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1k1k - A COMPACT Doom 2 Community Project [RELEASED]

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41 minutes ago, TheMightyWhoosh said:


SONG: "In the night"



Feedback appreciated! Thanks! :-)  


A really nice solid map, which utilizes the given space very well and fun to play! Didn't had any issues with it (and midi is a banger)

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1 minute ago, TheMightyWhoosh said:

Thanks for the positive feedback mate! The title of the map - “Nha” - translates to “house” in Vietnamese - a tribute to somebody that is very dear to me. 

Yeah sorry you wrote nha.wad and, well, you know how people are when they title their wad files. I figured it was an acronym or something.

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4 minutes ago, SG. said:

A really nice solid map, which utilizes the given space very well and fun to play! Didn't had any issues with it (and midi is a banger)

Thanks very much! :D 


1 minute ago, yourlocalchef said:

Yeah sorry you wrote nha.wad and, well, you know how people are when they title their wad files. I figured it was an acronym or something.

Ah! It really does look like an acronym doesn’t it? Apologises, I should have been a little clearer on that! 

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@TheMightyWhoosh great little map, loved it. I like the texture work, the layout, architecture and everything. It's a bit easy up until the last encounter, but i don't mind that. However, i think the blue armor is a bit too generous, and it will better replaced by a green one.

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36 minutes ago, SG. said:


Quick update on map25. Link in og post, just a few fixes/adjustments and extra blocking lines



Really cool map, glad to see another space platformer. Great looking and very atmospheric. It got me good at the start, because i don't have the weapon auto switch on, but i did very well after that. There was only one fight that felt like i had no chance but to soak most of the damage... the one with the imps and revenants that teleport in front of the switch, with more revenants in the cage on the right, they don't leave you room to move. Let me know if i missed the right strategy to deal with that scenario, i really got wrecked in there :D. I ended up hitting the switch and not moving at all from that spot, which at least gave me cover from the revenants in the cage, but i still had to eat a lot of imp fireballs, barely made it out. The two cybers are fine, at first i got worried how i'll deal with them with no room to dodge rockets, but that big poison pipe and the BFG was all i needed. I finished the map with 2 enemies left, i don't know if they're triggered by a secret, or they were meant to teleport early. 

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1 minute ago, Tangra666 said:

I finished the map with 2 enemies left

Hmm weird, secret does not activate any new enemies, and all closets were working during the final playtest, I'll check again


3 minutes ago, Tangra666 said:

the one with the imps and revenants that teleport in front of the switch

This one is hard, yeah, but mostly what you need to do is focus on the revs at the start cage, and switch to imps from time to time

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[Thin Walls Fall - Map05]
[Chevelle - An Evening with El Diablo]
[Stock DoomII Textures]


Well here's a rough version of my first map. I mostly wanted to get the gameplay locked down before going into further detailing and fine tuning. I had somewhat of a difficult time trying to balance the combat between what I enjoy and what a Map05 should be. If it feels overly difficult I have a few ideas to make it more tame. I'll keep touching this one up for the next week or so before starting on Map30. Edit: This was tested on DSDA-Doom. I haven't tried on any other sourceports but I don't believe there should be any issues. Please give it a spin on as many ports as you can.


Another Edit: I've played most of the maps submitted thus far but haven't given feedback for them all yet. I'll be re-downloading and re-playing them all with the goal of providing feedback to help improve them. I've been playing between mapping sessions but I might dedicate a chunk of time on my next day off to that.

Edited by ABearInThaWoods

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7 minutes ago, SG. said:

Hmm weird, secret does not activate any new enemies, and all closets were working during the final playtest, I'll check again


You should know that i have a habit of standing on top of teleport destinations, to block incoming enemies. That shouldn't cause an issue... maybe one of the closets have the W1 instead of WR action?

