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I'm a Cop, You Idiot

What do you play Doom mobile on?

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I play Doom64 on Switch in handheld mode. Doom1/2 is on the PC. I got Doom64 on switch for the most authentic ports, given that it's a Doom game designed for gamepad rather than M+KB.

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I went through a week-long power outage a couple years ago, during that time I was very thankful to still have my GBA and copies of Doom and Doom 2. I suck balls at playing on a touch screen though.

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5 hours ago, I'm a Cop, You Idiot said:

We all know Doom can run on anything. I was just wondering what you go to device is for on the go Doom. What do you play on for mobile demon slaying, if anything?


At home with the Switch, sometimes on my Laptop (it is not stationary :P) and i bought Doom on the GBA early this year, it is pretty good and since it has other Level Layouts it still gives a replayability.


2 hours ago, Doomkid said:

 I suck balls at playing on a touch screen though.


Yeah thats awful, but Freedom gladly offers Controller Support.

So at Work i have a "Super Nintendo" Controller from 8Bitdo and i rarely play some rounds with that (actually i copied more or less the layout from the snes Version :P)


But honestly, the Switch Version would be the best Way to play mobile, or another dedicated Device to play Games (i do not count Smartphones as they interupt you if a call etc comes).

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I suppose this thread would be a good place to ask...

What kind of features should I be looking for in a phone if I want to play Doom on Android? My current Huawei Kestrel is rather old and I've been thinking of getting a replacement. The thought occurs that being able to play Doom on the go would be a nice feature, especially since my workplace plans to have us coming back into the office on at least a part-time basis. So far I've been tempted by ASUS ROG phones, but unlike PCs I have no previous experience in this market.

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I've got the Unity ports of Doom and Doom 2 on my smartphone. I play em with a PS4 controller though, never could manage a touch screen for twitchy stuff. 

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4 hours ago, Azuris said:

(i do not count Smartphones as they interupt you if a call etc comes).

Airplane Mode is a pro-gamer strat.

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I like to use my hacked 3DS using PrBoom3DS. It runs very good and the touchscreen can be used for aiming. But I also play the official ports (including Doom 3/2016) and Doom 64 on the Switch.


Although, none of those stand up to the Tapwave Zodiac.

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I don't really play anything on my phone. If i have time to kill on the go i usually just listen to some music. I've tried the official ports for Doom 1 and 2 on mobile but just didn't like playing on touchscreen.

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I bought ultimate doom and doom 2 on my smartphone about a year ago and I've barely played them because the controls were so bad. And once I was getting good at the controls there was a new update that completely changed the function of the buttons and I couldn't change it. Screw Bethesda

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12 hours ago, Mayomancer said:

I don't really play anything on my phone. If i have time to kill on the go i usually just listen to some music. I've tried the official ports for Doom 1 and 2 on mobile but just didn't like playing on touchscreen.


Pretty much this. Some game genres just don't work well without a physical controller, and FPS (free-moving ones, not rail shooters) is one of them, if not the quintessential example. Pretty much none of the games I'd care to play on the go would work well without at least a wireless PSX-like controller.

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27 minutes ago, Maes said:


Pretty much this. Some game genres just don't work well without a physical controller, and FPS (free-moving ones, not rail shooters) is one of them, if not the quintessential example. Pretty much none of the games I'd care to play on the go would work well without at least a wireless PSX-like controller.



Yeah, most games are a big no-no on mobile. However, it's easy enough to use a controller for the phone nowadays. I regurlarly play SOTN on iPhone with a dualschock 4. Playing it with touch is utterly horrendous. I'm sure Doom would be even worse with touch.

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I do not. I don’t see the point of playing doom with anything other than a mouse and keyboard however, if I did I would connect a controller as suggested above. I play doom on my laptop though so this situation would not occur.

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Started out again with PSP Legacy for the reason people pick Switch. Except i have no switch, and touch controls are a little too inaccurate.


PSP Legacy is also inaccurate in its rendering, but its a unusual port, being one of few homebrew to support hardware accelerated rendering through LibGU. It looks and feels like GLDoom (The first GL port) and it just looks rather unique as a result.


Also performs admirably well. Akeldama (2020) runs great.

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