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Rusty Drill - A Scythe Themed Community Project (Slots Filled?) New Beta Available (8/18/24)

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21 hours ago, EPICALLL said:

personally, I feel (in hindsight) indifferent to the lack of health in the map, due to the fact that in theory all you need to do to counter-act that is, (and apologies if this in any way comes off as rude) dodge the projectiles better. I dunno, I tend to experiment with ideas a lot. And for the fight past the blue key room, I feel that if it wasn't there, the map would end off feeling a bit empty. The entire map has a good way of attracting the player to where they need to go, so (at least I feel) that if the rev fight wasn't there, you wouldn't feel nearly as much like the map is finished (both in a sense that it's a finished map, and that you've finished the map).

Although then again, I tried to mimic Alm's design, and in that I think I've succeeded. Personally, I as the person who made the map really like it, even if it is on the mean side for my taste, because after all, Alm's design tended to be quite mean, which jives perfectly with the design I've created. I can't name a single fight in which Alm ever pulled a punch, he may have made a fight easier, but I don't think he ever quite wasted potential, at least in his combat (excluding most of Scythe 1). I know many may not agree with me here, but hey, at the end of the day it's my map.

I should probably provide an example of my whole experimenting with ideas thing.

Nah, let's not. At least not in this thread.


Disagreeing with my criticism is a valid position. That's the fun thing about being part of this community, we can agree or disagree and that's fine. If you like your map the way it is, then I'm glad it worked so well.

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1 hour ago, taviow said:


Disagreeing with my criticism is a valid position. That's the fun thing about being part of this community, we can agree or disagree and that's fine. If you like your map the way it is, then I'm glad it worked so well.

Yeah, that's exactly what makes criticism fun, and from an objective standpoint, there is virtually nothing wrong with my map, and to really anybody, that's the only thing that truly matters about art in this form.

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Map name: Biolab Incident Inspector

Author: Big Ol' Billy

Midi title and composer: "Zoid Thou Art" by Big Ol' Billy

Source port used: tested in DSDA-Doom 0.25.6 -cl 9

Difficulties: Yes, including a healthy amount of multiplayer-only monsters and ammo for a New Game+ type experience on -solo-net UV

Coop starts: Yes, there's also a bit of a coop gimmick: players 1&3 start on one side of the map, while players 2&4 start on the other


They tried fencing off the ol' UAC Biolab, but something is still leaking...


In the spirit of the Scythes' speedmappy origins, I tried not to overthink this. I mainly wanted to find some midpoint between my current sensibilities and Alm's classic style, and include a cyberdemon ala Scythe 2 MAP14.





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2 hours ago, Big Ol Billy said:



Cool map, really dig the blue brick aesthetic. The finale segment made me chuckle. That arch-vile in the westernmost building gave me a good scare.

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On 5/19/2023 at 10:52 PM, Egg Boy said:

Map name: Mattress Warehouse 2


Definitely feels scythey to me, partly because playing at a very fast pace can be done comfortably. Nice.


On 5/20/2023 at 7:28 PM, EANB said:

Map name: Red Iron Oxide


Cool how you can wake up everything within two minutes and deal with the chaos from there.


3 hours ago, Big Ol Billy said:

Map name: Biolab Incident Inspector


Also cool. Plays well, nothing to complain about.



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Map name: Phoenix in Flight

Author: myolden

Midi title and composer: Uranium by AD_79

Source port used: dsda-doom

Difficulties: Yes

Coop starts: Yes

A short description of your map: A grimy wet tech base with a nice amount of monsters. I decided to (very) loosely incorporate some elements of Scythe map 08 as a fun little nod. Definitely not a "remake" by any means, just a loose reference here and there. These include:


 - Sudden chaingunner ambushes in close quarters
 - Mancubi on raised platforms that block your progression
 - A pair of SW2LION textures next to the rocket launcher


Also, screenshots:






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On 5/20/2023 at 2:49 PM, MtPain27 said:

Egg Boy: RK is only there because you can't raise the lift to the exit without it. Thanks for catching that softlock too, should be fixed now.

I honestly feel its a bit pointless, you're likely to have enough rockets to invalidate the room before even getting to the side of the room where the key is, a similar effect could easily be done by using a switch on the other side of the room, also the switch isn't key marked, which is likely why I hadn't even considered that as a possibility.

