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This is reminicent of a castle with moat and all. There still a few problems. Some of the walls are paper thin, which should NOT be done (I wish I'd known that earlier). Bitmaps don't all line up either.

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Surprising even, one of the newest community maps out there, 1994, wow, but it's still a bad map, the encounters are interesting, the layout is the most superior aspect here, but it still doesn't support the technical errors that even for 1994 were already guaranteed by the original DOOM maps.

Weird textures, lack of variety, lack of a more interesting design than platforms going down or going up in the dark, some moments were really fun like the dark cave itself, but the fun lasts very little, with spaces that are too tight, and a shallow exploration.

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Walter confetti


One of the earliest Doom user maps and It shows. Despite the raw and empty design, the author take a good use of 3D space creating a small fortress surrounded by mountains, the level Is fun to play and not hard. A fancy escapade and a piece of modding history.

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Unknown date

A very early level indeed; it's a big but most empty castle with some 'battlements', a dungeon and a fireplace. There's a rocket launcher and a plasma rifle, but only a dozen or so monsters, which are shotgun chaps and the pink piggies. Possibly not bad in deathmatch. Still, it's interesting to see what the world was like back in in 1994; I wonder where Aaron Auseth is now? He must be all grown up.

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Unknown date

This is one of the earliest levels. No need to be so harsh with the review. This is one of those levels that got me interested in what the Doom engine can do. Thanks for all your hard work!

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Unknown date

Although this is a really old wad, it could've been done better. Anyway, gets 3 stars for the high nostalgia factor. -- 3/5

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Unknown date

E2M3 replacement from the early days of doom wad editing, this is very basic for singleplayer and would have probably been ok for deathmatch but when I looked in doombuilder there are only 4 player starts and each of these are huddled close together. I suppose this is not too bad there are far worse from 94 and although easy and basic this is still worth a play for old-skool doomers. But I will rate this based on how it looks and plays now and I can only give this 2/5 but still a piece of history

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Unknown date

A product of the "Guys, I made this can you believe it?!" era of mapping. Sure, half of it is HOM, but c'mon, it's what? The 3rd or 4th level ever made? I'll cut it some slack.

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Unknown date

It's a very early map, and it's not a good one. Not the worst though.

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  • File Reviews

    • By The Flipsider · Posted
      After a somewhat rough start on Map 01 (which is I belive is a bit too much in terms of enemy choice and placement for an introduction map), this campaign has a deliciously well-crafted beginning from maps 02 - 04, with the absolute peak being Map 04 in my opinion, featuring a fun, short and excileratingly gimmicky level.

      After that point, I believe the quality takes a sharp dive on Map 05, which by the end hurls heaps of barely thought out enemies in hopes of overwhelming the player. Map 06 has a great start and theme, but has a particularly frustrating close quarters section near the end which leaves me with a bitter taste.

      Map 07 is a mixed bag for me. In one hand, it has fun beginning and an AMAZING ending, but an incredibly frustrating gimmick which could be a lot of fun, but falls short in my opinion.

      In conclusion, while this campaign has a brilliant start and feel, it quickly loses its luster when it gets too happy with monster and trap placement (I'm looking at you, Arch-vile spam!!!), which ends up souring the experience. Regardless, it still looks, feels and plays like a lost DooM expansion pack, and a very good one at that. 

      FINAL RATING: 7.1/10
      (This rating is the average of all maps scores!)

      Favorite Map: MAP04 - Drill Station (MAP02 - Mt. Orion is a really close second!)
      Least Favorite Map: MAP05 - Mortar for Martyrs
      Most Visually Appealing: MAP02 - Mt. Orion
    • By marv11 · Posted
      i love this, this is peak 10/10
    • By AutumnCyberStarlight · Posted
      It's not terrible, but it is very bland and there's too many tight spaces. It is a 1994 wad so I will judge it by those standards, but there are good '94 wads. Repetitive texture usage makes it hard to navigate and know where to go, gameplay is rather bland as you mostly just use a shotgun for the majority of the map, and occasionally a rocket launcher, however rocket usage is limited due to how small and tight most spaces on the map are, so it's hard to use them without damaging yourself. The soulsphere trap was pretty neat and I liked the secret area with the lowering platforms of enemies, however alot more could have been done to make the map more interesting and varied.
    • By Napeyear · Posted
      Awesome Eternal Doom influenced mapset that does a great job of combining the creative map design and exploration focused elements of Eternal Doom with modern game play. This WAD is a great alternative/spinoff to Eternal Doom III, lacking the huge levels with archaic progression and confusing level design that some people are put off by in the original. Some levels near the end are pretty big, but aren't super cryptic (save for one map) and feature some cool fights and always manages to stay engaging. Although there are only 11 levels, each one is chock full of fun game play and some really nice looking medieval areas as well, ending with a cool custom boss-fight at the very end. Highly recommended!
    • By Logamuffin · Posted
      I disagree, I think it's very funny. Anyways, here's my review of it from my Dean of Doom thread a while ago:   Oh boy, Combat Shock 2... Considering how unfun the first one was, I was really not expecting much. But wow, this blew me away! This wad steps on the gas and does not let up. The first map reminds me of the first map from Scythe 2's 5th episode both in visuals and vibe. And then the 2nd map. Wow, just wow. I feel like that map made me start loving slaughter maps, everything about it is just perfect. Then of course there was the 5th map: Boiling Point. This one was even more of a wow moment for me, at that point I knew I was playing something really special. The visual aesthetic of this wad is gorgeous, the combat design is totally bonkers and the fights rarely feel tedious like in the original. Everything just clicks. I wasn't excited before, but this kind of action makes me excited for Sunlust.    Grade: A-    