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How will DOOM 6 work?

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I had an idea for an Arch-vile attack: like a mix of 2016 Cyberdemon "trapping" the player on walls and Eternal Archie summoning burning floors.

Imagine him summoning a large ring of fire around the player.

Like you can double jump to get out of it (and the Arch-vile either telegraphs it or is busy during it), but some flames are higher than others and spin around, so it can be tricky. (specially if other enemies are throwing fireballs at you but unless the Arch-vile is hiding, you have to stun/make the Arch flinch a bit to turn off the fire ring)


In general, i like how the Doom demons get new attacks/abilities in later games, so i had an idea that correlates with that and in case id wants to make buff states more interesting than higher damage/speed/etc or if they struggle with making actual new enemies.

Like an "evolution" system tied to a new version of buffed demons or even time.

Where enemies can get new attacks, abilities or even forms in some scenarios.

Could be a way to explore different iterations of a demon, even with new designs or unused ones like the D64 "HR Giger lady" Arch-vile or that D3 concept Arachnotron.

Like even attacks taken from Battlemode/2016 MP could be used.


Some enemies could end up having basic ideas for attacks and similar/shared ones, but some ideas are rather "exclusive". (and if a demon gains a certain attack or 2, it cannot get some that it could have gotten in a different scenario)(something that could be explained with a "roadmap/infographic" with paths that an enemy can take or something)


This could mean that enemies like Prowlers or Cyber-mancs wouldn't return if they end up as "phases" for Imps and Mancs.

Like an Imp turning purple and shooting 3 fireballs or teleporting (could also gain something from the Cursed Prowler, Gargoyle or Nightmare Imp) or Mancs magically getting new armor parts and shooting green pools of acid.


Pinkies getting robotic legs to charge faster, Spectres being more ghostly, Revenants turning into that Plasma Revenant skin, Arachnotrons being more spidery with webs or climbing, Cyberdemons/Tyrants picking between Harbingers of Doom or the cut D64 double cybie.

Maybe either the Spider Mastermind or Doom Hunter get to reference the Sabaoth mechanically and visually.

Maybe the Arch-vile could have a choice between being more "classic", like a Summoner/Eternal Archie or even something else like a "healer" demon.


Possessed Soldiers could turn into Hell-razers (which i think even reflects on 2016 lore) and basic Zombies can become Mecha-Zombies or D3 Sawyers.

But you could also see former humans gain new guns and expanding on that classic concept to the point one can be an "evil Doomguy" or a Marauder with that gun stealing hook idea i once wrote.


In general, a way to expand enemy attacks and movesets but not the enemy types. (even if this means actual forms or design changes would be gone, so you get a regular Imp behaving like a Prowler with no visual changes; unless we do recolored models like Doom RPG)


I can see problems like balance, how this stuff works in some difficulty settings, how they can happen in the wrong situations and so on.

And if an enemy gets X attacks, then Y attacks could be disabled.

I mostly see this working on a horde mode based spin-off or something like that.


It's one of those situations where you try to jam in as many things as possibles but with a "system" to justify it.

Like trying to add more weapons in a game but making non-essential weapons tied to a "Castlevania subweapon" system, so you have to pick between a Grenade Launcher or Lighting Gun.

Save for inventory/equip launcher items: you have to choose between a Tesla rocket or something out-of-field like a personal teleporter.

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On 4/12/2020 at 9:36 AM, The Nate said:

I say that

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It'll have Doomslayer hunting down the remaining demons in existence and The Nameless One (the current Dark Lord and the deep voice heard in 2016).


When I said this it was nowhere close to how the DLCs did it in my head

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I would also like a little Offsping that maybe plays between Doom 2016 and Eternal and plays also like that.

Something like a stand alone Addon for 30 Moneys.


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I know everyone is in love with the Doomguy but I keep thinking it would be really cool if Vallen was the main character of the next Doom game, I don't it's gonna happen tho, but still. Also, one thing I believe it pretty much a given is the shotgun's meathook being used with much more prominence in the platforming sections, and ID will probably bind a button that immediately deploys the meathook, like with what you have in Halo Infinite's campaign with the grappling hook. 

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I assume any playable character other than Doomguy would result in an expansion or something.

