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DoomGPT: An AI-directed Doom II mapping project (v1.2)

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@LOD42 It does that for me too, but sometimes it has a chance of producing descriptions like "powerful demon" and I see it as a wild card. Of course, I could ask it to clarify, and it will probably say Baron or Archvile but if I don't, it's up to me.


The "enemies=demons" thing is fine, but personally I refer to all of doom's enemies as demons or monsters, as do many players, because that's what they are. ChatGPT usually says "pinkies" when it means pinkies, but occasionally it will say "demons" when it means just pinkies so I say it's really up to you to interpret it however you like.


Another interesting thing I learned is asking it things like "What stronger tier enemies appear in this map?", that is almost guaranteed to make it implement tougher monsters into the level.


@Anarkzie That's the spirit of the project! :)

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22 hours ago, ONETAPPYBOI said:

The deadline (1st of June) is only 1 month away.

@Demonic Meatball - start your maps already if you haven't.


Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm about halfway done, I've just been in a bit of a creative bankruptcy lately.



There's also the fact that ChatGPT thinks what crushes you are the walls and the floor, which... no. What do I do ?


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59 minutes ago, Demonic Meatball said:


Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm about halfway done, I've just been in a bit of a creative bankruptcy lately.



There's also the fact that ChatGPT thinks what crushes you are the walls and the floor, which... no. What do I do ?


crushing floor is possible in vanilla doom, linedef action 55

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2 hours ago, ONETAPPYBOI said:

crushing floor is possible in vanilla doom, linedef action 55

Can you give an example of where it is used ? I had an idea for the final room, and the linedef doesn't seem to work

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On 4/30/2023 at 5:49 PM, ONETAPPYBOI said:

start your maps already if you haven't

I'll try to get it done asap. I got kind of demotivated with it because as I asked ChatGPT for more details about the level, its structure, setpieces, details, enemies, landmarks, kept changing with every message. I tried to correct the mistakes but it jumped to something different, and different again, so I never found a way to connect the different parts of the level. I think I'll just create a new chat and start the level from scratch, unless anyone has a recommendation about what I could do in this scenario.

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4 hours ago, SharkyChip said:

I'll try to get it done asap. I got kind of demotivated with it because as I asked ChatGPT for more details about the level, its structure, setpieces, details, enemies, landmarks, kept changing with every message. I tried to correct the mistakes but it jumped to something different, and different again, so I never found a way to connect the different parts of the level. I think I'll just create a new chat and start the level from scratch, unless anyone has a recommendation about what I could do in this scenario.

It shouldn't do that, at least in my case it always remembers chat history for quite a long time. You can remind it of the things it has told you, that shouldn't count as manipulation.

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16 hours ago, iddq_tea said:

It shouldn't do that, at least in my case it always remembers chat history for quite a long time. You can remind it of the things it has told you, that shouldn't count as manipulation.


It's done that with me as well. It will remember stuff while it's on the screen but if you come out of it, it will sometimes give widely different explanations.


I've been piecing stuff together in ways that I think makes sense but I'm going to need to use creative licences in places because some of the stuff it's saying lacks logic or is not possible with the Doom engine.


Example of this, the red keycard being locked behind the red door.




The need to swim or fighting a boss that teleports and shoots lasers.

Edited by Anarkzie

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@Anarkzie That's the kinda chaos I expected out of this project, gotta just find a creative solution :) Could always do a Going Down tribute and add a time travel puzzle, or a Half Life-esque secret where a crate lowers to reveal a hole in the wall to access the cursed room a different way.


As for the teleporting laser-shooting boss... guess this is one of those exceptions where you gotta tell the AI that it's not possible, lol. You could always have monster-only teleporting linedefs scattered around the arena though, that would solve 50% of the boss puzzle. As much as I'd love to allow dehacked for stuff like these, there simply won't be enough time to implement it.

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On 4/30/2023 at 11:49 PM, ONETAPPYBOI said:


Hey, I don't know if I'll be able to make the map. Sorry for telling this late, but I have no desire to do it and I only did like 25% of the map, and I will not be able to devote more time to it until like next week.

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@Pechudin You can upload what you have already made and someone else can take over if they wish. Otherwise it's not too late to start over from scratch yet, if we find someone willing.

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Ok, I can do that, I was actually thinking of proposing exactly this.

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OK, attached is the first draft of my map.
Have a play and let me know what you think overall and if you think it needs any revisions.


