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What other retro fps game would you want to see remastered or remade?

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The games that I would like to see a remaster of (in general and not limited to FPS):

  • Return to Castle Wolfenstein
  • F.E.A.R
  • Reah
  • Dune II
  • Syndicate (1993 version)
  • Ultima Underworld (though one somewhat exists, it was poorly recieved)
  • Ultima 7 (both parts)
  • X-wing & TIE Fighter

As an addition, I would like to see a fully re-done of the original version of Half-Life 2, the darker and grittier version then what was ultimately shipped and released to the public.

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I'd like to see the whole Raven catalogue remastered and not just the first person games. Give me Take No Prisoners and Mageslayer as well.

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10 hours ago, Murdoch said:

Obviously there can be cross over with remaster and port. Also i don't believe ROTT Ludicrous Edition technically qualifies as a remaster because the assets are unaltered, but it does include a lot of new content.

This is exactly the source of my confusion (as to what people are willing to call a remaster), since a few games got official re-releases including the word remastered in the title and/or official description, yet they are essentially either source ports (if the original was for DOS or another legacy platform) or simply programme updates to add higher resolutions and fix modern Windows compatibility.


Anyway, back to the original discussion, I don't believe anyone mentioned The Terminator: Future Shock and SkyNET yet? IIRC there were a couple of engine recreation projects out there (because I think the source code for these games was lost by Bethesda along with the sources of Daggerfall, or at least they're not going to publish it anyway), but these were either abandoned, or if I'm not mixing it up with something else, one author canned the project for fear of copyright infringement lawsuits (because, well, of the licensed title). It's a real shame because Future Shock was in many ways waay ahead of its time. Would be nice to have a thorough engine recreation in the same vein as The Force Engine, because I think that xnGine's renderer is really nice.

8 hours ago, Apprentice said:

Dune II

You probably do know of the numerous Dune II projects, but I'd be obliged to mention Dune Dynasty, which is built on the reverse-engineered code and is 100pc accurate gameplay-wise while adding QoL improvements (high res, multiple unit selection, optional harder AI) and Dune II - The Maker, which is built from scratch and features some improved, ahnd-drawn graphics.

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34 minutes ago, Master O said:

If Quake 3 Arena is ever remastered, give it a single-player campaign.

If they did bring Quake 3 over to like Steam or something, i would be down to play it 


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A true single-player campaign for Quake 3 Arena would be an entirely new game...


14 hours ago, Murdoch said:


In my opinion Blood II is fundamentally broken in just about every aspect. So much it simply isn't fun, and nothing less than a complete rethink and remake would suffice in this case.

I think the main aspects are fine: enemies, weapons, set pieces, level design (for the most part). 

It's been ages since I played through it, but the main problem I remember is the balance issue. 

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On 8/18/2023 at 6:40 AM, Spooner5020 said:

Heavy Metal F.a.a.k 2. The creator has been trying to get it rereleased or remastered, but ran into rights issues I think. Was one of the better Quake 3 engine games. Shame it went so under the radar.

Ooooh, you're a person of culture :)


I would like to see System Shock 2, Hexen 2 and maybe Quake 4

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14 minutes ago, Astar said:

Ooooh, you're a person of culture :)


I would like to see System Shock 2, Hexen 2 and maybe Quake 4

Like I said it’s a shame it went under the radar. A switch port would be amazing and a Steam release would be nice too.

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On 8/21/2023 at 3:56 AM, Master O said:

If Quake 3 Arena is ever remastered, give it a single-player campaign.

Plus, integrate weapons and powerups from Team Arena to vanilla Quake 3 maps.

Too bad they had to get stuck in team-based game modes, imagine how fun deathmatch games would be with them.

Edited by Panzermann11

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Not FPS but rather TPS, I'd like to see PC ports of the Gears of War trilogy. It's a shame the first game had a PC port and remastered as the Ultimate Edition but not 2 and 3. I'd also like to see 2 and 3 get the Ultimate Edition treatment aswell. Hell, maybe even pack both the remasters and the original versions in a single collection, a la Halo: MCC.

Edited by Panzermann11

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On 8/17/2023 at 2:04 PM, ChaseC7527 said:

The original Postal game, (yeah I know theres postal redux) but i mean i'd love to see it done in like the doom or quake engine.

YES THAT NEEDS TO BE MADE! Somebody needs to make that

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I'd like to see an overhaul of TekWar. It was a fascinating but broken game that fell far, far short of its potential.

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22 minutes ago, Bucket said:

I'd like to see an overhaul of TekWar. It was a fascinating but broken game that fell far, far short of its potential.