Not just to keep Doomguy in the main campaigns but in case they have enough ideas for new stuff but still aren't enough to warrant a whole game.

And also "what version of Doomguy" etc etc.

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On 9/7/2022 at 9:20 PM, TheRedTide said:



Maybe i forgott to much from the Campaign or the Character has different Names in different Regions, but who is Vallen?


I personally am for Crash if there is the Idea for a second Character (but not on the make her Waifu Party).



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Always thought Crash and Phobos could have been used for expansions, with their own weapons/abilities and even enemies to fight or level design related stuff to go through.

Whether they'd be UAC/ARC or Sentinel, i guess depends.


Valen is the Betrayer. that guy whose son became the Icon of Sin and gave Doomguy the hammer.

The funny thing about other playable characters is how Doomguy himself was once a blank slate and he went through different iterations, so the D3 marine or RoE engineer can still be seen as "another Doomguy" or something.

But i guess Doomslayer as a concept is big as still is today.

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On 9/17/2022 at 9:56 AM, Azuris said:


Maybe i forgott to much from the Campaign or the Character has different Names in different Regions, but who is Vallen?


I personally am for Crash if there is the Idea for a second Character (but not on the make her Waifu Party).




Valen is the Sentinel General who betrayed Argent D'Nur's forces in exchange for his son's resurrection, but the demons, in their eternal treachery revived his son as the Icon of Sin. But I gotta say that having Crash would be fucking awesome too.


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If I recall the DLCs were originally going to be different perspectives. I dont know where this is said but I know some pre release information said this.

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I think it was some old Steam post.

Some people will bring up that one 4chan leaker saying "they made Crash a Latin woman and whitewashed Phobos from Q3", unless i'm the only one that remembers that.

(same leaker said Doomguy would ride a hacked Tyrant like a bull and Samuel Hayden would have a meeting with demons wearing suits)


I was thinking about Wolfenstein Old Blood and then noticed something:

TNO came out in May 20th and TOB came in like the 5th of that month a year later.

And compared to Doom Eternal and its TAG series is a bit interesting because TOB is made like a smaller game/expansion sort of thing, whereas both TAG's act as additions to Eternal.

But TOB feels like it succeeded in its goal of being a "small game" despite TNO/TOB supposedly having the same (maybe modified) engine as Rage.


Because i always thought that in case a mainline Doom 6 would be another breathe of fresh air, then there could still be an expasion that could play with the formula and maybe have less restrictions than TAG had.

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It wont work because Microsoft bought them out which means comparability between the Doom Marine and Master Chief will be a thing again. We had to go through a dark age to get where we are. Let me tell you, after Doom 3 devolved Doom, it became insufferable. Before Doom 2016, people thought the Doom Marine was a total joke compared to Master Chief despite Master Chief being the rip off character designed for a fanboy console crowd that played slower games. With all iterations going forward, its going to be that again, except they'll probably be swinging it right back into an axiomatic contrivance.


The difference between the two can be summed up fairly easily - Narrative Lensing. Halo Infinite Soldier vs Aliens / Doom Eternal Soldier vs Demons.

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4 hours ago, Dreamskull said:

Before Doom 2016, people thought the Doom Marine was a total joke compared to Master Chief despite Master Chief being the rip off character designed for a fanboy console crowd that played slower games. With all iterations going forward, its going to be that again, except they'll probably be swinging it right back into an axiomatic contrivance.


I have seen absolutely no evidence anything of what you said was widespread. Most serious gamers have always known of Doom and appreciated it. And the idea Microsoft would file away a popular IP for fear a bunch of idiots can't tell the difference between it and Halo is more than a bit silly. That said, i suspect id will leave it alone for some time more due to wanting to do something new.

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Master Chief was always his own thing, seperate from Doomguy and even picking up stuff like "MS wanted to buy id", W95 port or Marathon, that's reaching.

The "Doomguy" was a blank slate that fans essentially "adopted" with a nickname and "expanded" the Doom setting through fan content and all.

Even if Doom 3 had a divisive impact in the series (and the FPS genre changed), the more dedicated fans were still deep in that modding scene as if the OG Doom never left.


But between those semi-ironic memes/copypastas about "here's how strong Doomguy is" and how some fans felt about Halo/Master Chief (specially with that Death Battle episode), there are some arguements of how 2016 was affected.

