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Bobby :D

Speed Map Every (other) Day! (The Comeback)

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Hey fellow lit D00m Squad!


I have been wanting to break my crappy habit of never releasing doom maps, so for the next month or so (this aged poorly) I will be making a speedmap every (other) day! All of these maps are vanilla compatible and potentially part of another project I'm working on with fellow members from the community. Each map has a 4 hour time limit except where specified, and are tested to be beatable before release. These maps require the utilization of this custom resource (Alm_res.zip, Version 7, sources: 32in24-15_tex_v2, Eggboy's bellybutton), the reason that they are not compiled is that I'm too tired to compile them and I don't want to bloat your pc with 100 copies of the wad. *

*Note: I will soon recompile any old maps, so ignore this statement and wait for that to happen, a new zip will be linked with the original wad and the compiled version

All maps are tested on DSDA-Doom with the -complevel 2 parameter, if there is an issue on older source ports, let me know!

Extra note, sometimes I will be hosting my speedmapping sessions in Entryway, feel free to join in, chat, and even work on your own speedmap!

Day 1:


Map 01: speedmapday1.zip *

Difficulty: 3/5* (amended after feedback), no difficulty settings yet.

MIDI: Smells Like Burning Corpse by L.A. Sieben

Issues: For some reason it doesn't load in Choco? If anyone has an idea for why it's jank please respond (unless it's the resource then allow me to yell at Eggboy)



speedmapday1.wad (MAP01) - Ultimate Doom Builder R3789 (64-bit) 7_27_2021 3_26_04 AM.png

*Note: Original Version of Vigor Map01, way harder and jankier.


Edited by Bobby :D : Revised OP with notes

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This is harder than 2/5, especially if you don't know what is going on and release the archvile behind the red key door with the revenants. Early Sunlust (map04-map06) is a bit easier. 


Fun punching map.



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had fun monster placing during the first 30 minutes of this session and fucking around for the rest.

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Made a speedmap. It's completely scuffed, but hopefully fun.


Doom 2 Vanilla
Map 1

No difficulties, Single Player

Uses Alm_res.zip resources










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And just like that I failed on day 2 lmao. Oh well, a delayed map is better than a rushed map!

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Map 02: WATERWURLD.zip

Difficulty: 2/5 (hopefully), no difficulty settings

Build Time: 8-9 hours!!!!

MIDI: Some shitty Milestones MIDI I found on google

Issues: I'm 100% certain the MIDI isn't true vanilla compatible but it's funny as shit so I don't care


Description: A map where I threw any sensibility of quality and texture choice out of the window and created something so cursed it changes people



Edited by Bobby “lolmcswagger” : New wad version

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Map 03: Scytheequse.zip (uses gothictx compiled by Anthony Czerwonka, and Scythe 2 E1 sky, no need for Alm_res!)

Difficulty: 1-2/5 (emulating the gothic episode's composition)

Build Time: ~6-7 hours, with most of that time being devoted to redundant texture selection and researching Scythe's aesthetic and flow.

MIDI: Lucretia My Reflection originally by Sisters of Mercy, sequenced by Jun Buenaflor of MIDI Mania.

Issues: In pure vanilla, you will be greeted by the sight of tutti frutti that will take forever to fix.


Description: My first attempt at a Scythe 2 recreation. I think I got pretty close without too many clear homages (except for the lava pit area). Experimenting with more old school mapping techniques was fun, as was learning to use the curve tool since I never touch that thing. From what I've heard from my buddy @DCG Retrowave, I got it pretty close!



Edited by Bobby “lolmcswagger”

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Fuck it, I'm bringin this back. Check later today for Day, 4, I guess.

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59 minutes ago, Bobby :D said:

Fuck it, I'm bringin this back. Check later today for Day, 4, I guess.

I've been waiting for this...

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6 hours ago, Bobby :D said:

Oh fuck I forgot


And I forgot your username used to be "lolmcswagger". How time flies.

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9 hours ago, Bobby :D said:

Oh fuck I forgot

Iconic thread 

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