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Hell Revealed demos [-complevel 2]

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What are the rules regarding maxing MAP32?


Do you need to kill the map's original inhabitants, despite the influx of new ones from the spawner or do you just need 100% kills?


I want to do an Episode 2 UV-Max :)

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31 minutes ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

What are the rules regarding maxing MAP32?


Do you need to kill the map's original inhabitants, despite the influx of new ones from the spawner or do you just need 100% kills?


I want to do an Episode 2 UV-Max :)

Please note Grazza's reply below where he disagrees, but I see no reason why the rules for an episode run should be more strict than for existing maxes.

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An amazing run, Ancalagon...!  Beating a TAS, albeit old, is stunning.   And yes: Ancalagon demo = instant download ;)

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I posted an HP08-027 (MAP08 pacifist) in compet-n thread -

might try some of the runs from this thread under compet-n rules, I guess...

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D2ALL Skill 2 Max in 1:59:54, PRBoom v2.5.1.5cl2

No stream because my internet is busy with other stuff, but I've got a recording of the session I could upload somewhere in the future in case people claim it's cheated.


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It's wonderful to see these maxes brought up to modern standards. I really hope someone will challenge Belial in Map24 too.

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Welcome to the forums, nice demo for a start. Somewhat slow, but surviving through that is far from trivial, so nice accomplishment.

Edited by tchkb

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Thanks.  I'm sure soon enough one of you proper doomers will come along and blow this away, I just wanted to see if I could do something nobody else has done in over 20 years ;-)

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1 hour ago, Andromeda said:

MAP29 UV Max in 10:32

The time I played this map, I felt this map is super unfun, and after watching the run, I feel this map is even worse... I like how you didn't even look at you hugged a wall around 6:20, and realized that later. If the AV didn't resurrect that friggin Baron and eliminate some other mistakes, definitely sub-10 is very possible. I guess the way to save cells for the last fight is to circle slower.

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11 hours ago, GarrettChan said:

The time I played this map, I felt this map is super unfun, and after watching the run, I feel this map is even worse...

Yeah, you're not given enough "power ammo" (what I call cells + rockets) to dispose of the large amounts of meat quickly, so you have to either resort to infighting or spam the SSG which isn't very fun.


11 hours ago, GarrettChan said:

I like how you didn't even look at you hugged a wall around 6:20, and realized that later.

Actually I thought I'd spotted an enemy through the corner of my eye, that's why I stopped to look around a bit.


11 hours ago, GarrettChan said:

If the AV didn't resurrect that friggin Baron and eliminate some other mistakes, definitely sub-10 is very possible. I guess the way to save cells for the last fight is to circle slower.

Stupid arch-vile :( Yup, I was shaking in the final fight as it was the first time I reached that far and didn't want to choke, so I opted to be excessively careful to guarantee I survived.


Anyway, here's a better one:


MAP29 UV Max in 10:13



Edited by Andromeda : added bonus demo

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7 hours ago, Andromeda said:

Yeah, you're not given enough "power ammo" (what I call cells + rockets) to dispose of the large amounts of meat quickly, so you have to either resort to infighting or spam the SSG which isn't very fun.

Heh, I usually call it "heavy weapon ammo", but it seems generally we will have these at 0 at the end of the run unless the map has stupid amount of these. I didn't actually think it through, but is it possible to ignore things at the first room and deal with them later with heavy weaponry? Picking off AVs with SSG inside a group of meat is very unreliable and time consuming.

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13 hours ago, GarrettChan said:

Heh, I usually call it "heavy weapon ammo", but it seems generally we will have these at 0 at the end of the run unless the map has stupid amount of these. I didn't actually think it through, but is it possible to ignore things at the first room and deal with them later with heavy weaponry? Picking off AVs with SSG inside a group of meat is very unreliable and time consuming.

Interesting idea, I gave it a couple of goes and it seems the monsters will congregate right behind the first blue key door if ignored. Unfortunately this strategy does more harm than good I think, for a couple of reasons:


  1. The arch-viles tend to stay in the back of the wall of meat, thus rendering using the RL to clear a path pointless as they can resurrect faster than you can kill.
  2. Since the monsters are stuck on the doorway, there's a high chance you'll get some ghosts which is a no-no.
  3. Even if all goes well, there's a 50/50 chance a monster wandered into the pitch black secret maze, which requires a reset - the earliest time you can confirm you killed everything by checking the remaining monster count with your suggestion is ~5 minutes into the run, compared to ~2 minutes with the strategy I used.


I suppose if somehow the arch-viles are in front of the meat wall then a decent amount of time can be saved, but that's far beyond my patience levels :P

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