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About the people who aren't here anymore

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Danarchy is alive and well, he's a friend on Facebook. Darknation checked into a private forum I host back in 2016 but not seen him since then. Gooberman is another old school Doomer who I know is alive and well. Good to see Use and Hellbent saying hi. I miss seeing Rellik around, he's a friend on FB but I have not seen him online in a while. A cousin posted a happy birthday on his Facebook back in December which suggests he is at least still among the living. Rez and Len Pitre were friends years ago, they were more on the Usenet side of things. Superb beta testers. I came across something suggesting Len may have died but it may have been a case of the same name, different guy. Lut is still around I believe, he posted on Facebook a few months ago.

Edited by Murdoch

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1 hour ago, ETTiNGRiNDER said:

Still pretty active on the ZDoom side of things.

Is he still involved in modding or is he doing more forum moderating? I still remember hearing about that really massive project of his many years ago that was like part Red Dwarf, part Star Wars and part Blake Stone that stalled indefinitely or something.

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DoomBoy is someone I used to talk to on AIM and/or IRC. He hasn’t been back since his hard drive replacement lol. Sometimes I worry about that tbh. Has anyone talked to him? I guess Ralphis is still present somewhere? I think we’re friends on Facebook. There were a lot of other people I talked to on IRC in the early-mid 2000s as a high schooler and it’s weird, I never knew what they looked like but I guess we were all pretty tight, even though over time it’s hard to really remember things when the “cueing” is all IRC walls of text.


Also I always thought Julian outranked Ling but now I guess he’s gone? I’m friends with him also on Facebook but I stopped using Facebook a few years ago (without deactivating it, just stopped checking except on occasion).

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Oh yes, Julian is fine at least as at December 28th, he posted on FB then.

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On 1/15/2020 at 2:12 PM, Doom_Dude said:

Well the Doom Wiki has a memorial page for the ones who have passed away.


I had no idea the Wiki had a memorial page. It's nice that this community gave them the recognition they deserved, but it's also depressing because more people in this community passed away than I realized.

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26 minutes ago, Linguica said:


Everyone in this thread will be gone eventually. That's the inevitable conclusion of a long lived community - it outlives the individual people in it.


Indeed, and the true number of those who have died is going to be considerably higher.

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5 hours ago, obake said:

In the case of GreyGhost and Fodders, it's likely one or both of them have passed on

After seeing Fodders on the multiplayer side for so long, I found it strange that he just vanished one day and never came back. I never knew him well, but he was a staple of MP in the early 00’s.


I still hold out some hope that GreyGhost will come back one day.. He was just awesome. Such a great presence on the forums. I so hope he hasn’t jumped off the mortal coil. If I ever find out for certain that he’s passed on, I won’t be able to hold back the waterworks..

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8 minutes ago, Murdoch said:

Indeed, and the true number of those who have died is going to be considerably higher.



I will find a way to save them. I WILL BE THE MOST POWERFUL DOOMWORLD POSTER EVER *angry cries*


In all seriousness, those who are gone are sorely missed, I also miss those members who are still active but don't post much... I understand life gets in the way, people move on etc. There's so many talented people around here. At the end of the day this site has been a part of my life for 20 years and it's been an honor to get to know the people that I have. 

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2 hours ago, Murdoch said:

I miss seeing Rellik around, he's a friend on FB but I have not seen him online in a while.


Rellik had a cool story about going to id Software and having a tour back in the early 00's. It had it's own page up on Newdoom but of course that's all gone now...

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2 minutes ago, Doom_Dude said:


Rellik had a cool story about going to id Software and having a tour back in the early 00's. It had it's own page up on Newdoom but of course that's all gone now...


Yes I vaguely remember that. I hosted his DM map reviews site for a while on my old site. Pretended to be the ultimate pessimist in some ways but in reality was really cool.

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Gonna sound like a broken record but I still hold out hope in getting closure on Greyghost's absence.

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Tritnew?  Had a Pink Floyd Screaming Face avatar, posted a lot during my lurking days.  I always liked his avatar and posting habits.  Never see him anymore.

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Does anyone remember PlanetDoom (I think it was called) and olddoom. com?  I found a lot of wads from those sites.

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1 hour ago, STILES said:

Does anyone remember PlanetDoom (I think it was called) and olddoom. com?  I found a lot of wads from those sites.


Yes there was a bunch of planet game sites. They changed hands a time or two before eventually being pulled down. I seem to recall planetdoom being more doom 3 focused, at least at first. I don't recall olddoom.

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Scifista42 mainly. He was like Gez, you could see his responses everywhere and most of the time they were informative/factual and helpful. He also took upon himself to organize my personal favorite Doomworld Mega Project year. I hope he’s okay and doing well and hopefully he’ll be back posting here.

