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What's the worst game of this decade in your opinion?

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DNF and A:CM are easily two of the worst games to come out this decade.

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Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock Infinite. 



Bioshock Infinite.    

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12 minutes ago, hybridial said:

Bioshock Infinite.    


I played that for 13 hours and never want to play it again. I think it's more of a boring game than worst.

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1 minute ago, Doom_Dude said:


I played that for 13 hours and never want to play it again. I think it's more of a boring game than worst.


It is an extremely boring game, but thats considering only the gameplay. If you actually consider the story, its reprehensible, its just most people probably do the sane thing and not think about it.


I unfortunately want to be a writer more than anything, its my calling and that means I have certain sensibilities and I think about things and that game was so botched that I just have such sheer disdain for it.


Alien Isolation might be a runner up because when a AAA horror game is such a complete joke that's objectively worse in every way than a SNES horror game (Clock Tower) then that's pretty bad. And it was intended to be that way, at least Colonial Marines only failed due to the poor execution, and to me thats worrying because it seems most people struggled to see through how shallow and broken it was. 

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Probably some unfinished and barely playable early access garbageware on Steam. Citing games like Bioshock Infinite and Alien Isolation just looks silly to me. 

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26 minutes ago, Ajora said:

Probably some unfinished and barely playable early access garbageware on Steam. Citing games like Bioshock Infinite and Alien Isolation just looks silly to me. 


Because anyone can fart out a half finished piece of rubbish on Steam these days. Those games to me fail fundamentally at everything even though they had budgets, competent people working on them and actual aspirations, but fail spectacularly through genuinely inept decisions, although in Infinite's case the original concept might have had merit, Alien Isolation seems to be what the developers mostly intended. 


I accept Fallout 76 is a fairer choice, but A. I didn't play that, and B. I said already, I will never hate any game more than Bioshock Infinite,. and on Alien isolation, Jack Packard and Rich Evans in discussing it called the game the Death of the Art form, and they weren't really joking or being hyperbolic and I think they had a point. 



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I know it's not that bad of a game and some people even consider it ok/good, but for the amount of disappointment and anger it caused after such insane hype I wanna say Mighty No. 9. Not to mention how they screwed the kickstarter rewards. Never seen such a fall from grace in gaming, not even DNF.

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Bioshock Infinite was such a disappointment. I really love Bioshock 1 + 2 but the third one shouldn't have been developed. I don't know what they smoked during development, it definitely backfired. But it wasn't the worst....Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City= what the hell ?!  I wish I could order the defendant to pay damages for pain and suffering and compensation. Same counts for the Outbrake series, but these are even older.

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52 minutes ago, hybridial said:

I accept Fallout 76 is a fairer choice, but A. I didn't play that, and B. I said already, I will never hate any game more than Bioshock Infinite,. and on Alien isolation, Jack Packard and Rich Evans in discussing it called the game the Death of the Art form, and they weren't really joking or being hyperbolic and I think they had a point. 


Gives me an awkward feeling of deja vu.


I'm saying this because the Bioshock Infinite story and me is repeating. I'm almost genuinely shocked to see Alien Isolation being called one of the worst games to come out this decade when it was so well received at the time after the pathetic garbage that A:CM was and the shit taste and the immense feeling of disappointment it left many fans with after the promising E3 demo footage, including yours truly.


How does this work?

Edited by seed

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This is probably gonna be the most unpopular opinion but I will have to say skyrim, I never got over my disappointment with the game and the addition of creation club really brings it down further for me, but I would also say FO4 and F76.

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1 minute ago, Avoozl said:

This is probably gonna be the most unpopular opinion but I will have to say skyrim, I never got over my disappointment with the game and the addition of creation club really brings it down further for me, but I would also say FO4 and F76.


Not really, not even I missed the increasingly more apparent dislike or outright hatred for the game in the recent years.

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1 minute ago, seed said:

I'm almost genuinely shocked to see Alien Isolation being called one of the worst games to come out this decade when the praise it received at the time after the pathetic A:CM and the shit taste and feeling of disappointment it left many fans with, including yours truly.