Also, did we decide on how to choose the music?


Here is my full convo with chatGPT:


Me -

Write a walkthrough of Doom 2 MAP24: "The Chasm". Mention the layout of all the rooms and their details.


ChatGPT -

"The Chasm" is the 24th map of Doom 2 and is known for its challenging difficulty and unique layout. The map consists of a series of interconnected rooms and narrow walkways that lead to the final boss battle. Here's a walkthrough of each room in "The Chasm":

Starting Room: You start in a small room with two staircases leading up to two doors. There are also two Shotgun Guys and two Imps in the room.

Room with Lava: The first door leads to a large room with a raised platform in the center and lava surrounding it. There are two sets of stairs on either side leading up to the platform, and two doors on opposite sides of the room. You'll find two Shotgun Guys, two Imps, and a Cacodemon in this room.

Narrow Walkway: The second door from the starting room leads to a narrow walkway that winds around the perimeter of the lava room. You'll encounter two Imps and two Shotgun Guys on the way.

Elevator Room: The first door in the lava room leads to an elevator room with two sets of stairs leading up to two doors. There are two Imps and two Shotgun Guys in this room.

Lava River: The second door in the lava room leads to a narrow walkway along a lava river. You'll encounter two Imps and two Shotgun Guys on the way.

Room with Pillars: The first door from the elevator room leads to a room with several pillars and a raised platform in the center. There are two Imps and two Shotgun Guys in this room.

Narrow Walkway with Lava: The second door from the elevator room leads to a narrow walkway along another lava river. You'll encounter two Imps and two Shotgun Guys on the way.

Final Boss Battle Room: The door at the end of the second lava river walkway leads to the final boss battle room. This room features a raised platform in the center surrounded by lava, with a narrow walkway leading to it. The final boss, the Icon of Sin, is located on the platform.

Overall, "The Chasm" is a challenging map that requires quick reflexes and good aim to navigate. The layout of the map is designed to make it difficult to maneuver, with narrow walkways, rooms filled with enemies, and lava rivers that can quickly kill you if you're not careful.


Me -

describe the room with lava in more detail


ChatGPT -

The room with lava is one of the central areas in "The Chasm". It is a large, open room with a raised platform in the center and lava surrounding it on all sides. The platform can be accessed by two sets of stairs on either side of the room, and there are two doors on opposite sides of the room.

The room is designed to be a challenging combat area, as the raised platform provides a central location for enemies to attack from, while the lava surrounding it restricts your movement and makes it difficult to dodge enemy attacks. On the platform, you'll find two Shotgun Guys and two Imps, as well as a Cacodemon floating above the platform.

The room is dimly lit and has a fiery, industrial feel, with metal walls and large, imposing pipes running along the walls and ceiling. The sound of the lava flowing and the occasional explosive burst of a fireball add to the atmosphere of danger and chaos.

Overall, the room with lava is a key part of the map and requires careful navigation and combat strategy to overcome. With its unique layout and challenging enemies, it will test your skills and keep you on edge.


Me -

describe the elevator room


ChatGPT -

The Elevator Room is one of the rooms in "The Chasm" that connects the different areas of the map. It is a relatively small room with two sets of stairs leading up to two doors on opposite sides of the room.

The room is designed to be a tactical combat area, with the stairs providing cover from enemy fire and allowing you to retreat or advance as needed. The room contains two Imps and two Shotgun Guys, which will attack as soon as you enter. The limited space and multiple entrances also make it a prime location for ambush, so you'll need to be on high alert as you navigate this room.

The walls of the room are made of metal and have an industrial feel, with pipes running along the walls and ceiling. The room is well-lit, but the lighting is flickering, adding to the sense of danger and urgency.

Overall, the Elevator Room serves as a transition between different areas of the map, and provides a challenge in its own right. You'll need to use your combat skills and tactical awareness to navigate this room and reach your next destination.


Me -

give me a walkthrough of the lava river


ChatGPT -

The Lava River is a narrow walkway in "The Chasm" that winds along a river of flowing lava. It is one of the most dangerous and challenging areas of the map, as a misstep or shot from an enemy can result in instant death.

As you navigate the walkway, you'll encounter two Imps and two Shotgun Guys, who will attack you from the sides and from above. The walkway is narrow and winding, making it difficult to dodge enemy attacks or to move quickly to take cover.