Edited by Uni

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13 hours ago, Steve D said:

And then there are those who've been around forever, seldom posted in the past, but suddenly become highly active now.


I can *sort of* relate to this. I ghosted this forum for maybe a year or two before joining. I registered in May 2010 (the same time I joined the Doom 3: Phobos team), but until late 2012, I only posted in the Phobos subforum, which isn't visible to most members. 


Today, I'm not 100% sure why I was so hesitant to post openly where everyone could see. I guess... shyness maybe? That doesn't really make sense to me though, as I haven't really been shy since I was a kid, and am actually very upfront and forward with my opinions in person. Most probably it was just a case of me being so hyperfocused on the project itself that any communication outside of it seemed unimportant. And then one day I decided 'hey, it's okay and worthwhile to interact with other people outside of this project I'm working on. Actually, that's a good idea.'


My best guess for why certain people suddenly become more active on this forum has a lot to do with (again) people entering different phases in their lives. People may be timid and/or not sociable at some point, and then enter a new phase of growth and maturation in life and suddenly decide 'hey, I feel like posting more here and interacting with people', whereas previously they may have simply deemed it too troublesome or not worth their time.


Human patterns are complex and interesting.

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13 hours ago, magicsofa said:

So many sexy -00 registration dates.

99 though? Very classy.


99 is waaaaaayyy more fucking badass than 00. In any context.

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11 hours ago, Doomkid said:

After seeing Fodders on the multiplayer side for so long, I found it strange that he just vanished one day and never came back. I never knew him well, but he was a staple of MP in the early 00’s.


Some trivia, maybe useful for any Facebook Detectives in here:Fodders nick before that was Fod. Which stood for "Father of Dominator" (Dominator ofc being his son's interwebs nick). He was British, and I'm guessing Dominator is a Dr. Who reference. I'd peg him at ~65-70 by today which is a perfectly healthy age for many, so I wouldn't assume he went tits up quite yet. Britain's landmass is like 85% golf course, so he's probably swinging away rather than typing away

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On 1/15/2020 at 11:57 PM, Tango said:


@ReX is still around :D

Guilty, as charged.


Because of job and personal life demands I have been operating mostly under the radar. Still, I'm managing to juggle several DooM projects, each of which seems to feel like it would qualify for a Mordeth Award.


@Doom dude: Greetings, and well met (again).

@Lizardcommando: As @ETTiNGRiNDER pointed  out, @Enjay is more active on the ZDooM forums, and has been learning himself some GZDB and releasing concept maps. Probably building up to one of his mega projects.

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Greetings indeed @ReX! Good to see you're still around. Gonna play that Deimos Seven here in a few. Screens sure look snazzy.


Ok so now that I think of all this (again), where did that wooden fellow Planky get to?


Man, keeping track of Doomers, is worse than herding cats. ;)

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JohnnyTheWolf is alive and well in the comments of other people's youtube videos of my stuff, where he continues to harass and libel me by proxy.


I see Enjay on zdoom forums pretty regularly.

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On 1/17/2020 at 12:08 AM, STILES said:

Does anyone remember PlanetDoom (I think it was called) and olddoom. com?  I found a lot of wads from those sites.


On 1/17/2020 at 1:29 AM, Murdoch said:


Yes there was a bunch of planet game sites. They changed hands a time or two before eventually being pulled down. I seem to recall planetdoom being more doom 3 focused, at least at first. I don't recall olddoom.


On 1/17/2020 at 1:33 AM, reflex17 said:

yeah there was Planet______ whatever for all sorts of games, eventually it was all grouped together by the gamespy network. At least I think this is the one.



I remember Planet Doom. Was just thinking about it the other day and was wondering if it was still around (thanks for providing the link @reflex17). I loved reading the "Doom Toons" comic strips that were on there back in the day. IIRC the guy that drew them said he was stopping because people kept giving him shit about how much they sucked, which is pretty sad. They weren't the greatest things ever, but I enjoyed them for what they were; people didn't need to go that far.

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2 minutes ago, Knee Deep In The Fan said:

I remember Planet Doom. Was just thinking about it the other day and was wondering if it was still around (thanks for providing the link @reflex17). I loved reading the "Doom Toons" comic strips that were on there back in the day. IIRC the guy that drew them said he was stopping because people kept giving him shit about how much they sucked, which is pretty sad. They weren't the greatest things ever, but I enjoyed them for what they were; people didn't need to go that far.



Yeah sure, no problem. I don't recall the comics specifically but yeah there were tons of sites like that which would link to one another etc. Another favorite of mine was Age of Kings Heaven community pages. I guess these sites were a logical, organizational extension of BBS directories, webrings and other sites like geocities at the time.

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