How does this work?


The thing with Alien Isolation is what it does is very, very hollow, and it doesn't actually work well. 


The AI for the Alien is just bad, I have played probably most of the stalker type horror games ever made because I am a big fan of that, and there hasn't been many, and Alien Isolation might really be the worst because the scripting feels half finished. As well as that the stealth element of it is also very poor, its difficult to tell when you're actually successfully hiding or not. 


Then there's how drawn out the game is, I quit after 4 hours when I felt it wasn't going to get better but apparently its a 15 hour long game, and most of that is filler wandering with QTEs pretending to be but that don't qualify as puzzles, and I'm flabbergasted at that. They really only have material for like a 2 hour game and they stretched it out that much. The only reason it seemed to impress anyone is in the cinematic elements and because surface level the game had a lot of work put into its environmental design, but that's not a game, that is a glorified haunted house ride at a theme park. 


It is genuinely a badly made product, and the fact more people haven't picked up on it to me demonstrates a real problem with how people judge games. 

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Postal 3 was an absolute travesty, and I was really looking forward to it. Never bought it, but not too long ago somebody on Postal 4 Steam board gifted me a copy so I finally got to try it out. God that thing was a turd; I suppose that's what happens when you subcontract almost all the work to some Russian dev, and they can't finish it, so they subcontract it to an even lesser known and shadier dev. At least Postal 4 looks like it's shaping up decently.


Then there's obviously DNF, however I wasn't really looking forward to it, so I was able to get a modicum of enjoyment out of it. And the Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC was actually pretty enjoyable. But really Duke is such low hanging fruit at this point, I don't know if we should really be bringing it up. It was just a twelve year miscarriage.


The biggest disappointment though for me was probably the New Colossus. I know there was a bunch of bitching and moaning about politics when it came out (and looking at the Steam board, there still is), but I pretty much ignored all that. The game was just so cookie cutter boring; especially after TNO and TOB. The missions were unmemorable for the most part, the combat didn't feel anywhere near as satisfying (which is odd, since it's pretty much the same), and the levels were way too short. And then you get to go back to the ship and wander around listening to terrible dialogue for half an hour before you get another 20 minutes of game time.


Maybe I missed something, maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it, but I never even bothered finishing it. I needed that 60+ gigs back, and I've never felt like taking the time to go back and download it again.

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After playing and beating Command & Conquer 4 and seeing that last cutscene spit on 15 years or so of story I broke the disc, stabbed the box and went to bed depressed.

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9 minutes ago, Jello said:

Postal 3 was an absolute travesty, and I was really looking forward to it. Never bought it, but not too long ago somebody on Postal 4 Steam board gifted me a copy so I finally got to try it out. God that thing was a turd; I suppose that's what happens when you subcontract almost all the work to some Russian dev, and they can't finish it, so they subcontract it to an even lesser known and shadier dev. At least Postal 4 looks like it's shaping up decently.

The biggest disappointment though for me was probably the New Colossus. I know there was a bunch of bitching and moaning about politics when it came out (and looking at the Steam board, there still is), but I pretty much ignored all that. The game was just so cookie cutter boring; especially after TNO and TOB. The missions were unmemorable for the most part, the combat didn't feel anywhere near as satisfying (which is odd, since it's pretty much the same), and the levels were way too short. And then you get to go back to the ship and wander around listening to terrible dialogue for half an hour before you get another 20 minutes of game time.


Maybe I missed something, maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it, but I never even bothered finishing it. I needed that 60+ gigs back, and I've never felt like taking the time to go back and download it again.

Russia has a huge Postal fan community and at the time the Akella-backed Trashmasters (lovely name) was more on-par with what should've been an AAA (?) production. 90% of the game is RWS's in terms of assets, setting and voice acting. But the Russian economy crashed during development and resulted in a super rushed and horribly buggy game, with cut content / no open world. Akella were dicks and didn't provide the SDK so the game can barely be modded despite running on Source.