Because modern Doom aesthetics has things that already seem results of modern art trends (still remember when people said the 2016 Cyberdemon looked like a MOBA design) but the design of the Praetor suit is what brought in the MC comparisons:

* Fully armored.

* Face hidden. (though it had glimpses sometimes)

* Green helmet.

* Maybe the fact it's a more modern-ish sci-fi armor instead of the low-tech/outdated stuff Doom had. (which is probably why id decided that his armor actually came from a setting starring tech knights and robot angles)


Eternal tried to change the armor by adding new features (Doomblade and shoulder cannon) and bring back the exposed arms, but the helmet is still not white or grey.

I've also seen people say Halo Infinite took things from Doom Eternal when one could cherrypick arguements of Doom taking something from Halo.

Like how Halo had energy-based melee beforehand.

I've also seen Sentinels or the Wraiths being compared to the Forerunners and Precusors.


One major difference between Doom and Halo is that Doom was never a "lore bound" series, unlike the one who always had a deep universe and had a book come before the first game.

Doom's own original creators didn't think much of the story, had abstract levels and a messy aesthetic, had one dev out of the team who wanted to put in story ideas, has either very little story or extra story in obscure/overlooked stuff like manuals and obscure media, has occasional contradictions, went through different art style/directions changes and most improtantly: had the fanbase and public affect the series directly or around it, for better or worse.


It's why i think they could look at some parts of other Doom games or even what a new Doom could be if it's not related to the "Slayer universe".

Doom has potential to feel seperate from Halo, even if you look at ideas from mods or fanmade redesigns.

Or even taking stuff from other FPS series like Quake.

It's a series that you can do a lot with, because there was barely any "rules" besides the basic premise.

Some people argue that TAG2 for better or worse is a "series finale" and that a new Quake should be made.

I also see it as "if a new Doom is made, try another reboot" because that would not be out-of-field in Doom.

But i don't think Halo fans would accept a reboot, even with the comparisons between Bungie's Halo and 343's.

You're also more likely to see Halo fans discussion differences between their games than Doom fans, because of how invested Halo fans got into the setting.

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11 hours ago, Dreamskull said:

It wont work because Microsoft bought them out which means comparability between the Doom Marine and Master Chief will be a thing again. We had to go through a dark age to get where we are. Let me tell you, after Doom 3 devolved Doom, it became insufferable. Before Doom 2016, people thought the Doom Marine was a total joke compared to Master Chief despite Master Chief being the rip off character designed for a fanboy console crowd that played slower games. With all iterations going forward, its going to be that again, except they'll probably be swinging it right back into an axiomatic contrivance.


The difference between the two can be summed up fairly easily - Narrative Lensing. Halo Infinite Soldier vs Aliens / Doom Eternal Soldier vs Demons.

Just what you said about Doom 3 already makes it look like you don't know what you are talking about. Even if Doom 3 is not the best Doom game it's much better than most if not all Halo games, and I couldn't care less if there's a stupid lore book that says the Master Chief or the Doom Slayer are the "most powerful entity in the universe".

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On 11/28/2022 at 7:56 AM, Metal_Slayer said:

Just what you said about Doom 3 already makes it look like you don't know what you are talking about. Even if Doom 3 is not the best Doom game it's much better than most if not all Halo games

Doom 3 is more of a slow-paced horror thing, and in any case, is linear and takes place largely in corridors other than 'that one level' of course, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say beyond "I like Doom 3 better," which is somewhat of an odd take, given that Doom 3 is a 'black sheep' game in the franchise.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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If I could only take either Eternal, or Doom 3 with its expansions, with me on a desert isle, I'd take Doom 3. Love that whole subseries.

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When i thought of Doom 3, i wrote about how some re-release could actually be better and undo what BFG edition and co did, but also what it could happen with expansions.

Like an expansion where the player has a different arsenal (even if they're retouched/reworked versions of the main game's guns) for the sake of variety.

It feels like a formula that wasn't given enough justice, honestly.


6 hours ago, esselfortium said:

I know not how Doom 6 will be fought, but Doom 7 will be fought with sticks and stones. 

Caveman Doom where cybernetic demons are like Flintstones versions, so they use rocks and sticks for their inner works.

