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"The Box of a Thousand Demons" - 32 Boom maps by Thelokk - on /idgames

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I thought this wasn't gonna drop til October?!


Although I didn't post in the release thread, I had a very visceral reaction to La Biblioteca when it first arrived: I straight up did not enjoy it because it didn't tick the boxes of what I personally wanted from Doom gameplay - what, at the time, I believed was necessary for a "good" Doom map. But in just a few months I feel like my tastes have both broadened and deepened, and while the library is still not my favourite map, I can better appreciate what you were attempting with it.


And now you've produced an entire thirty-two maps based explicitly on transgressing conventions? You better believe I'm gonna hate some of 'em! I might not even find my favourite map of all time amongst them! But I'm genuinely excited to find the time to sit down and explore it properly.


And it kind of goes without saying, but if working on this, releasing it, and simply being here with us all at this time has helped you in any way to get through whatever you're going through, it's already a good megawad.

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57 minutes ago, Daytime Waitress said:

I thought this wasn't gonna drop til October?!


... wait, it's not October yet? So that's why all those missing paychecks.


You know, sometimes you sit on stuff just to sit on stuff. Cause it's comfy to delay judgment, to daydream of perfection and such. Sometimes you just need to take those scissors and make a nice, clean cut. Decide that it's good enough, because you're good enough.


I'm perfectly fine with my maps being hated: my goal was to make something difficult to ignore, for better or worse. 

Edited by Thelokk

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52 minutes ago, Nefelibeta said:

How the hell did you manage to finish 2 secrets maps in such a short time lol



A broken psyche, mostly.


They're weird ones anyway, but they're me.

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I thought this was already your second megawad project after you (last week?) announced your first, lol.


I like your texture usage and find the term Vanilla OTEX decisvely well, to the point where i want to suggest you should create an OTEX-esque kind of pack that compliments Vanilla. Because the screenshots give off a classic feel, yet different (thanks to OTEX), though a little stark by comparison. Its a compliment to the quality of OTEX that it really makes a qualitative difference, but here, i feel it hurts the stock textures a tad too much, hence the suggestion.


Overall seems like a good megawad in the works!

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2 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Seeing as how this targets DSDA, will it work fine in GZDoom?


Yeah, tested in GZ and gave no trouble. 

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Gave it a try on HMP, reached map 4 until i got my ass handed to me by the ssg only style. Posting this to remind myself to continue it once i'm a little less tired :)

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That map 32 speaks to me on a personal level, I can't quite explain it :D Congrats on the release, it was a genuine joy to play and hosts easily one of the greatest curated soundtracks you'll find in a doom wad

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What about PrBoom+ will it work and what complevel would you recommend if so? 


Thanks for the release, definitely going to give this a go :)

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map 1: lovely bit of starting cruelty, beautiful space and use of texture. You have a HOM at 595, -70, 62 . The step up at 431, 559, -40 being climbable only from the right side corner going up leads to a lot of bouncy collision (in DSDA at least, though I doubt you can climb higher by defaultt in other ports) and doesn't necessarily complicate combat in an amazingly interesting way, personally I'd make that climb up accessible all across the ledge step, but this is a nitpick.

mood: hectic, cruel, no time to pay attention to anything just to survive. Then everything is quiet and you quickly exit. 

map 2: I love metal boxes like this, I love this texture use, you are quite inspired even when you use less. Great midi choice. Tight fights but not unfair. The pain elementals were put to good use. Had to beat one up without zerk, that doesn't happen often, generally ammo starvation isn't the most common theme but I dig it! Had to run away from the last to revs but it felt appropriate. The exit corridor could do with something else than just wall for exit, even if it means a further corridor receding into full sector light darkness.

Something weird is going on at 687, -1157, -248 on the flat on the ground. The elevator at 6, -241, -248 could do with more visual highlighting (sector light or texture ornamentation) to point the way forward easier. Minor nitpick: at 1175, -656, -120 that is a very tight squeeze, it bounces you around and diverts the intention. Keep it if you like tight squeezes but nothing would be lost of the feel there if you just nudge that a few map units.

mood: claustophobic, surreal (the texture combinations with the ungridded geometry, jagged metal walls with grates with lava behind them in violent serrated stripes of no clear function) painful, some moments of desperation. 

map 3: Oh boy, that sure is a nice place to put 100 revenants! This fight is a bit too hard for me because of uncertainties with which ledges are climbable at a very hurried-I-have-300-rev-missles-on-my-ass glance. Still had fun, but definitely this is a fight I need to do 5-6 times to really have a grasp, so this early feedback needs a grain of salt. I ended up draining them out of the vile room, then going in there and using the bottleneck to clean up, which somehow feels like I didn't engage with the layout correctly. 377, 2594, -240 a rev got stuck there on the ground. Appreciate the simple zerk secret. Ammo was tight tight tight.

mood: contrast to the first two maps with the wide open and beautifully arranged space. Troubles with ledges made my doomguy feel inadequate and bewildered. Had me fishing for viles with bloodshot eyes. 

really like your stuff so far! I'll play more.