MachineGames' take on the Wolfenstein franchise has been iffy for me, TNO had moments of greatness but I didn't much care for the characters and writing. It seems TNC isn't much better, I hear it's like 4 hours of actual gameplay and 2-3 hours of cutscenes. Youngblood looks dreadful and they ruined the gunplay further by introducing unnecessary RPG mechanics (and forced cooperative with a braindead teammate in single player), but it has retrowave so I guess that gets a pass. Hope id passes the IP to someone more capable next time, because the series really jumped the shark by TNC. 


BJ getting decapitated and having his head put on another body WTF?


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11 minutes ago, hybridial said:

It is genuinely a badly made product, and the fact more people haven't picked up on it to me demonstrates a real problem with how people judge games. 


I dunno, maybe people just genuinely liked it.


After all I, too, watched a let's play and quite appreciated the effort that was put into the game, although the promise of what A:CM could've been (and likely was, before GB stepped in and likely ruined it) and how awful it simply was might also cloud my judgement, making me see more in Isolation than there really is.


I do agree that the stealth mechanic wasn't well implemented though, even just from videos and not actually playing the game it was very apparent that there was no real way to tell when the player was hiding successfully or when they were about to get a surprise execution from the Xenomorph. I suppose that was meant to make things feel more unpredictable and inspire a sense of impeding doom into the player, but the execution wasn't very good.

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5 minutes ago, seed said:

quite appreciated the effort that was put into the game,


"What Effort" is kind of my view on that, although its more of a case of a lot of effort went into the fluff of the game and nowhere near enough into the nuts and bolts.


As I said, I really enjoy horror games based more on evading enemies, from Siren to Clock Tower to the recent Remothered, an Alien game like that should have been a slam dunk, and I came away from it wondering how they managed to screw it up so bad, honestly as bad in many ways as Colonial Marines. From a fundamental gameplay perspective I don't think its any better. 

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There were a lot of trash games like Fallout 76 and No Man's Sky....


But then there's this abomination: WWE 2k20.

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1 minute ago, Octillion said:

But then there's this abomination: WWE 2k20.


You don't know how happy Fire Pro World existing makes me. 

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12 minutes ago, hybridial said:

"What Effort" is kind of my view on that, although its more of a case of a lot of effort went into the fluff of the game and nowhere near enough into the nuts and bolts.


Maybe so, to be frank.


I remember how everyone was orgasming at the environment, sound design, atmosphere, and especially at the attention to detail at the time (I'm guilty of that too). But in retrospect, if the game was more in line with A:CM visually, more people would've probably noticed the actual flaws of the game, but they got lost in the glossy looking picture and kind of just forgot about the actual game part.

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1 hour ago, Lila Feuer said:

Russia has a huge Postal fan community and at the time the Akella-backed Trashmasters (lovely name) was more on-par with what should've been an AAA (?) production. 90% of the game is RWS's in terms of assets, setting and voice acting. But the Russian economy crashed during development and resulted in a super rushed and horribly buggy game, with cut content / no open world. Akella were dicks and didn't provide the SDK so the game can barely be modded despite running on Source.

MachineGames' take on the Wolfenstein franchise has been iffy for me, TNO had moments of greatness but I didn't much care for the characters and writing. It seems TNC isn't much better, I hear it's like 4 hours of actual gameplay and 2-3 hours of cutscenes. Youngblood looks dreadful and they ruined the gunplay further by introducing unnecessary RPG mechanics (and forced cooperative with a braindead teammate in single player), but it has retrowave so I guess that gets a pass. Hope id passes the IP to someone more capable next time, because the series really jumped the shark by TNC.

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Yeah, I was aware that Russia has a huge Postal fan base, and that's probably why RWS looked there for getting the game made; and I do recall hearing that Akella was a pretty respected company. But I haven't really heard anything good about Trashmasters, I guess I'd have to delve into it a bit farther. And yes, there were probably reasons corners were cut due to the recession at that time; but at the very least they could've returned the SDK. I'm wondering if they just sold the computer that it was stored on during the recession; but I'm sure it would've shown up by now if that was the case. Either way, it is such a piss-poor excuse for a game that really could have been fun. In fact, I have had some fun playing it in certain parts, and Cory Cruise did some pretty good voice acting. It's just a shame that it didn't pan out.