The Lava River is surrounded by metal walls and pipes, and is lit by flickering lights, adding to the sense of danger and urgency. The sound of the lava flowing and the occasional explosive burst of a fireball make it clear that one misstep could be fatal.

Here's a walkthrough of the Lava River:

Start at the entrance to the walkway, where you'll encounter two Imps.

Proceed along the walkway, taking out the two Shotgun Guys as you go. Be careful, as the walkway is narrow and winding, making it difficult to dodge enemy attacks or to move quickly to take cover.

Continue along the walkway, staying alert for any additional attacks from enemies.

Reach the end of the walkway and enter the next room.

Overall, the Lava River is a high-stakes area that requires quick reflexes and careful aim to navigate. The dangerous environment, combined with the attacking enemies, make it a challenging and exciting part of the map.


Me -

give me a walkthrough of the narrow walkway with lava


ChatGPT -

The Narrow Walkway with Lava is a dangerous and challenging area in "The Chasm". It is a long, narrow walkway that runs along a river of flowing lava, with enemies attacking from both sides.

As you navigate the walkway, you'll encounter two Imps and two Shotgun Guys, who will attack from the sides and from above. The walkway is narrow and winding, making it difficult to dodge enemy attacks or to move quickly to take cover.

The Narrow Walkway with Lava is surrounded by metal walls and pipes, and is lit by flickering lights, adding to the sense of danger and urgency. The sound of the lava flowing and the occasional explosive burst of a fireball make it clear that one misstep could be fatal.

Here's a walkthrough of the Narrow Walkway with Lava:

Start at the entrance to the walkway, where you'll encounter two Imps.

Proceed along the walkway, taking out the two Shotgun Guys as you go. Be careful, as the walkway is narrow and winding, making it difficult to dodge enemy attacks or to move quickly to take cover.

Continue along the walkway, staying alert for any additional attacks from enemies.

Reach the end of the walkway and enter the next room.

Overall, the Narrow Walkway with Lava is a high-stakes area that requires quick reflexes and careful aim to navigate. The dangerous environment, combined with the attacking enemies, make it a challenging and exciting part of the map.


Me -

are there secret areas in doom2 map24 "the chasm"


ChatGPT -

Yes, there are secret areas in Doom 2 MAP24: "The Chasm". Like many maps in the Doom franchise, "The Chasm" has several hidden areas that can be found by exploring the map and finding secret triggers or hidden passageways.

The exact details of the secret areas in "The Chasm" may vary depending on the source port or modification used, but some common secrets include:

Hidden rooms behind false walls or in secret passageways. These rooms may contain power-ups, weapons, or other valuable items.

Secret elevators or lifts that lead to hidden areas or alternate paths through the map.

Secret sectors or rooms that can be accessed by finding hidden triggers or pressing switches in specific locations.

Finding secret areas can be a fun and rewarding aspect of playing Doom maps, as they often contain valuable items or shortcuts that can make your journey through the map easier. However, be prepared for a challenge, as some secrets can be difficult to find or reach.




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11 hours ago, BeefGee said:

Also, did we decide on how to choose the music?

Ask chatgpt to name the music track the map uses, or ask it to describe the track then select it on your own based on what it gave you

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12 hours ago, BeefGee said:

OK, attached is the first draft of my map.
Have a play and let me know what you think overall and if you think it needs any revisions.


Also, did we decide on how to choose the music?


Here is my full convo with chatGPT:


Me -

Write a walkthrough of Doom 2 MAP24: "The Chasm". Mention the layout of all the rooms and their details.


ChatGPT -

"The Chasm" is the 24th map of Doom 2 and is known for its challenging difficulty and unique layout. The map consists of a series of interconnected rooms and narrow walkways that lead to the final boss battle. Here's a walkthrough of each room in "The Chasm":

Starting Room: You start in a small room with two staircases leading up to two doors. There are also two Shotgun Guys and two Imps in the room.

Room with Lava: The first door leads to a large room with a raised platform in the center and lava surrounding it. There are two sets of stairs on either side leading up to the platform, and two doors on opposite sides of the room. You'll find two Shotgun Guys, two Imps, and a Cacodemon in this room.

Narrow Walkway: The second door from the starting room leads to a narrow walkway that winds around the perimeter of the lava room. You'll encounter two Imps and two Shotgun Guys on the way.