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Congrats on this first release, was a pleasure testing these out!  I always enjoy your unique style, both in visuals and gameplay, and it's always a fun, spicy time! 😆

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Great stuff, I've beaten 7 maps so far and they are very cool. Map 07 visuals in particular are just holy shit.


A silly UV-Pacifist demo of Map 05 because I'm not sure this was even intended.



Spider room in Map 05 is also strange, you can just leave it, huh.


Also a silly UV-Pacifist demo of Map 07 because why not.



And a few small issues to report:


Map 01 has a missing texture near the exit:



Map 02 also has a missing texture near the exit:



Map 03 has a strange place where revenant can get stuck inside of the floor. I've checked the map in editor and there is nothing here, so maybe some nodebuilding problems? Not sure.




In Map 07 on the demo that I posted above at 0:17 you can see another texture problem that looks like nodebuilding issue as well. At least I see it with dsda-doom 0.24.3 and software rendering.




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3 hours ago, nobleflame said:

What about PrBoom+ will it work and what complevel would you recommend if so? 


Thanks for the release, definitely going to give this a go :)


Boom, so should be -complvl9 :)



15 minutes ago, Ravendesk said:

Great stuff, I've beaten 7 maps so far and they are very cool. Map 07 visuals in particular are just holy shit.


A silly UV-Pacifist demo of Map 05 because I'm not sure this was even intended.


  Reveal hidden contents

Spider room in Map 05 is also strange, you can just leave it, huh.


Also a silly UV-Pacifist demo of Map 07 because why not.



And a few small issues to report:

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Map 01 has a missing texture near the exit:



Map 02 also has a missing texture near the exit:



Map 03 has a strange place where revenant can get stuck inside of the floor. I've checked the map in editor and there is nothing here, so maybe some nodebuilding problems? Not sure.




In Map 07 on the demo that I posted above at 0:17 you can see another texture problem that looks like nodebuilding issue as well. At least I see it with dsda-doom 0.24.3 and software rendering.





Thanks for reporting,  will add to the pile for RC2.

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Without even having played a thing:

The visuals are fantastic!

And I'm intrigued by the description!

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Only 10 maps in but it looks and plays pretty great so far, really enjoying the variation in themes and styles.


Found a couple of softlocks, too:


In map 09, in the next to last room, you can get trapped if you fall between the pillars and the wall/corridor to the exit room in the southeast corner; and in map 10, the teleport leading out of the megasphere secret is a W1 linedef, but since the teleporter to get in there is built out of four separate W1s, you can trigger another of these, get to the secret room again and end up trapped.


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I really hate saying it, but I feel like this came out too early. I love everything you've done with how you theme levels, the scale is incredible in the latter half, but I haven't played one map without some kind of visual or gameplay problem. I really want this WAD to succeed, because it's clear that a lot of care has gone into the environment, but it needs one good scrub before idgames.


I'll try and help as best I can, doing my best not to repeat what everyone else has already said.


Map 06:

  • Normally I don't bug people about slimetrails because it's so innocuous, but I can see one from the very starting position of the map on the Manc platform.
  • I can hit the switch that escaped the Manc room from the ground.
  • Something broke by the floor by the Plasma Rifle which HoM'd the floor.
  • I can run quick enough after hitting the double switch and get myself sealed behind the walls that raise by the fences.
  • I can run along the East wall with the waterfall after the stairs are raised and skip that fight all together, partially softlocking myself behind the Caco wall.


Map 07:

  • I can AVJ from the Blue Skull into the scenery, which shows the map's hand pretty well (Kind of an awful Arch-Vile too, considering the zero cover). 


Map 08:

  • There's just part of a bookshelf next to the switch behind the Shotgunners, which looks a bit awkward realistically speaking, but not harmful.
  • There's a gate texture on the inside of the first step of the spiral to the exit that can be passed through.
  • I can jump from the pillars with the switches into the Revenant and Hell Knight pens, which softlocks me.


Map 10:

  • The Hell Knights can follow me through the teleport from the Blue Key and get stuck.
  • I can teleport along the raising blocks on the west side of the map.
  • Black section with the Revenant cluster blocks off some of the sequenced ceiling lights from certain angles.
  • This map is fucking awesome btw


Map 12:

  • I can ride the lift in front of the secret switch up and jump into the scenery
  • The secret switch behind the Arch-Vile punchout section seems  misaligned


Map 13:

  • I can leave the secret fight without any resistance after I've grabbed the Megasphere and whatever else.


