liked the secret Serious Bomb...nice work...5/5 - Morpheus

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Unknown date

Here Phobus is experimenting with weapons again, letting you use only a rocket launcher and a rather strange sword. This forces you to think and be careful where you fight. Difficulty seems fine; I died once or twice. The use of the zombie scientists is a little odd considering this is mostly a brick affair. The vent section with the "munchies" stands out as both fun and a little scary, expecially with 12 health. The two bosses are a little easy. Overall a very solid release. 4/5 - Wills

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Unknown date

Ha! Awesome fun. The spider things scared the hell out a me. The end boss only hit me once, but he was definitely a good one. The combination of weapons was clever and fun. For me it was a bit on the easy side, but I agree with the above reviewer that the difficulty was about right. I always like maps like this. Level design was a bit iffy though as the themes varied a bit and the areas were generally small.

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Unknown date

This is a very good wad, though let down by having no difficulty levels and some questionable design in places. It proves to be very fun though, and quite clever every now and then. A good 8 minutes or so. 4*

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Unknown date

Why do you guys find this interesting? It's just boring and dull. 0.5/5

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Unknown date

Loved the new monsters included, especially those mechanical spiders. The whole claustrophobic spider area was my favorite. very well put together. Nice action from start to finish. Nice use of colored sectors. 5/5 -r_rr

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Unknown date

It looked okay...the sword weapon was a bit useless IMO. Just didn't really cared for this. 2/5.-Candle M

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Unknown date

Horrible 1/5

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Unknown date

Another brilliant release. I was going to give 4 stars but then I read that Wills likes this so 5/5.

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Unknown date

A nice semi-jokewad, whatever i'll give to this 3 stars and is enough!

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Unknown date

Neat. This wad makes you think twice before you go "RIP AND TEAR!", Although it has some simple flaws, it's a really nice wad. 4/5 ~Dark_Zero

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Unknown date

Not a jokewad, not a serious map, not a worth download. Avoid this.

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  • File Reviews

    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      TOO MANY LOST SOULS   Other than that the map is fine, I liked all the mapping and the secrets I was able to find.
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      An interesting map I tried while I was bored and it surprised me   I LOVE the weapon textures and sounds they have, they are so... WESTERN PIUM PIUM COW BOY   I loved it despite being so short
    • By ChrisOzzie · Posted
      Extremely impressive, big, detailed levels.  Gave me some slaughter map impressions with fun non-linear designs.  Had a frustrating arch-vile room early in the first level.  Felt impossible unless i found the bfg in a secret.  Otherwise great!
    • By CalavErik · Posted
      Absolutely love this megawad in its entirety, I'm playing it once a year since 2020 basically. The encounters all make me say "this bastard" in that sweet, loving way, chuckling through every trap and setpiece. I cant get the music out of my head, and me and my boyfriend now rithmically meow to the tunes(he likes them a lot too and told me to write this!). 