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The "stupid mod idea" thread

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Here's something different - not a gameplay mod, but a terrible vanilla-compatible doom level idea.


A map in which nukage pits are only escapable on lower difficulty settings.

(inspired by the videos of Sandy Petersen's granddaughter playing through MAP08 and MAP09)

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There is an old flash game that was re-released years ago on Steam called FoxyLand. It is a challenging 2D platformer with some interesting ideas. It spawned a bunch of spin-off web games which reused its art assets. Also, on Steam there is another spin-off game called Foxy's Adventure. I think that the art assets would translate well to the ZDoom engine, and the game idea would work well in a Doom Mod. Foxy Land Doom should play like a third person action-platformer similar to Sonic Robo Blast 2 but have smaller tighter and more detailed levels.


Because the gameplay would be translated into a Doom mod the perma-death feature would be completely removed. This would enable the levels to have greater exploration and flexibility. This would also allow the player to have more reckless abandonment when it comes to the platforming segments and finding all the collectables. Because this is Foxy Land, the mod still won't be easy. The player will die a lot when encountering enemies and falling into pits and spikes. The only difference is the player would have a blast doing so.

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32 map megawad where doomslayer gets fired from slaying, works at pizzahut and delivers pizza to a revenant in hell

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10 hours ago, fishboy29 said:

32 map megawad where doomslayer gets fired from slaying, works at pizzahut and delivers pizza to a revenant in hell


Seems like a pretty great for someone who just feels like making a hell-themed megawad and is looking for a unique premise to make it stand out. You could make the pizza-delivery a whole thing with unique gameplay mechanics, or you could simply fight demons who try to steal your pizza on the way to your customer.

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Yeah this might be a stupid idea, but what if someone were to make a wad with levels that only included one weapon and its accompanying ammo per level?


Pistol Only Level

Shotgun Only Level (Maybe you could include both, i dont know)

Chaingun Only Level

Rocket Launcher Only Level

Plasma Gun Only Level


Of course, contineous play would change the experience, but that could only go so far. Im anti BFG, but as an idea, you could do it.

As far as the mod is concerned, you could extend this idea into custom weapons and keep going. Points if you KEEP going all 32.

Maybe the secret levels could break the norm and give all up to that point. Its kinda a cool concept, but I am not sure if it has potential.

Edited by Dreamskull

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If each of the custom weapons was unique and not of the "slightly faster shotgun" variety, that could get very interesting!

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I want to see a mod where all the demons will be replaced with cats and Doomguy will have to pet each of them to complete the level.

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On 6/16/2023 at 9:31 AM, Scypek2 said:


Seems like a pretty great for someone who just feels like making a hell-themed megawad and is looking for a unique premise to make it stand out. You could make the pizza-delivery a whole thing with unique gameplay mechanics, or you could simply fight demons who try to steal your pizza on the way to your customer.


And the final boss (Icon of Sin) could be the Noid.

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The Filthy Frank Trilogy:

There are three installments, each installment features 10 levels, it's based off of the lore of the famous Filthy Frank channel, you play as Filthy Frank who is accompanied by his sidekicks and you must must defeat Chin Chin and his army of servants

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On 6/10/2023 at 9:04 AM, Scypek2 said:

Here's something different - not a gameplay mod, but a terrible vanilla-compatible doom level idea.


A map in which nukage pits are only escapable on lower difficulty settings.

(inspired by the videos of Sandy Petersen's granddaughter playing through MAP08 and MAP09)

Fractured Worlds implements this for HNTR as well as co-op, and I don't think it's a bad idea at all.

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doomguy but hes playing in undertale as sans but sans is ness so doomguy is playing as ness in undertale 

oh another one 
doom but with DUCKS or doom but with BANANA or the foodfight mode where all the weapons are replaced by a food somewhat related to it 
and also the cacodemon is a meatball or the pain elemental doesnt rlly matter ohh maybe the pain elemental is a cooked meatball and the cacodemon is a uncooked meatball 

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NRW gameplay mod, standing for "No Resources Wasted"

If you pick up any health kit or ammo unit while close to max, the remainder doesn't get wasted and will sit there for you to later pick up if needed.
Emptiness rate would display as a form of opacity, the more opaque the item is, the less it has left.
For combined rewards, as in backpacks and Megaspheres, the item would gain opacity alongside more prominent and less prominent colors representing the form of resource left (backpack: dark green for bullet ammo, bright gray for shotgun shells, bright brown for rockets and dark gray for cell ammo; megasphere: red for health, green for armor.)
Items that count towards the itemcount can be "picked up" even if they're useless, but their resources stay at 100% and opacity at 0%; they become pickable again when needed.
As a bonus, timed power-ups would also be able to be "toggled off" mid run when not needed and used later (akin to how Duke Nukem 3D uses them.)