Elevator Room: The first door in the lava room leads to an elevator room with two sets of stairs leading up to two doors. There are two Imps and two Shotgun Guys in this room.

Lava River: The second door in the lava room leads to a narrow walkway along a lava river. You'll encounter two Imps and two Shotgun Guys on the way.

Room with Pillars: The first door from the elevator room leads to a room with several pillars and a raised platform in the center. There are two Imps and two Shotgun Guys in this room.

Narrow Walkway with Lava: The second door from the elevator room leads to a narrow walkway along another lava river. You'll encounter two Imps and two Shotgun Guys on the way.

Final Boss Battle Room: The door at the end of the second lava river walkway leads to the final boss battle room. This room features a raised platform in the center surrounded by lava, with a narrow walkway leading to it. The final boss, the Icon of Sin, is located on the platform.

Overall, "The Chasm" is a challenging map that requires quick reflexes and good aim to navigate. The layout of the map is designed to make it difficult to maneuver, with narrow walkways, rooms filled with enemies, and lava rivers that can quickly kill you if you're not careful.


Me -

describe the room with lava in more detail


ChatGPT -

The room with lava is one of the central areas in "The Chasm". It is a large, open room with a raised platform in the center and lava surrounding it on all sides. The platform can be accessed by two sets of stairs on either side of the room, and there are two doors on opposite sides of the room.

The room is designed to be a challenging combat area, as the raised platform provides a central location for enemies to attack from, while the lava surrounding it restricts your movement and makes it difficult to dodge enemy attacks. On the platform, you'll find two Shotgun Guys and two Imps, as well as a Cacodemon floating above the platform.

The room is dimly lit and has a fiery, industrial feel, with metal walls and large, imposing pipes running along the walls and ceiling. The sound of the lava flowing and the occasional explosive burst of a fireball add to the atmosphere of danger and chaos.

Overall, the room with lava is a key part of the map and requires careful navigation and combat strategy to overcome. With its unique layout and challenging enemies, it will test your skills and keep you on edge.


Me -

describe the elevator room


ChatGPT -

The Elevator Room is one of the rooms in "The Chasm" that connects the different areas of the map. It is a relatively small room with two sets of stairs leading up to two doors on opposite sides of the room.

The room is designed to be a tactical combat area, with the stairs providing cover from enemy fire and allowing you to retreat or advance as needed. The room contains two Imps and two Shotgun Guys, which will attack as soon as you enter. The limited space and multiple entrances also make it a prime location for ambush, so you'll need to be on high alert as you navigate this room.

The walls of the room are made of metal and have an industrial feel, with pipes running along the walls and ceiling. The room is well-lit, but the lighting is flickering, adding to the sense of danger and urgency.

Overall, the Elevator Room serves as a transition between different areas of the map, and provides a challenge in its own right. You'll need to use your combat skills and tactical awareness to navigate this room and reach your next destination.


Me -

give me a walkthrough of the lava river


ChatGPT -

The Lava River is a narrow walkway in "The Chasm" that winds along a river of flowing lava. It is one of the most dangerous and challenging areas of the map, as a misstep or shot from an enemy can result in instant death.

As you navigate the walkway, you'll encounter two Imps and two Shotgun Guys, who will attack you from the sides and from above. The walkway is narrow and winding, making it difficult to dodge enemy attacks or to move quickly to take cover.

The Lava River is surrounded by metal walls and pipes, and is lit by flickering lights, adding to the sense of danger and urgency. The sound of the lava flowing and the occasional explosive burst of a fireball make it clear that one misstep could be fatal.

Here's a walkthrough of the Lava River:

Start at the entrance to the walkway, where you'll encounter two Imps.

Proceed along the walkway, taking out the two Shotgun Guys as you go. Be careful, as the walkway is narrow and winding, making it difficult to dodge enemy attacks or to move quickly to take cover.

Continue along the walkway, staying alert for any additional attacks from enemies.

Reach the end of the walkway and enter the next room.

Overall, the Lava River is a high-stakes area that requires quick reflexes and careful aim to navigate. The dangerous environment, combined with the attacking enemies, make it a challenging and exciting part of the map.


Me -

give me a walkthrough of the narrow walkway with lava


ChatGPT -

The Narrow Walkway with Lava is a dangerous and challenging area in "The Chasm". It is a long, narrow walkway that runs along a river of flowing lava, with enemies attacking from both sides.

