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What types of enemies do u like killing most in games??

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geo said:

Wait wait.... can I change my answer to "hipsters?" Where is the hipster murdering simulator? I have a feeling that suddenly the travesty that is "Hatred" would be praised for being "Hatred: Hipster Edition." Well that's a little hateful of me to say. I'm not even sure I know what the concrete definition of hipster is.

LOL looking up the Urban Dictionary definition its a pair of text walls: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hipster

Remember how I said "killing humans" was my first? Well it really depends on the game honestly. When I think of Hatred's humans, I don't think wow this is fun. There has to be some sort of a challenge.

There's a mini-mission in GTA V, where Trevor kills hipsters.

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I don't really have a preference, but enemies that give out a ton of experience points (e.g. Metal Slimes/Liquid Metal Slimes from the Dragon Quest series) would be an obvious choice heh.

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petePESTILENCE said:

I Find it fun/funny when a game allows it considering it is such a taboo ;)

That's not cool, man.

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characters and opponents made in japan, and imitations of the human appearance in general... i absolutely HATE zombies in video games and reject or ignore most games containing them.

In the end i actually never feel as if i am killing anything, its a game.

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