Plus, both D3 and Eternal show demons that essentially exist to be in the same era as dinosaurs like the DHunters and Guardians.

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On 12/3/2022 at 8:09 AM, esselfortium said:

I know not how Doom 6 will be fought, but Doom 7 will be fought with sticks and stones.

Doom: Primal? :P

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Do you think they are gonna release it for switch too? My laptop is literaly 9 years old and I doubt it would run a recent game and I'm sure it's gonna be a bit heavy graphically 



























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4 hours ago, HadleyFlame said:

Do you think they are gonna release it for switch too? My laptop is literaly 9 years old and I doubt it would run a recent game and I'm sure it's gonna be a bit heavy graphically 


Given how antiquated the Switch's hardware is, I would say it is very improbable that a hypothetical Doom 6 would run on it. But given the game is literally that - hypothetical with no known development on it - any speculation about what might be required on a hardware front is not really productive.

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Something i've been thinking is stuff like demonic symbols/runes/sigils being used in enemies attacks.

I know that kinda exists like that one IOS attack or the feedback for Cyberdemon/Tyrant's falling rockets.

But it makes me wonder if it'd be weird if an Arch-vile had like a demonic symbol show up as part of a magic fire attack.

Specially if demonic runes can be seen as a feedback system that is both helpful and fitting at the same time, even if it depends on how the symbols look like exactly. (reminded me of someone here not liking how the Demonic Slayer skin turned out and were responded how fire being hard to animate)


One thing is making a symbol made of fire/energy look good, but another is the symbol specific and if it has any meaning in lore or gameplay.

Because i once wrote an idea for a "feedback system" where certain colors represent "effects" and i don't think i considered symbols like certain demonic letters or pentagrams then.


Another thing is floating energy/fire symbols as part of demon designs, like a node to Wayne Barlowe.

The Inferno Lord Marauder skin has a symbol above his head too.


There's probably more examples of either that i'm forgetting.

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The next id Software game will not be a Doom game. Instead, it will be a sequel to the game id is truly known for, Tiles of the Dragon.


(Technically, if we count Final Doom and Doom 64 as mainline entries, Doom 6 came out in 2016.)

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I'd love to see the movement oriented stuff introduced in DE return, but moved more into a secret hunting role, kind of a return to classic map design, with much less linearity. In general I'd like to see the arena stuff toned down in execution, with the demons being more free roaming and engaging in demonic behaviour when not fighting you.

The arenas don't have to be removed for this, of course, I'd just like them to serve as a less important aspect of the level design and serve more as setpieces to define particular moments.


Also, the dog collar. 
(unironically, though, having an attack dog you can direct during combat would fit really well into the combat flow of the modern games.)

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10 hours ago, ApprihensivSoul said:

(unironically, though, having an attack dog you can direct during combat would fit really well into the combat flow of the modern games.)

Necromunda: Hired Gun did this, and the gameplay was kinda similar to the modern Doom games (fast movement based combat). The game itself is meh imo but it's a decent example of what you're suggesting.

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A DRPG inspired Dog companion sounds fun but i just remembered an idea i had: A "spell" that makes the player drop a gun and make that gun float in the air and shoot on its own, like a sentry/turret except it's magic that makes one your weapons "automatic".


The "possessed" weapon could be anything from the main arsenal except BFG, chawnsaw, crucible and maybe pistol.

And the 2 downsides are: it still uses shared ammo between certain weapons (for example, you "possess" the spell on a chaingun while Slayer uses an heavy rifle, bullets run out fast) and demons can shoot down the weapon, like a sentry they can destroy.

The latter causes the weapon to fall onto the floor and be pickable again like a pickup.

Something like the Life Leech's alt fire from Blood but as an "effect" you cast on any weapon.

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Guess i never get tired of looking at DE/2016 concept art, as if these designs could still be used as "iterations" of something that could/deserves to exist as multiples.




Even some art of Immora makes it seem like someone at id looked into Tsutomu Nihei as inspiration.


On 1/14/2023 at 11:18 AM, OleBumma said:

in doom 6 imps will poop in the middle of the fight >.> 

Cacos would be ideal, considering the holes on their backs lol.

Just make the poop FIREBLU colored and act as some electric hazard.

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