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Elysium's Curse Episode 1 (MBF21 wad)

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I still haven't played all the way through even the first map just yet, but so far the visuals are gorgeous and it has a lovely flow to both combat and the way the levels open up. Really looking forward to putting in more time with this one!

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Welp, UV sufficiently humbled me on MAP01 lmfao. I look forward to playing it on HMP in full over the weekend. Congratulations on the release, Bri!

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Amazing looking mapset and solidly designed.  Good stuff, thank you for making it and I'm looking forward to more! :)



I did manage to break the end of map03 when I was messing around and accidentally got vaulted out of the area by the archvile over the small bars that lock you in.  It happens at around 43:20 in the VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1261669147



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1 hour ago, Vile said:


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I did manage to break the end of map03 when I was messing around and accidentally got vaulted out of the area by the archvile over the small bars that lock you in.  It happens at around 43:20 in the VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1261669147




Ah yes! I meant to sort that out before I released it, but I forgot. Cheers for the reminder!

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Curious question about the secret backpack at map 2: Am I supposed to get there via Arch-Vile jump? Because I didn't find any other method.

(Also: Are the impaled corpses supposed to be shootable like in some other MBF21 wads? Just want to be sure)

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6 hours ago, unraveler said:

Curious question about the secret backpack at map 2: Am I supposed to get there via Arch-Vile jump? Because I didn't find any other method.

(Also: Are the impaled corpses supposed to be shootable like in some other MBF21 wads? Just want to be sure)

There's a shootable switch just before the backpack. Facing the backpack, look right off the ledge and you'll see a small red light.


Corpses aren't shootable.

Edited by Bri : Added a response

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Here's my vid of map 1 in Walpurgis:

I enjoyed Vow of Vengeance that you did before, so this one was a quick pickup, especially since its using the OTEX heaven tileset that I never got to see in Evilternity as that got too hard for me by those levels (lol). As usual for your work, it flows nicely, and looks marvellous. I look forwards to checking out the rest of the wad later!

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I've updated the wad to fix certain issues. Details can be found in the changelog in the original post. The download is also updated.


I really appreciate the feedback from everyone; it's easy to sometimes miss certain things or overlook others, so hearing back from people helps me out a lot. Cheers!

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More levels from you is always welcome. I honestly have no idea how you keep up this level of quality so regularly, but these levels look gorgeous and are the kind of fast and frantic I've come to love from your work.

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Thanks a lot, buddy! Glad you liked it.

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The maps are beauuutiful and I really like the concept that you connect all maps altogether like re-route to the garden from the other entrance/way and unlock the gate to the battle arena.  It makes me feel like that the maps are detailed and well designed with your soul and effort in it.

I just finished this wad and now I can’t wait for the 2nd episode’s coming.  It’s atmospherically astonishing with fights getting more intense progressively.  

If you don’t mind modding and editing, here’s my gameplay.  Wish all the things going well at your side and peace.☺️




Edited by K_krimson painkekk : Trying to embed the video into my post

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Thankyou so much, @K_krimson painkekk! Really glad you enjoyed it.


And no, I'm not opposed to modding at all, even though I usually only play vanilla myself. Your video was really fun to watch.

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Argh, more Bri, how did I miss this? Definitely be checking this out over the weekend.

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Given my experience with your past maps, I played on Hurt Me Plenty and a bit more conservatively at the beginning than I normally might - using pistol and fists where practical to preserve resources, and using infighting.


Overall Summary

- Love the general theme of the episode and the texture work and choices support it marvelously.

- Gameplay was very fun. A few nasty traps but nothing I would class as excessively dickish which is great.

- Layouts were generally very good with progression being clear with one minor note (see below).

- I spotted no obvious technical flaws.

- While challenging, it was probably less so than your last episode, and I slightly regret not trying it on Ultra Violence. Then again, I probably would have had my ass handed to me so...

- While I enjoyed the music tracks on the whole, I found the MAP06 one a bit repetitive.

- Be mindful of putting monsters on tall columns. It can mess with the movement code and make them look a bit goofy.


Now some map specific observations...



A suitably epic introduction. Design and texturing first rate as usual. It felt nice and open, but left no sense of ambiguity as far as where to go next. Gameplay was your usual brutal but fair, with the final battle taking me a few attempts. Maybe a shade more ammo before and during this final fight perhaps, but that's a very minor nitpick.



