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Second map I made! I listened to everyone's advice and made something 100x better than my first one!

This one is a map for Doom II, same as my other one.

Just unzip the provided ZIP file, and open the WAD file inside with GZDoom. Extremely Simple!

I made a walkthrough of it on Youtube, check it out!: https://youtu.be/m2ZWC03WtwU

BTW There's a secret in the map! Comment down below if you found it!








Edited by Drum : Typo in Title

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Nice map, much better than the first one. But there is still a lot of empty space.

There is a small mistake - the secret is counted twice.


Do I need BFG on this map?))



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11 minutes ago, netcurse2000 said:

Nice map, much better than the first one. But there is still a lot of empty space.

There is a small mistake - the secret is counted twice.

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Do I need BFG on this map?))


Not sure what BFG is. Can you tell me?


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1 minute ago, netcurse2000 said:


Ohh, I forgot that weapon's name lol, Yea you need the weapon in the map.

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I like the use of lamps and electronic sector devices to fill up room space. The acid hazard bridge is a nice pace stopper that is cool too.

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Ooh, Dynamic Lighting really helps the mood for this map. I'll edit my post later to show a playthrough and give a review of the map.




For reviewing purposes, I played on PRBoom+


Unfortunately, the dynamic lighting seems to have done most of the heavy lifting in regards to how this map looks. This map's lighting is flat AF once you take it out.


As for the map itself: It's somewhat basic in areas, but you seem to possess an eye for detail in maps. You seem to have put a lot of care into creating rooms that feel naturally populated with obstacles. Honestly, it's hard to do. I myself struggle greatly with that particular issue. I'd say the main issue is that the map doesn't seem to mesh well with the combat you've placed in it. Encounters are mainly small monsters, no more than 5, in a rather overly large room with the exceptions of the fight in the room in your 4th screenshot and the fight just before you collect the key.


I tend to follow a rule with my maps: Only make a room as big as you want the fight to be. A good example is actually the room from your 4th screenshot. I'd say it's probably the best example of a fight in this map. You have a small room with some light cover, and on the other side of the room are some nearby enemies that you have to take out. At no point in the fight do I feel like I'm in a massive arena with only like 2 enemies, nor do I feel claustrophobic from a lack of room. (Personally, it's also the best looking room in the map.) I'd recommend looking at each of your fights and deciding whether you want the fight to take up more of the room, or if you want less room encompassing your fight. It generally does wonders for balancing and fine-tuning your map.


There is the elephant in the room which is the map's one secret. It's far too easy to find and access, especially for how disproportionally powerful you end up becoming after finding it. I messed around on my first run and used it a bunch, but I made sure to avoid the secret entirely on the second run just to test the balance of the intended route. When creating a serious map, it's generally advisable to not add in a massively overpowered secret like that in order to not nullify all of the map design. However, you could go the opposite direction and create a map around a massively overpowered secret like that in order to create a power fantasy that allows players to let off steam. Though, in a situation like that, it would likely be a better idea to just make the secret a required part of the map and just create the whole level off of the idea that you have the items you would have had in the secret, but I digress.


Final Verdict: It's a fine map. Something I could see as the first map in someone's first ever wad. On the extreme easy side, and trivial if you pick up the BFG secret, it's still not an unpleasant cruise through a chill map. 6/10

Edited by Pickles

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