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First Half of New WAD

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Hey lads,

First half of my wad is in a place that I'm relatively happy with. Now, I'm no artist but I am rather proud of the gameplay that I created, The idea was to create linear and fast paced maps that are conservative with ammo and health. Not the most difficult set of maps you'll ever play, I'd say, a step up from the original Doom 2 UV. As these were made over a 6 month period, you'll probably (hopefully) notice an improvement in the maps, MAP01 I have plans to remake entirely, but MAP02 - MAP08 is a better reflection of my current skill level. I don't want to let slip anymore than that, except, put your hard hats on and zip up your high vis because there's a lot of hazard textures in this.

No jumping/crouching, these are disabled via SLADE, play it through GZDOOM as it's UDMF. As for difficulty adjustment, HMP and below have reduced monsters and more health.
Have fun and thanks in advance :}


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I've had a quick look at a couple of levels, honestly not bad stuff! Has a good "old school" feel with more casual incidental combat than we often see these days. I think some custom MIDIs instead of the IWAD tunes would go a long way into helping the maps have a more unique feel.


As this seems to be the first time you've posted some of your levels, I will point you here: 


Providing screenshots etc give the audience soooo much more incentive to download and actually try the WAD out for themselves.

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Edit: I played a couple of levels and quite frankly, recording the levels is going to be a fun endevour. Maps are quite well designed, my only gripe being ammo on HMP difficulties. But it is only a problem if you pistol start every map. Continuos gameplay seems to fix it. Please not that berserk punch does not carry over to other levels.

This is definetly a good wad pack for first published wads. 


Map 01: Actually keep it. it is unique and gimmicky, good introduction to this was.

Map 02: The blue key door that opens when you walk over the door can lead to some annoying "YOU NEED BLUE KEY" text  blocking the visual of incoming fireballs. 

Map 03-05 are very good quality. I did not get any further for now. 


I will rerecord everything once I start it up again. 


Good maps, great quality.

Edited by IcarusOfDaggers

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4 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

Providing screenshots etc give the audience soooo much more incentive to download and actually try the WAD out for themselves.

Haha, sorry about that, got way ahead of myself there. As for custom midis, it's certainly on the to do list. I've worked out how to all that magic through SLADE and even have a few song picked out that I think will suit quite nicely. For now, I've just decided to throw in my favourites for the existing line-up of tracks.

Sorry about the screenshots, I quickly scrambled them together :)






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4 hours ago, IcarusOfDaggers said:

Edit: I played a couple of levels and quite frankly, recording the levels is going to be a fun endevour. Maps are quite well designed, my only gripe being ammo on HMP difficulties. But it is only a problem if you pistol start every map. Continuos gameplay seems to fix it. Please not that berserk punch does not carry over to other levels.

This is definetly a good wad pack for first published wads. 

Cheers man, It's been a long time coming. I've messed around with the editor for years now but only recently decided to try have some cohesion between my maps. Been a lot of fun, I'll be honest, and it has kept me busy during my time off work. 


I will rerecord everything once I start it up again. 

Can't wait to watch it, one of my favourite parts of making maps so far has been watching peoples demos and videos of their initial playthroughs. There's a great deal of entertainment to be had there.
Keep me posted :D

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Just got done finishing your map set and it's quite good. I recorded my first play through for each map in the spoilers. I deleted the mapinfo because my mod already has its own. Sorry for jumping at certain parts.


















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On 6/22/2022 at 1:32 AM, IcarusOfDaggers said:

You legend, love this. 
First, I'm really surprised in the length of the wad so far, never expected it to surpass 30 minuets in playtime. 
I really appreciate the commentary. it gives a good insight into the thoughts of someone playing it for the first time. That'll defiantly help with future levels as a resource to come back to. 
I like these starting levels, but like I said in the OP, they're not my best work. Can't wait to watch you play through the later levels, what I'm most proud of. 
Let me know when you upload part 2. 


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Just as an aside, It's good to see someone record video with a level of quality that surpasses hand held cameras from the mid 90's

A breath of fresh air

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9 hours ago, watto3699 said:

Just as an aside, It's good to see someone record video with a level of quality that surpasses hand held cameras from the mid 90's

A breath of fresh air


Hey I won't be sending the third part. It's a bit too hard for me, so there is no way for me to continue to play the wad. Not enough health being my main gripe on HMP difficulties. Still, great work so far.

However I did like your earlier levels more. They are more thought out. 

I must admit I had to resort to cheating on one level and quit on the final one I played pretty fast.
Video later in the day in the PM's, once it's finished uploading


Edited by IcarusOfDaggers

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