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1 hour ago, myolden said:

Map name: Phoenix in Flight


Really like how compact this level feels. Very Scythe like.

Not sure if you did this purposely or not, having a red keycard instead of a red skullkey for the red skull door.

The exit room almost killed me :)

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7 hours ago, A2Rob said:


Really like how compact this level feels. Very Scythe like.

Not sure if you did this purposely or not, having a red keycard instead of a red skullkey for the red skull door.

The exit room almost killed me :)


Definitely not intentional, but it doesn't really bother me too much to be honest. If you'd prefer it fixed I'm fine with that. 

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15 hours ago, myolden said:

If you'd prefer it fixed I'm fine with that. 


Eh, not enough of an issue to warrant a fix tbh.

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It's been kind of quiet around here... Maybe we should do a roll call every two weeks.


Actually, I have a question. Can I go outside the rules on the secret MAP31? it's about the length of the map. It turns out I have a big one and definitely won't be short. If that format isn't acceptable for a secret map either, maybe I could free up a slot (At least Heretic926 wanted to participate, I would have given him a slot if he still wanted to) and take the map to a solo release. If that's okay, then, heh, it's okay.

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2 hours ago, DRON12261 said:

It's been kind of quiet around here... Maybe we should do a roll call every two weeks.


Actually, I have a question. Can I go outside the rules on the secret MAP31? it's about the length of the map. It turns out I have a big one and definitely won't be short. If that format isn't acceptable for a secret map either, maybe I could free up a slot (At least Heretic926 wanted to participate, I would have given him a slot if he still wanted to) and take the map to a solo release. If that's okay, then, heh, it's okay.

I felt really bad not letting heretic have a slice of my end of the pie, since I literally just asked for a slot to be freed up, and it would have been him if I wasn't sooner. I'm just regretting I didn't make it a collab map of some kind, because I think that would have been pretty cool.

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Depends, how long were you thinking? I could make an exception, within reason of course.


I'm aware the thread has been quiet, figured people are just slowly working on their maps. I've been busy with irl shit lately (Summer is a particularly busy time of year for me). Haven't really started on Map11 either, kind of dissapointed in myself for that.


Doing a roll call every couple weeks sounds like a good idea. If anyone participating wishes to post progress on their maps, I'd highly encourage it. It's what the thread's here for.

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32 minutes ago, A2Rob said:

Depends, how long were you thinking? I could make an exception, within reason of course.

I can't say for sure, but I think it will be half an hour or more. My brain is hooked on a very interesting idea, and I want to follow through with it anyway. I could create a new map and leave this one for later, but I've stepped on this rake more than once and am working on probably a dozen projects at once now, bruh. So if it does not go in the hands of megawad, should let Heretic, in Scythe Resharpened he gave a good map.

33 minutes ago, A2Rob said:

I'm aware the thread has been quiet, figured people are just slowly working on their maps. I've been busy with irl shit lately (Summer is a particularly busy time of year for me). Haven't really started on Map11 either, kind of dissapointed in myself for that.

Haha, the same thing, I think it's normal, the main thing to do a little bit of something sometimes, not to completely burrow)


34 minutes ago, A2Rob said:

Doing a roll call every couple weeks sounds like a good idea. If anyone participating wishes to post progress on their maps, I'd highly encourage it. It's what the thread's here for.

You can just ping all the participants with unfinished work every 2 weeks, let them just indicate that they are there and at least sometimes do something. It might also be a little push to action for some if they've been sitting around and forgotten about the project. RED77 practices similarly when running 666crets, and it's a system that has worked well.

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7 hours ago, DRON12261 said:

It's been kind of quiet around here... Maybe we should do a roll call every two weeks.

The deadline is in November, no one is going to check in for now lol.

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10 hours ago, DRON12261 said:

I can't say for sure, but I think it will be half an hour or more. My brain is hooked on a very interesting idea, and I want to follow through with it anyway. I could create a new map and leave this one for later, but I've stepped on this rake more than once and am working on probably a dozen projects at once now, bruh. So if it does not go in the hands of megawad, should let Heretic, in Scythe Resharpened he gave a good map.


I'd prefer the maps in this project adhere to the rule of brevity, and in your case this sounds like an idea that would better fit another project.

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11 hours ago, A2Rob said:


Depends, how long were you thinking? I could make an exception, within reason of course.


