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RAMP - Rabbit's All-Comers Mapping project [DONE!!]

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9 hours ago, JohnR60 said:


It seems to me that the links to download RAMP are down or it doesn't let me have access. The main page does not load and the download link does not load either. Is there any other way to download it? Either in ID games or other links. Since I would like to try the Wad because it seems to contain a wide variety of maps of various tastes.

As per this thread, it's available on the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20221208043927/https://ramp.teamouse.net/

The RAMP 2022 download there is broken though, so I posted my own copy in the RAMP 2022 thread.

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My server had a hiccup and I've had non-covid pneumonia so I haven't had the energy to track down why D: I'll get it working again soon - thanks for sharing the WAD around in the meantime :)

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On 12/19/2022 at 5:23 PM, princetontiger said:

Why isn't RAMP on /idgames? Is there a reason? just curious...

I can’t really remember - I think it was something to do with not being able to say where all the assets came from and if they were copyrighted

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I recently started playing this Wad and I am impressed by the diversity of styles, difficulties and more that this great pack of levels offers. I started this adventure playing and I hope I can have a lot of fun playing all the levels it offers little by little. Here I leave a video that I began to make of this Wad in Spanish.


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I'm back to trying to complete this monster of a wad .  Just stumbled upon the Cyberdemon in the hub and was VERY SURPIRSED.  Is there any way to actually fight this guy, or is it just a Nightmare difficulty joke?



Edited by ShallowB

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It was intended as a joke for people who played it on Nightmare, but if you can beat him, more power to you!


And thank you so much for the Cacodemon bush - it was a perfect fit for here :)

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On 3/26/2023 at 12:49 PM, DavidN said:

It was intended as a joke for people who played it on Nightmare, but if you can beat him, more power to you!


Ah good, I wasn't sure if maybe a cache of weapons opened up somewhere or if there was more to it if you managed to beat him.  I think I'm just gonna chicken out and retreat back to a safer difficulty.  I don't think I ever saw the Cacobush in your videos, so it was a real surprise to find out it was in there after all this time!


16 hours ago, Lazlo Panaflex said:

I’m glad you’ve picked RAMP back up again. I’ve been enjoying your recent videos sir!


Thanks! I've been trying to stick to a schedule a little better, and RAMP's a great long-term goal broken up into manageable chunks. 

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4 hours ago, Lazlo Panaflex said:

@ShallowB now, I DID notice that you did not play any of mine yet ;)



I don’t think I’ve found Corruption 1 yet, so I’ve been avoiding the other two for now.  (But also I know your maps and their scale and difficulty intimidate me haha)


I’ll ask RAMPO for some help next time I’m in the hub!

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5 hours ago, ShallowB said:



I don’t think I’ve found Corruption 1 yet, so I’ve been avoiding the other two for now.  (But also I know your maps and their scale and difficulty intimidate me haha)


I’ll ask RAMPO for some help next time I’m in the hub!


Rampo has all of mine listed as Corruption 1, 2 and 3; Meat Machine, Die Teufelsmaschine, and Lazlo’s Baby Map for Babies :)

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