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Yeah, its a weird bug that present in gzdoom. I was testing map on dsda so I was unaware of it

It can be fixed by choosing "doom (strict)" preset in compatibility options (the one maps are kinda build for), default one disallow 2 monster to teleport for some reason

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3 minutes ago, Tangra666 said:

maybe one of the closets have the W1 instead of WR action

nah, I memorized the action 97 very well and I type it in, cuz choosing it from the list is longer and more annoying lol

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7 minutes ago, SG. said:


Yeah, its a weird bug that present in gzdoom. I was testing map on dsda so I was unaware of it

It can be fixed by choosing "doom (strict)" preset in compatibility options (the one maps are kinda build for), default one disallow 2 monster to teleport for some reason


Ah, i see. This must be it then. Sorry, i didn't know.


19 minutes ago, ABearInThaWoods said:

[Thin Walls Fall - Map05]
[Chevelle - An Evening with El Diablo]
[Stock DoomII Textures]


Another map, i have no complaints with. Great fights, layout and architecture. Cool backgrounds too. The final encounter was a blast. I often forget how satisfying it is to blow up low level cannon fodder with the rocket launcher. I should do it more often in my maps.

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34 minutes ago, ABearInThaWoods said:

This was tested on DSDA-Doom

Funny enough, but Im on dsda rn and I have insanely weird shit going on

After a fight with the first archvile, there is a door with 15th tag, that should open, but for some reason floor just lowers forever? The strangest thing is - on no-mo it lowers just fine, as well as with tntem cheat. I have no clue what's going on


Edit: it also works fine on -cl 9, but not on -cl 2

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7 hours ago, SG. said:

Funny enough, but Im on dsda rn and I have insanely weird shit going on

After a fight with the first archvile, there is a door with 15th tag, that should open, but for some reason floor just lowers forever? The strangest thing is - on no-mo it lowers just fine, as well as with tntem cheat. I have no clue what's going on


Edit: it also works fine on -cl 9, but not on -cl 2


I had some of these issues too but they cleared up when I loaded it up outside of the editor. So it seems the map is busted on the target mode. Its strange that monsters being alive is part of the problem, almost as if its some secret rule like Mancs/Arachnos on map07s. Strange thing is I had none of these problems during development up until I finalized the last room. 


Im pretty thoroughly confused. Guess I'll need to figure out some sort of solution.

Edited by ABearInThaWoods

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Just want to say that it seems real impressive, from an outsiders view, just how quickly this set is having maps completed and somehow richly rewarding to see just how much the mappers are participating in playtesting and helping the other contibuters. Its made me more interested and invested in playing the final product. I imagine other CPs may have the same level of involvement but perhaps more behind the scenes in private messages or on discord or something but to be able to watch it happen in progress here on Doomworld has me more hyped than I could have believed myself to be for a set outside of my preferred genre. 

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@TheMightyWhoosh Real good work. I like the progression and traps. On progression: great that you kept in mind immediately showing the player the very next thing they need to do. Fights were fun and I had to duck out at the end which was a nice little adrenaline spike.

Edited by yourlocalchef

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7 minutes ago, Insaneprophet said:

Just want to say that it seems real impressive, from an outsiders view, just how quickly this set is having maps completed and somehow richly rewarding to see just how much the mappers are participating in playtesting and helping the other contibuters. Its made me more interested and invested in playing the final product. I imagine other CPs may have the same level of involvement but perhaps more behind the scenes in private messages or on discord or something but to be able to watch it happen in progress here on Doomworld has me more hyped than I could have believed myself to be for a set outside of my preferred genre. 

Honestly, this is my first real foray into a CP and it has been really nice. Everyone seems really receptive to feedback and willing to put in more effort which made me want to reciprocate that.

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1 hour ago, yourlocalchef said:

Honestly, this is my first real foray into a CP and it has been really nice. Everyone seems really receptive to feedback and willing to put in more effort which made me want to reciprocate that.

Same, this has been the best experience i had in the community so far, even tho i've been here in doomworld for like, two months. Love y'all people, never change.

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2 hours ago, yourlocalchef said:

@SG. Real good work. I like the progression and traps. On progression: great that you kept in mind immediately showing the player the very next thing they need to do. Fights were fun and I had to duck out at the end which was a nice little adrenaline spike.

