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(Map30 Extravaganza special tomorrow the 31st!) Francis' playtest stream thread/guidelines

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I stream on Twitch most days and frequently, I am playtesting DooM maps. This thread is mainly to try and have things be a but more accessible/organized. Here are the guidelines:


1. If you are interested in having your DooM map tested in one of my streams, you can post a request here in this thread and/or post it in my Discord and/or by sending me a DM on Doomworld or Discord (my Discord handle is FrancisT218#9293). Please link to the map(s) you'd like me to test and indicate what days and times you are most likely to be available to join a stream.


2. My **most common** times to start a stream are either around 20:30 UTC or around 00 UTC, +/- 1 hour. (These correspond to 4:30PM and 8PM in Eastern USA Daylight time; 9:30PM and 1AM in the UK.)


3. When I start a stream, I announce on my Discord and on the Doom Streams thread here. Sometimes I might also announce on this thread. I will try to notify the mapper(s) I expect to be testing for once I am reasonably confident as to when I will be able to stream the relevant map(s).


4. While I will try my best, I cannot promise I will be able to test every map requested to me.


5. If the map is for a community project, I will need to be sure I have permission from the project leader(s).


6. My Twitch channel can be found at:




Edited by FrancisT218 : Added Discord link. Edited title for upcoming Map30 Extravaganza stream

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As an addendum, I am also open to consider any other requests for streaming, either your released map(s) or even any other wad or map you'd like to see. However, if I have playtesting requests, they will tend to get first priority. Non testing requests can be submitted to me in the same ways as testing ones, and I will inform in the same ways if I do get time to stream them.

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Could you please do a playthrough of maps 6-10? The setting is a red gothic themed with some unique fights and encounters. If you have any extra time you can also try out maps 1-5 and or map 21.





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The maps I want you to test can be found here.


Newest iteration of [Combat Puzzle] Posted on april 30th

[A Beginner's Nightmare]

[Incidental Combat Test 1]

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A special announcement (also posted on my Discord):


This Saturday, July 31, 2021, is two and a half years, or 30 months, since my mother passed away in 2019. I have been doing a special to remember her at every half year but previously they have been on YouTube. Since 30 is also an important number in the context of DooM II, I will be streaming exclusively Map30's of DooM II pwads on that day, and trying for at least 3-4 hours of total streaming time (it may be split into both an afternoon and evening stream, Eastern USA time....have not decided on that yet). 


In the summer of 2005 and 2006, she played most of three megawads: Scythe 2, Kama Sutra, and NewDoom Community project. So I will be streaming the Map30's of those wads for sure. I have also been requested by a friend to stream Map30 of TNT: Revilution, so will be looking to hit that one with priority too. Beyond that, it is TBD, but if there is any additional time, I will likely be aiming mostly for ones that aren't too big but also more interesting than the standard IoS.


It's a Map30 Extravaganza, for 30 months of commemoration!

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Check out this thread I posted, I will be adding new maps every other day! I can join just about any day



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A (slightly under) 24 hour reminder that Map30 Extravaganza is planned to start tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, with possibly another round in the evening! See post above for other info. Starting with Scythe 2, NewDoom Community Project, and also planning on TNT: Revilution with rest TBD. I expect afternoon stream will start sometime between 18-20 UTC (adjusting for Daylight Saving/Summer Time: 2-4PM Eastern USA, 7-9PM in UK), but will be trying to target earlier end of that range if possible! Note, I will consider Map30's requested by stream viewers, but also only have a limited number of longer ones I may have time to do.

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