I'm aware the thread has been quiet, figured people are just slowly working on their maps. I've been busy with irl shit lately (Summer is a particularly busy time of year for me). Haven't really started on Map11 either, kind of dissapointed in myself for that.


Doing a roll call every couple weeks sounds like a good idea. If anyone participating wishes to post progress on their maps, I'd highly encourage it. It's what the thread's here for.

i do have progress on my map i just haven't been focusing on it a lot. i'm working on a megawad that i've been working on for the past year and a half and want to get it out sometime this summer, but i wont wait till the last minute to work on my entry. here is a pic of what i currently have on the map. 1853247634_Screenshot(28).png.221009cc180da59bb5da6ad97684bd04.png

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Map name: Installation 667

Author: Moustachio

Midi title & composer: KCLaz is composing one

Source port used: DSDA-Doom 0.26.0

Difficulties: Implemented

Coop starts: Implemented

Description: An overworked nukage plant overrun by demons. It'll be a miracle if anything steps out of here alive, including you!






Edited by Moustachio : Spllng is hrd.

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4 hours ago, A2Rob said:


I'd prefer the maps in this project adhere to the rule of brevity, and in your case this sounds like an idea that would better fit another project.

In that case, do you want to take the MAP31 slot? @Heretic926

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I wouldn't mind, although it's funny I'm kinda "stuck" making secret maps in community projects I'm currently participating in. I'll try to come up with something unusual for this map since it's a secret, but not like that one from Scythe 2.

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Here's a question for you guys (those who aren't done yet, however have made progress.) How are your maps going? This thread has remained dormant for too long, things aren't looking great judging by the silence.

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1 minute ago, EPICALLL said:

This thread has remained dormant for too long, things aren't looking great judging by the silence.


To be fair, the submission deadline is end of November.

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4 minutes ago, MFG38 said:


To be fair, the submission deadline is end of November.

Yeah, that might be too far, don't you think?

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2 minutes ago, EPICALLL said:

Yeah, that might be too far, don't you think?


I don't mind it being that far, but I do see where you're coming from. I don't know if tightening the deadline would be a good idea, though, even with it being 5 months away. @A2Rob's call, ultimately.

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From my point of view;

I have a concept and a few big fights in my mind but nothing in the editor yet because I am prioritising a couple of other projects at the moment that are closer to deadline or have been in progress so long that they really need to get over the finish line.

No concern from myself about getting the map submitted in time and the same goes in regards to the Prue t as a whole.

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On 5/17/2023 at 2:52 AM, Egg Boy said:


getting 2 work

Oh wow I am yoinking this texture combination for my own megawad in progress.

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I intend on having Map11 finished by the end of the month, as well as a beta for episode 1 released for anyone wanting to playtest. I'll probably post some kind of update at the end of each month just to keep participants in the loop.


November is the deadline. I'm not worried about people getting their submissions in early. I'm quite honestly surprised I recieved so many early submissions to begin with.

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Here's an update for my map:  rdmap9v2.zip


It adds some extra multiplayer features, fixes some mentioned technical issues and makes the final fight a bit cleaner. 

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Small update for the project...




Map11 is finished, for the most part. I'll be adding difficulty settings later. As always, your feedback is appreciated.


I've compiled the first ten maps into an episode 1 beta, which you can download here!


@DynamiteKaitorn (Map02) - Didn't notice any updates for the yellow door issue, so I went ahead and fixed it myself for beta 1.


@RastaManGames (map05) - Tagging every sky sector for the Transfer Sky Texture action is (to my understanding) completely unnecessary, so I got rid of all the sector 777 tags. The sky you chose also doesn't seem to render very well in DSDA Doom or Nugget Doom, so I changed that as well. If there's another sky you would prefer to use, let me know.


Lastly, I made a countdown timer for the project, which can be found here.

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I did a recorded playthrough of E1 last night with some very sloppy gameplay (I was sleepy). Good stuff all around, this project is shaping up nicely.

I do have a note for map 10 @Doomy__Doom
I'm not sure what port you tested in but the voodoo conveyor is incredibly slow in DSDA. You can see in the video what I mean, I actually thought the scripting was broken at first. I checked in GZDoom and it seems to work as intended there. You should probably re-work your voodoo closets so they work consistently across various ports. To do this, use line action 252 for the scrolling floors, and set the line with that action to a length of 64. Then your wait time will come from how far away the next action linedef is. A 64 length line with action 252 should move the same speed across all ports as far as I know. 


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