On to Wolfenstein. I enjoyed TNO. I had some issues with it, specifically the focus on the story. I watch movies or read books for story, or I play RPG's. I play Wolfenstein to kill occult nazi's. So, the pacing was off. But it was new, it looked gorgeous at the time, and the levels for the most part were at least enjoyable. And maybe that's because they lasted more than 20 irritating minutes, and weren't always followed by half an hour of dialogue like in TNC. But the guns were fun to use, the combat and levels felt dynamic as opposed to the confusing clusterfuck that TNC usually ended up with. So I enjoyed it, with some reservations.


The Old Blood was fan-fucking-tastic, and I was hoping to see more of it. It's BJ balls-to-the-wall fighting evil occult Nazis and zombies with ridiculously overpowered weapons, and that's it. 


TNC, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. It felt more like 2 hours of gameplay and six hours of cutscenes and wandering around the ship. Oh, and when you disguise yourself as a firefighter to sneak a nuke in? Well, that's not a cutscene, that's gameplay! Yes... walking very slowly through a town and watching Nazis be Nazis is real gameplay. For like half a fucking hour. Yeah, I regret buying it.

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9 hours ago, Nevander said:


>"reads custom title"

Well he's surely not just riding the hate bandwagon.

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49 minutes ago, Jello said:

Cory Cruise did some pretty good voice acting. It's just a shame that it didn't pan out.


On to Wolfenstein. I enjoyed TNO. I had some issues with it, specifically the focus on the story. I watch movies or read books for story, or I play RPG's. I play Wolfenstein to kill occult nazi's. So, the pacing was off. But it was new, it looked gorgeous at the time, and the levels for the most part were at least enjoyable. And maybe that's because they lasted more than 20 irritating minutes, and weren't always followed by half an hour of dialogue like in TNC. But the guns were fun to use, the combat and levels felt dynamic as opposed to the confusing clusterfuck that TNC usually ended up with. So I enjoyed it, with some reservations.


The Old Blood was fan-fucking-tastic, and I was hoping to see more of it. It's BJ balls-to-the-wall fighting evil occult Nazis and zombies with ridiculously overpowered weapons, and that's it. 


TNC, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. It felt more like 2 hours of gameplay and six hours of cutscenes and wandering around the ship. Oh, and when you disguise yourself as a firefighter to sneak a nuke in? Well, that's not a cutscene, that's gameplay! Yes... walking very slowly through a town and watching Nazis be Nazis is real gameplay. For like half a fucking hour. Yeah, I regret buying it.

I agree he was a good Postal Dude, if there's anything about Postal 4 I don't like so far is that Jon St. John sounds like he's really phoning it in. Very strange casting for minimal effort, sounding like a younger, nerdy version of Rick Hunter's Dude.

TNO's gunplay is visceral and gory AF, I enjoyed the shooting a lot. Visually however the overall scene composition looks great, almost photo-realistic, and the characters look amazing in cutscenes (those eyes). But the engine, id Tech 5? At least for me was plagued with micro stutter, that shit never ran at full speed at any time, and I've heard complaints regarding any game using this iteration of Id Tech as being un-optimized and ugly, due to the texture pop-in and occasionally really gaudy textures in general, looking unforgivably bad for modern games. Some people don't seem to have a problem with performance, but a bunch do and it ultimately completely depends on your rig setup.

Didn't get to play TOB but it looked pretty cool, and traditional Wolfenstein, acting as a sort of reboot of RTCW's early section. But yeah, figures TNC looks and runs the best since id Tech 6 yet it somehow has the worst gameplay, or lack thereof, on top of already being a much shorter game. Wth happened? And don't get me started with the DLC...

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18 minutes ago, sluggard said:

>"reads custom title"

Well he's surely not just riding the hate bandwagon.

maybe he actually thinks that that game is shit?

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It's Halo4 for me. That was my most disappointing game experience of all time. I was excited and succumbed to the hype and pre-ordered and spent over $100. I hated it and think that it's complete crap on many levels. 

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