Nice sinister introduction. The active Revenants and my low resources caused great concern and tension. Then I saw the switch and then... the plasma gun! Ah, glorious. Very good gameplay design and reminds the player you are not quite that sadistic. Again engaging layout with solid gameplay and plenty of variety. Bit light on the shell ammo though it seems. Final red key switch is possibly easily missed - I figured it was close because I had yet to see the door so checked the map. A less attentive player might miss it but not sure it could be changed without wrecking the design of the final fight. Speaking of which, a bit too easy on the whole probably. The final fight on the first map was much tougher. Maybe an Archvile to ratchet up the tension?



Yay SSG. Really good. Nice balance once again of layout, resources, but still challenging combat.



Another great one, the only point I would make is the yellow key bars at idmypos co-ordinates 3433, 6052, -43 look a bit too high tech for the general theme of the episode. Loved how the buildings looked.



I like the way the map opens up in sections and feels different to the rest of the levels but still feels like it fits the overarching visual story you are telling.



A solid finale with lots of nasty cross fire surprises.

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Appreciate the feedback. Thanks a lot, @Murdoch!


I was initially afraid of going too hard with HMP, so I was trying to restrain myself a lot, but it may have come out too easy. Although, in some other areas (like MAP01's final fight) it's probably a bit too much too soon. But I can definitely tinker and readjust these things.


MAP02: I think I can make the red key switch have clearer markings, or even its own podium so it stands out more. And I can definitely rework the final fight a bit to put more pressure on (again, I was initially afraid of going too hard with this).


MAP04: I can definitely change those key bars. I thought it didn't suit the theme as well, but I guess I wanted it to stand out for the player. But I can sort something out for that.

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Finished the episode, and I have to say, I feel you pulled some punches towards the end there. Maybe this is because this is the first episode of your wad, but even though the finale for this episode was striking, I felt it was much easier than some of the maps which proceeded it. 

Hoping you have a coop mode for this wad ready :p

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Probably my own fault, but with GZDoom 4.7.0 on linux, I see this when loading the WAD:


MAP01 - Fallen

Unknown middle texture 'BRICXTAN' on first side of linedef 2853
Unknown middle texture 'BRICXTAN' on first side of linedef 2896
Unknown middle texture 'BRICXTAN' on first side of linedef 2901
Unknown middle texture 'BRICXTAN' on first side of linedef 3467


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21 hours ago, Bri said:

I was initially afraid of going too hard with HMP, so I was trying to restrain myself a lot, but it may have come out too easy. Although, in some other areas (like MAP01's final fight) it's probably a bit too much too soon. But I can definitely tinker and readjust these things.


It can be a difficult balancing act. Attack on Io was definitely more on the brutal side even on HMP but you struck a good balance with the resources to hand based on feedback. And that in turn may have coloured my perceptions for this episode.


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16 hours ago, i suck at nicknames said:

Finished the episode, and I have to say, I feel you pulled some punches towards the end there. Maybe this is because this is the first episode of your wad, but even though the finale for this episode was striking, I felt it was much easier than some of the maps which proceeded it. 

Hoping you have a coop mode for this wad ready :p


True, I was holding back a bit. I thought MAP06 would give people a bit more trouble though. But I'm glad you liked it!

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Just finished this on HMP, which turned out to be the right difficulty setting for me.  These maps were a whole lot of fun, especially the last one (map 6).  Fair traps, good monster use, and I personally appreciated the (relatively) plentiful ammo supply on the later maps.  Thanks for making this.  Look forward to ep2.


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That was awesome


You bastard


Now my life will be ruined by constantly waiting for the next episode(s?). I personnaly like wads to be on the gentler side, as I found it on HMP, I'd rather you didn't change your direction in difficulty. I absolutely loved the "intro" part of the Lost Village", I found the mood rather unique, which is perhaps my most sought for quality in a wad. Found no bugs or softlocks, nothing bad to say that I noticed. I kinda got OTEX fatigue but liked the way it was used here.


Thanks a million.



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Thanks a lot, @Snark!


Yeah, Otex is a bit ubiquitous these days. But it's such a great texture pack; it's hard to pass it up.

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Hate to say it again, but lack of co-op really hurts the wad. Like Attack on IO they're beautiful maps, but almost impossible to play with friends. All you would really need to do to fix co-op is make gates and doors that close behind the player openable from the other side. That, and add additional co-op start spawns.

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Pretty nice WAD! I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. Setting is pretty nice with beautiful greenery and celestial monastery/cathedral structure above and dark dungeons, torture rooms, quarries with rivers of blood bellow. Enemy placement and level progression is right on the spot. It starts slowly and fairly easily and later it picks its pace until the very end, with some surprises here and there. Secrets are not insanely hard to find. Overall pretty good singleplayer wad for newcomers and veterans. I highly recommend playing it! 


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