I really like what this WAD wants to do, so many of the ideas are so fresh. I'll try and dump a handful more tomorrow. Good luck with the rest of bug fixing.

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36 minutes ago, General Roasterock said:

it needs one good scrub before idgames.


Wouldn't disagree with this, that's why it's an RC1. It all goes into the pile... the exception is the many places where fights can be left early, that's by design.

Edited by Thelokk

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5 minutes ago, Shibainumaster said:

Not a bad WAD. MAP03 sux. 


Thanks for the complex, articulated and constructive criticism you invariably provide :)

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I feel like doing a little therapeutic map exploring and the screenshots that I've seen flying by in Discord were pretty dang interesting! Let's dive into this one (and I probably *will* repeat what others have been saying later on for I haven't read or watched any of the comments to avoid spoilers).

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So glad to see you got some use out of my old work! I recognized the rooms you chose instantly, and they suit the maps really well. Will have to check out the rest of this set soon, great work!

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I remember seeing this in the playtesting part of The Hellforge, congrats on the release!

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10 hours ago, Thelokk said:

the exception is the many places where fights can be left early, that's by design.

Those are sections that I felt weren't intentional on a blind playthrough, but you can disregard it if there's purpose behind them.


Map 21:

  • I can leave the map in ten seconds with a well placed switch press on top of that metal piece next to the wall around the switch.


Map 22:

  • There's HoMs on the back of the lowering and raising red blocks where the barons are by the switch wall.
  • The back window by the exit teleporter HoMs.


Map 23:

  • The large circle liquid platforms in the final fight slimetrail aggressively


Map 25:

  • Falling into the slime behind the start softlocks you


Map 26:

  • The shootable lift was kind of confusing, considering nearly every other lift so far was a use action, but I guess it's not a bug.


Map 27:

  • Not a bug, but that platforming between the start and last fight through all those huge doorways is one of the grandest things I've seen in a Doom map this year.
  • The right teleporter on the ground in the final fight doesn't teleport you to the right side of the flesh holes. I guess it's supposed to be a one way loop, but this teleporter looks exactly the same as the one on the left.


Map 29:

  • Falling behind the secret invulnerability softlocks you.
  • The Cyberdemon fight and final fight both can be triggered by shooting above the switches.


I hope this is helpful, this whole set is very good, and being made in just six months is an achievement.

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1 hour ago, General Roasterock said:

Those are sections that I felt weren't intentional on a blind playthrough, but you can disregard it if there's purpose behind them.


Map 21:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • I can leave the map in ten seconds with a well placed switch press on top of that metal piece next to the wall around the switch.


Map 22:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • There's HoMs on the back of the lowering and raising red blocks where the barons are by the switch wall.
  • The back window by the exit teleporter HoMs.


Map 23:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • The large circle liquid platforms in the final fight slimetrail aggressively


Map 25:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Falling into the slime behind the start softlocks you


Map 26:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • The shootable lift was kind of confusing, considering nearly every other lift so far was a use action, but I guess it's not a bug.


Map 27:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Not a bug, but that platforming between the start and last fight through all those huge doorways is one of the grandest things I've seen in a Doom map this year.
  • The right teleporter on the ground in the final fight doesn't teleport you to the right side of the flesh holes. I guess it's supposed to be a one way loop, but this teleporter looks exactly the same as the one on the left.


Map 29:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Falling behind the secret invulnerability softlocks you.
  • The Cyberdemon fight and final fight both can be triggered by shooting above the switches.


I hope this is helpful, this whole set is very good, and being made in just six months is an achievement.


Thanks again for the debugging! Rc2 to follow in a few days.

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A also have a few more things to report.



In map 08 where you go through the fence to the central tower, the middle texture of where the path is is seen as a fence from the inside. While the fence should not be there I think.


In map uhhh I forgot which map, but you'll recognize it from the screenshot, there is a texture that most probably was not intended here.



Also I forgot to mention, I think it's possible to be stuck in map 04 when you get past the crushers and need to get back, because crushers may end up in such positions after crushing some monsters, that it would be impossible to get back past them.


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2 hours ago, Ravendesk said:

A also have a few more things to report.


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In map 08 where you go through the fence to the central tower, the middle texture of where the path is is seen as a fence from the inside. While the fence should not be there I think.


In map uhhh I forgot which map, but you'll recognize it from the screenshot, there is a texture that most probably was not intended here.



Also I forgot to mention, I think it's possible to be stuck in map 04 when you get past the crushers and need to get back, because crushers may end up in such positions after crushing some monsters, that it would be impossible to get back past them.



Thanks for the report! The weird texture is actually intentional, there are... reasons for it ;-)

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