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Minor Doomworld suggestions (splitting up "Wads & Mods")

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Zandronum forums had tags indicating wether something was WIP, RC, Alpha, etc etc.. That same thing but for indicating wad compat would be really nice.


This is getting into “too demanding” territory but it would be cool if the tags were colour coded according to map format and/or target port, but when/if actual wad releases get their own subsection, it will still generally make finding the type of content you seek easier, since wad release threads to somewhat often have the compat right there in the thread title.

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I agree with all of your post, Xaser! In fact, as long as posts continued to be sorted by time of posting rather than getting shuffled, I'd prefer to keep the "helpfulness upvoting" for questions. In other words, the exact same but preserving post order. I also agree than any extra subforums beyond a new one for "WAD releases" would be too much clutter, and make worse the issue I'm hoping to resolve.

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

I agree with all of your post, Xaser! In fact, as long as posts continued to be sorted by time of posting rather than getting shuffled, I'd prefer to keep the "helpfulness upvoting" for questions. In other words, the exact same but preserving post order.

You can already re-sort these threads by post order, it's just that by default they're sorted by votes.

1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

I also agree than any extra subforums beyond a new one for "WAD releases" would be too much clutter, and make worse the issue I'm hoping to resolve.

Not another for playthroughs so that all the DWMWC and DWIMC threads can go there?

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Re point 1, woah, that is extremely helpful. Would be nice if it was by default, but how the heck did I miss that... (d'oh)


Re point 2, I would be content either way. I think splitting it up into two would suffice, but a 3rd section that's just for playthroughs and general wad chat as opposed to actual wad development could end up playing out nicely as well

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Raven games need their own wad sub-forum. It is nearly impossible to find new ones unless you watch the wad subforum like a hawk or know every single released wad on the archive already.

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Yep, breaking up Wads in development, Wads released and discussing anything else about wads in separate subforums is a great idea, IMO.

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What about adding an "archived" forum? When the post gets 5 or 10+ years, it will moved into the said forum. Just telling....

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On 6/25/2021 at 11:43 PM, Doomkid said:

3) In the same way that Doom Editing has two “sub forums”, WADs & Mods should have one subforum for wad releases. Between a hundred wad development threads, general wad discussion threads, things like the DWMC etc, if newcomers who post a wad don’t get a reply within 5 hours - the amount of time a thread spends on page 1 before getting pushed back to page 2, which no one reads - their work is Doomed to obscurity.


Absolutely yes. I agree with this 100%.


Admittedly, I don't know how much work is involved in adding a sub forum, or how many would be the right amount. But, at the very least, a "WAD releases" sub forum would help minimize the issue of a release (whether a beta, RC1, or whatever) getting swamped out by other posts and falling to another page before people have a chance to see it.

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While we are at the topic of creating more subforums (which everybody here including me totally agrees with), I want to say that some existing subforums really need better descriptions.

For instance, this one:



I think the description doesn't do the port itself justice, considering how quality it is and the fact that it has its very dedicated subforum.

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3 minutes ago, Lüt said:

It's possible, but IIRC Ling disabled those, so he'd have to be the one to re-enable them.

If Linguica prefers them off then that's fine by me. They can get messy if someone shoves a million PNGs on them =P

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2 minutes ago, Lüt said:

That's up to the EE developers to decide. If they want a new description, I can change it for them.


We might be making some updates to that forum, so we'll see what happens with that.

I see. Appreciate your response regarding the subforum, I have always felt it's a bit of wasted opportunity to see such a subforum in relative inactivity.



WADs and Mods forum split

Since this is a central topic in this thread, can the original poster ( @Doomkid - sorry if pinging you is illegal lol) update the OP with a poll?

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Option 2 is to make "Discussion" the primary forum, with "Releases" and "Development" being the 2 subforums. This is consistent with the Doom Editing setup in that the main forum is the general forum, while the subforums are the specialized forums. It's also the closest to the current WADs & Mods setup, requiring minimal readjustment from users who've grown used to this configuration over so many years.

Just for the record, after turning it over in my head and hearing all the valuable suggestions and input from various people, this is what I think will end up being the best way to go about things.


Here's a picture of what it would look like, just for clarity. I figure a picture will give people a good idea and whether or not it looks appealing, or crowded/shitty in some other way I don't immediately see:






8 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Since this is a central topic in this thread, can the original poster ( @Doomkid - sorry if pinging you is illegal lol) update the OP with a poll?

I think this is a good idea, though I'm not sure exactly how to word the poll, and I'm worried it will be a bit of a mess considering the size of the thread already. I'll leave that in Lüt's court for the moment, if he wants to add a poll I welcome it.

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Thanks Lüt for the very extensive reply, much appreciated!


One thing I'm wondering is, what would the 'Discussion' subforum contain exactly? Presumably DW Megawad Club, Endless' Random Adventures & other review threads, but what else? I presume individual WAD/mod discussions would take place in their respective development/release threads. Would it include WAD-based competitions like Ironman/Ironeagle?

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Just now, Horus said:

what would the 'Discussion' subforum contain exactly?