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20 minutes ago, DeafPixel said:

this would actually help my ammo / health conserving brainrot

Never said it wouldn't have been useful. I think the stupidity would majorly derive from all the nitty-witty details included (opacity, itemcount "protection" and the like.)

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19 hours ago, aloysiusfreeman said:

I had the thought of all textures and sprites be done in the art style of the "Take On Me" music video, with the midi-version of the song on loop. 

Iirc there's a Wills map with the same concept, don't remember what was.

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I once thought that since Cybs don't even budge when hit with rocket, they must be specifically more resistant to rockets, beside just their big HP. So do Knights and Barons to plasma, since they only suffer mini-stuns. Haha. Thus my idea is for a silly mod to actually give them monsters such resistance:

Zombies, Chaingunners and Spideys: more resistant to bullets

Sarges: more resistant to shotgun pellets

Imps, Cacos and Pains: no change

Knights, Barons and Arachnos: more resistant to plasmagun shots

Revenants and Archvilles: more resistant to... BFG secondary shots

Cybs: more resistant to rockets

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5 hours ago, doombedoom said:

I once thought that since Cybs don't even budge when hit with rocket, they must be specifically more resistant to rockets, beside just their big HP. So do Knights and Barons to plasma, since they only suffer mini-stuns. Haha. Thus my idea is for a silly mod to actually give them monsters such resistance:

Zombies, Chaingunners and Spideys: more resistant to bullets

Sarges: more resistant to shotgun pellets

Imps, Cacos and Pains: no change

Knights, Barons and Arachnos: more resistant to plasmagun shots

Revenants and Archvilles: more resistant to... BFG secondary shots

Cybs: more resistant to rockets

Cybers (and also Spiderdemons) are indeed naturally more resistant to rockets since they're hardcodedly immune to splash damage. Also a few observations to add:

- Cacos should be added to the Nobility&Arachnotron group since their attacks are plasma balls (in fact they deal the same damage as a player or Arachnotron bolt)
- Speaking of which, maybe the "BFG secondary damage" (called a tracer, in fact) should be moved to the Baron and HK instead
- Revs have missiles which deal grievous damage, but no splash attack. Archies attack with explosion (and a bit of hitscan) and Mancubi - which were left out for some reason - use heavy flames which explode with the same animation as a rocket. So I'd put these together with the Cyb
- Also move Spider Mama with the Shotgunner since her chaingun's rounds deal the same damage as a Shotgunner attack
- Pain Elementals should be just in general resistant to any pain in general, given their name (har har.) Assuming the above resistances were around 50% each, let's give them 33% for everything to keep it balanced

- Pinkies, Spectres and Lost Souls would be more resistant to any melee attacks, whether fist, Berserker or chainsaw. Again 50% here, and a 33% would go for any other monster which has both a ranged and a melee attack
- Imps and their fireballs? Ehh, just put them with the Caco and the Arachnotron then.

I may be putting too much thought into a stupid mod, but them's the breaks I guess?

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@Cell Awesome, you formulated this better :-) Tho I thought about more modest resistance, say 20-25%. And yeah, I somehow forgot Mancs, Pinkies, Spectres, and Losts, haha

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A Plutonia pWad called "Rustonia" which is fairly the same tier gameplay as Plutonia, but the COMPSPAN and CEIL5_1/TLITE6_1 pedestals (the staples for the whole Plutonia premise) are replaced with METAL and CEIL5_2/TLITE6_4 ones. Relics from an era when people were unaware of plastic covers being superior to metal ones.

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Realistic Doom: all levels are modified to have a more realistic layout. This doesn't sound that stupid, until you realise that a lot of Doom's level design centers around the fact it isn't realistic. No monster closets, most toxic waste pits have railings so you will rarely, if ever, fall in, and you can forget about random high powered weapons just laying on the ground

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And if you get shot, the WAD eats your hard drive and you actually die.

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On 8/3/2023 at 4:55 AM, OliveTree said:

shooting anything causes you to switch places with the thing you shot

i want to elaborate on this. Like, this doesnt replace the shoot function. if u shot a rocket at an enemy you'd still swap places, and now be in the trajectory of ur own rocket.

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