As you navigate the walkway, you'll encounter two Imps and two Shotgun Guys, who will attack from the sides and from above. The walkway is narrow and winding, making it difficult to dodge enemy attacks or to move quickly to take cover.

The Narrow Walkway with Lava is surrounded by metal walls and pipes, and is lit by flickering lights, adding to the sense of danger and urgency. The sound of the lava flowing and the occasional explosive burst of a fireball make it clear that one misstep could be fatal.

Here's a walkthrough of the Narrow Walkway with Lava:

Start at the entrance to the walkway, where you'll encounter two Imps.

Proceed along the walkway, taking out the two Shotgun Guys as you go. Be careful, as the walkway is narrow and winding, making it difficult to dodge enemy attacks or to move quickly to take cover.

Continue along the walkway, staying alert for any additional attacks from enemies.

Reach the end of the walkway and enter the next room.

Overall, the Narrow Walkway with Lava is a high-stakes area that requires quick reflexes and careful aim to navigate. The dangerous environment, combined with the attacking enemies, make it a challenging and exciting part of the map.


Me -

are there secret areas in doom2 map24 "the chasm"


ChatGPT -

Yes, there are secret areas in Doom 2 MAP24: "The Chasm". Like many maps in the Doom franchise, "The Chasm" has several hidden areas that can be found by exploring the map and finding secret triggers or hidden passageways.

The exact details of the secret areas in "The Chasm" may vary depending on the source port or modification used, but some common secrets include:

Hidden rooms behind false walls or in secret passageways. These rooms may contain power-ups, weapons, or other valuable items.

Secret elevators or lifts that lead to hidden areas or alternate paths through the map.

Secret sectors or rooms that can be accessed by finding hidden triggers or pressing switches in specific locations.

Finding secret areas can be a fun and rewarding aspect of playing Doom maps, as they often contain valuable items or shortcuts that can make your journey through the map easier. However, be prepared for a challenge, as some secrets can be difficult to find or reach.





Also, I realised that i forgot to post demos for a bunch of earlier maps, so i'm releasing them along with the FDA for this one: demos.rar

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On 4/30/2023 at 5:49 PM, ONETAPPYBOI said:

The deadline (1st of June) is only 1 month away. @Spectere - start your maps already if you haven't.


Life's been busy lately, but I've been steadily chipping away at it. Shouldn't be much longer. :)

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On 4/30/2023 at 2:49 PM, ONETAPPYBOI said:

Think ill stream making it this weekend

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My chat log for level 17 (Tenements) keeps mentioning "apartments" -- so, is this too much Doomcute?


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all fixed! see attached.


here's what I got when I asked for the music (disappointing result IMO, I've included it in the attached WAD):


me: which music track does map24 use?


ChatGPT: Doom 2 MAP24: "The Chasm" uses the music track "Adrian's Asleep", which was composed by Robert Prince for the Doom 2 soundtrack. "Adrian's Asleep" is a moody and atmospheric track that features heavy use of synthesized strings and a slow, plodding rhythm that helps to create a sense of foreboding and danger as you navigate the map. The track is often cited as one of the most memorable and effective pieces of music in the Doom franchise, and has been used in several custom Doom maps and mods over the years.


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My map is 98% completed, I'm just figuring out the final details. Like, for example, the AI said "if the player has the blue key, they can access a small room located on the upper balcony" with no prior mention of a blue key anywhere. I want to make the key tricky to find, but not quite a secret...


When I asked the AI what soundtrack the map uses, its response was:


"Doom 2 MAP02: "Underhalls" uses the soundtrack called "The Healer Stalks" composed by Bobby Prince. This track is known for its dark and atmospheric tones, which enhance the intense and foreboding atmosphere of the level. The music features heavy guitar riffs, pounding drums, and eerie ambient sounds, adding to the overall sense of danger and suspense as the player navigates through the Underhalls."


Spot on.

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@Johnny Cruelty The deadline is approaching fast so hopefully everyone gets their maps done in time. After the maps have been gathered, I will format the text files and package the maps into a wad. If all goes well, the wad will be playable sometime during this summer.

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9 hours ago, iddq_tea said:

If all goes well, the wad will be playable sometime during this summer.

Can't wait for that. Been keeping a close eye on this thread, I'm excited to play it!

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Well, I don't think I'll be able to finish my map in time, I already have too many projects in hand... Is there any chance of giving some more time after the deadline?

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