Should we get william shatner back to redo his lines and appear as a hologram lol

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21 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

Should we get william shatner back to redo his lines and appear as a hologram lol


Nah, keep the videos and superimpose them onto the player's ultra futuristic flip phone.

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14 minutes ago, Faceman2000 said:

I can't wait for a Dusk remaster; that game's really fun but the models have aged super poorly.

Dusk HD say's hi

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On 8/19/2023 at 2:57 PM, The_SloVinator said:
On 8/19/2023 at 2:21 PM, MrFlibble said:

BStone is a pretty faithful source port as far as I can tell. But again, perhaps you meant a full-fledged remake with a modern engine and full 3D characters? I suppose this could actually work out well, Blake Stone has a very solid gameplay concept that could transition well to a more modern FPS environment without losing its aesthetics and pace.

I'm more of a remaster guy, so I meant a decent remaster. Everything should stay the same with some quality of life improvements & modern system support.

BTW, I've just remembered that some time ago, I was wondering what Blake Stone would have looked like in the Build engine, if it were given a treatment similar to Return of the Triad. The colour palette and textures in the game look really nice IMO, and that artist who made the new sprites for The AMC Squad and Demon Throne could probably create some very faithful-looking renditions of the Blake Stone character cast.

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1 hour ago, Artman2004 said:

The original Red Faction would really benefit from a remake.

Not going to lie: I was actually waiting for someone to mention Red Faction series. But yet it dose need one

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1 hour ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

Not going to lie: I was actually waiting for someone to mention Red Faction series. But yet it dose need one

I know the third one did get remastered already, so that would make sense.


Those cutscenes could definitely use an update:



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10 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

I know the third one did get remastered already, so that would make sense.


Those cutscenes could definitely use an update:



God seeing these models now a days is god awful. I mean i get it, it was 2001 and the graphics we're "mind blowing" back then but now in the modern day seeing old models like that to quote the one guy from some show i can't remember taking off his sun glasses and saying this: "What the fuck is this shit?". But the only Red Faction game i ever played was the one in third person, running around with a hammer and destroying stuff.

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10 minutes ago, xScavengerWolfx said:

God seeing these models now a days is god awful. I mean i get it, it was 2001 and the graphics we're "mind blowing" back then but now in the modern day seeing old models like that to quote the one guy from some show i can't remember taking off his sun glasses and saying this: "What the fuck is this shit?". But the only Red Faction game i ever played was the one in third person, running around with a hammer and destroying stuff.

Even if it is ultimately little more than a Half-Life clone built from assets that were intended for a fourth Descent game, I still think the game has its charms and the Morgan/Wentz soundtrack is phenomenal. It also could use some balancing towards the end, when enemies get unfairly deadly. Now that is one railgun nerf that I can see everybody agree to! :P

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Man, i am seeing a lot of retro games i've either heard of but never played or never heard of and want to play.


Speaking of remastering i saw night dive is remastering Turok 3 and Dark Forces. I saw it on Kinsin's post about it and man i can't wait since i've never played Turok 3 as a kid.

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4 hours ago, taufan99 said:

Realms of the Haunting, anyone?


That games seem like it has true potential to be remastered and remade. A game with such fluid firing or attacking animations and enemy sprites, damn...

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On dimanche 20 août 2023 at 8:25 PM, MrFlibble said:

This is exactly the source of my confusion (as to what people are willing to call a remaster), since a few games got official re-releases including the word remastered in the title and/or official description, yet they are essentially either source ports (if the original was for DOS or another legacy platform) or simply programme updates to add higher resolutions and fix modern Windows compatibility.

The distinction is very tenuous IMO. The Doom re-release come with widescreen art, is it enough to make it a remaster? After all, it's new assets...


Doomsday has its optional model packs and hires packs. Does that make it a remaster instead of a port?


Personally I'd say a remaster is an official port with real work put into more than just porting it to new hardware and OS. Having higher resolution or fidelity assets can be part of that work, but it's not necessarily the only way to make something feel like a remaster. Especially for video games where a few changes in the code can drastically modify the audio and video output anyway without touching the assets.


Maybe more than high res assets, I think the best thing in remasters is when they contain, basically, the equivalent of a DVD's bonus features. Behind the scene stuff, concept art gallery, cut content restoration, exclusive content reintegration, etc. The Quake II remaster is a good example of that, the Command & Conquer remaster was as well, to give an example in a different genre and by a different team. A good remaster is made by people who are not just talented at remastering games, but also actually genuine fans of the game they're working on, and want to give it the treatment it deserves, including preserving its history and legacy. If it's just "we made it run in 4K and piped its textures through Stable Diffusion" then it's not a remaster.

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