I suppose general WAD discussion/tips/tricks could go there as well. 

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Three way split on the Wads and Mods seems like a good idea. Exact order does not bother me personally.


Oh and congrats on your new status @Doomkid. Don't go mad with power now.

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9 minutes ago, Horus said:

Thanks Lüt for the very extensive reply, much appreciated!


One thing I'm wondering is, what would the 'Discussion' subforum contain exactly? Presumably DW Megawad Club, Endless' Random Adventures & other review threads, but what else? I presume individual WAD/mod discussions would take place in their respective development/release threads. Would it include WAD-based competitions like Ironman/Ironeagle?

I did wonder if it would be worth it, but there are quite a few recent/relevant threads that I think would fall under this category as examples:

























At first I didn't think it would be necessary, but threads like this that are neither development nor releases do show up pretty often, so I think it would be worth it after reconsidering.

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1 hour ago, Lüt said:

Option 2 is to make "Discussion" the primary forum, with "Releases" and "Development" being the 2 subforums.

That seems the best option to me.

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45 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

I think this is a good idea, though I'm not sure exactly how to word the poll, and I'm worried it will be a bit of a mess considering the size of the thread already. I'll leave that in Lüt's court for the moment, if he wants to add a poll I welcome it.

After thinking for a bit, at the very least, you can update the thread title to something like "WAD and Mods Subforum Split Discussions". I think it's a good option if a new thread isn't being started.

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3 hours ago, Horus said:

Thanks Lüt for the very extensive reply, much appreciated!


One thing I'm wondering is, what would the 'Discussion' subforum contain exactly? Presumably DW Megawad Club, Endless' Random Adventures & other review threads, but what else? I presume individual WAD/mod discussions would take place in their respective development/release threads. Would it include WAD-based competitions like Ironman/Ironeagle?


Yeah those too. 


Personally I'm one of the people in favor of a two-forum split (Wads and Mods: Releases, Wads and Mods: Development and Discussion), sort of like this, the main reasons being...


- Two parent subforums that take up a lot of listing space won't be excessive, since both subforums will remain the two most important subforums on all of Doomworld. (Split them in half and they don't have as much content as Doom General and Everything Else, but they are still in the ballpark -- and also it's more important content too.) 


- Nested forums are likely to see at least a slight drop-off in visitation rate, or a drop-off of people just stumbling in there. I can imagine community projects getting fewer signups because of that, or the DWMC getting fewer 'new' participants.


I think regular forum-users might not notice that effect, at which point the "elegance" of a three-split seems more appealing, but it's likely to be very relevant to lurkers or less regular users. That is also why I would be wary of the intuition of a poll (overrepresents people who are on Doomworld more often). 


Vote two-forum split!

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Was a 3-way split without nesting anything discussed? Because I do see rd's point about nested forums

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I would like the user status updates to be shown on the forum front page again. They were visible initially, above the wad reviews, but the administration removed them. They were nice because they added a social aspect to this forum, knowing what each one was up to and wanted to share. It also worked nicely as a shout-box, for public messages not warranting entire threads. Its drawback was the limited number of visible statuses at a time (with no "next" button), which reduced the guarantee that your status will be seen by enough people (because it would be pushed away). Right now, you can only notice the status updates of your followed members, which limits you to your bubble.

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@Lüt i didnt mean to use shadow banning as the common meaning of the word i saw a lot of people refearing to non public bans as it here so i though that was just some community jargon and it was bad on my part i should have used another word to describe it but now i can see why some menbers are flagged as banned and some arent


i guess to do it automatically would require some kind of redesign on the back end of the site right? if thats the case then i can say it would be too much work for something that in the end is just a minor annoyance 

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5 hours ago, Lüt said:

I mean, if I were forced to make a decision right now, I'd probably choose 3-way Option 2 for its consistency and familiarity.

The 3-way options sounds good. You got my vote!


5 hours ago, Lüt said:

So I'm already set to add tags to the "Releases" and "Development" forums. It'll likely be a closed tagging system, meaning we provide tags for categories like game ("Ultimate Doom" "Heretic"), release type ("beta" "final"), scope of project ("single level" "megawad"), manner of gameplay ("single player" "deathmatch"), intended source port ("limit removing" "GZDoom"), and so on, then people select the appropriate tags from the list when posting their topics.

Thank you! Tags will be a nice feature to have.


Also, signatures does nothing for me personally. I like the clean look of DW and they'd just add too much noise with almost no benefit.

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6 hours ago, Lüt said:

if I were forced to make a decision right now, I'd probably choose 3-way Option 2 for its consistency and familiarity.


As someone who haunts the WADs & Mods subforum everyday, I also think the 3-way split with Option 2 would be a good idea. One of the most common frustrations I've seen among mappers regarding that subforum is how often a new map release gets buried in the back pages after only a few days, if not hours even because of the buzzing activity of the subforum in general. Giving new releases their own designated space to flourish would do wonders for folks looking for eyeballs to gawk at their new projects. It's the right kind of organisation the subforum needs, I reckon.

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