You messed up a bit, its a @TheMightyWhoosh work, not mine :)

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@SG. can i ask, how do you have your SPACESKY texture transferred in your map 25? I thought you need a dummy sector for that? Or is this just in Boom? I need to do this for my maps and remove the MAPINFO from them, to make it easier for Yop when it's time to compile the whole thing.

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9 minutes ago, Tangra666 said:

how do you have your SPACESKY texture transferred in your map 25

Its an 271 action, if you look above the monster closets, you'll see a dummy sector made as a tringle, that's basically it. I would recommend you to do it using square through, cuz it works with tags, and for example, if your sector tagged 1 and exposed to a sky, it wont transfer new one, until you make new line with 217 action and with tag 1


9 minutes ago, Tangra666 said:

is this just in Boom

Its an MBF feature, but cuz its only a visual stuff, its supported by most of the ports, even by crispy doom, so its safe to use

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5 minutes ago, SG. said:

Its an 271 action, if you look above the monster closets, you'll see a dummy sector made as a tringle, that's basically it. I would recommend you to do it using square through, cuz it works with tags, and for example, if your sector tagged 1 and exposed to a sky, it wont transfer new one, until you make new line with 217 action and with tag 1


Nice, thank you! I'll change them tomorrow and re-upload the maps.

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@Yop Question: would it be permissable for areas outside the 1024x1024 to be accessible, specifically if it's 20 damaging floor/a death pit?

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Just now, Gothic Box said:

@Yop Question: would it be permissable for areas outside the 1024x1024 to be accessible, specifically if it's 20 damaging floor/a death pit?

has to be within the 1024x1024 area.

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Welp I've got some interesting news to report. While doing some research on what could be causing a single sector to break my map I discovered, through the Doomwiki page for Map05, that there is a similar map breaking bug in Doom 2 that is also dependant on monsters being alive or not. So this seems to be a room Doom2 issue. The map seems to work on other complevels but foe cl2 its kinda just broken.


I may have to completely redesign how the map functions in order to fix this. The only other solution I could think of would be to trade map slots as long as it doesnt break another map. I'll need to test if changing the slot would actually work, of course.


This is frustrating but very interesting.

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On 8/29/2023 at 5:44 PM, SG. said:

MAP NAME: Metal Space Tension

NUM: 25
SONG USED: "Foregone Destruction" from Unreal Tournament
CUSTOM TEXTURES: some from already present "32in24-15_tex_v2.wad"
DOWNLOAD: Link (v2)


ooohhh i like the bite of this one, the music fits really well and i like how careful you have to be. the final fight with the cybers is very tense! you did a good job!


i found some texturing issues here:


the platforms with the plasma packs look a little wacky without textures on DSDA-doomimage.png.fd1488ce875d970144649091b84b9087.png


you can do invisible sectors in other ways, see here https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Making_an_invisible_floor


this left tiny pillar is untextured in this side.


i like that you have to be careful to pickup the plasma packs, but i think it's a little too easy to fall out of it. when in mid-air you can't control doomguy even with a tiny 8px fall, so if you go too fast you fall off even when stepping back. i recommend you to make these platforms a little higher up so its a little more fair to the player.


also, at least for me i feel that starting the level with a enemy just chasing you can be a little sloppy, i understand the why but just feels a little too much to players going blind or that just warped into the level.

( a little late but i hope the feedback will be useful ;w; )

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16 minutes ago, Higo Doragon said:

the platforms with the plasma packs look a little wacky without textures on DSDA-doom

oh yeah, its some self-referensed sectors that broke in the process of map creation, didn't notice, cuz I forgot to change render back to software lol

also thanks for finding hom :)


20 minutes ago, Higo Doragon said:

i like that you have to be careful to pickup the plasma packs, but i think it's a little too easy to fall out of it

uhh, I did place the blocking lines behind in v2 version and couldn't get myself bounce back and fall (or just fall in general), even with sr50

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