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A Restriction-Themed Mapsets / Maps List (Better organized now, plus a WIP Excel doc!)

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Any plans for a weapon limitation subcategory? No Pockets Doom is limited to two weapons per level, and I have an idea for a mapset that offers you two weapons but you can only choose one of them to play. There could be more.

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22 minutes ago, jo2ukegappy said:

Any plans for a weapon limitation subcategory? No Pockets Doom is limited to two weapons per level, and I have an idea for a mapset that offers you two weapons but you can only choose one of them to play. There could be more.


33 minutes ago, Kwisior said:

You can include Phouse: "The great arena" in the same category as ARCADE.

Thanks, these work well.


Had no idea 'Phouse' existed, sounds interesting.


And, @jo2ukegappy , I will add that right now - appreciate the suggestion. I'll add the category as 'weapon selection limitation'.



Added, 2023-10-19:


Phouse: The Great Arena

No Pockets Doom

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34 minutes ago, Arrowhead said:


Thanks, these work well.


Had no idea 'Phouse' existed, sounds interesting.


And, @jo2ukegappy , I will add that right now - appreciate the suggestion. I'll add the category as 'weapon selection limitation'.



Added, 2023-10-19:


Phouse: The Great Arena

No Pockets Doom


I think for organization purposes you should also post the lists inside spoilers. These will grow pretty quickly as others become aware of the thread. Trying to put the limitation criteria in alphabetical order might be good too. Thanks for the thread and for maintaining it!

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15 minutes ago, jo2ukegappy said:


I think for organization purposes you should also post the lists inside spoilers. These will grow pretty quickly as others become aware of the thread. Trying to put the limitation criteria in alphabetical order might be good too. Thanks for the thread and for maintaining it!

Reason I haven't done that yet, is because I am making a comprehensive Excel spreadsheet for this list right now - I plan for that to be organized alphabetically by limitation. What you're saying is a good suggestion, though - especially the spoiler bit.


The Excel doc will have more detail, so I'm focusing most on that right now. Once I have more time, I'll 'clean up' the main post like you mentioned.


Bit busy today, but I'll likely try to do that in the next day or so.


Appreciate the feedback!

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About to do a major update of the list in the first post.


I found 30 mins today to get everything in order.


I still have the full list saved elsewhere, just in case.

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@jo2ukegappy, I've followed your suggestions, and have now re-organized the list as you suggested.


Quite a large improvement, thanks for the help.


Still working on the Excel doc!



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8 hours ago, Arrowhead said:

@jo2ukegappy, I've followed your suggestions, and have now re-organized the list as you suggested.


Quite a large improvement, thanks for the help.


Still working on the Excel doc!




That looks amazingly good. Thanks! One question, do you plan to have a single map section too? I'm working on a map called Wood5Flat5, which uses only Wood5 and Flat5_1. I think there are other single map releases that work with limitations, but maybe they are too many to count and maintain? And of course, teasing screenies.








Edited by jo2ukegappy

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6 hours ago, jo2ukegappy said:


I'll allow single maps - now that I've got things better organized, I'm more comfortable w/ extending the scope of this list.


I've been trying to find out the best way to display them.


I was worried it would bloat things a bit - but I may just make this a separate list below the 'main' one.



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Dming and tagging you felt too personal, so I'm posting here. A short and punchy map using only Wood5 and Flat5_1. Hope you play it and have fun!


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1 hour ago, jo2ukegappy said:

Dming and tagging you felt too personal...

Hey, no worries, I'm not ever bothered when someone DMs me. All good.


I'll give it a shot a bit later today - I'll post in the thread you linked what I think.


I'll get that added to the list, too.  :)


Added, 2023-10-21:


Single Maps:



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BIG update.


32 new single maps I've added, as well as 5 new map packs.


Added, 2023-10-23:


Single Maps:


1024-3: Marine Goes To Hell
1024 x 1024 The Building
An Evening Stroll in Venice
Bunker 1024
Burning Fane
Daemonic Martello 1024
Dwarf Town
Fanta Factory
Gloomy Sewers 1024
Happy Frickin Birthday 40oz
Ivano: 1024
Mt. Erebus 1024
neg_!ke's 1024 Map for Doom II
Nongrato 1024
Null Space Junior
Outpost 2048
Proyect 1024
Radial Ascension
Rf 1024
Titanium Tide 1024 - Gold Editon!
Tower 1024
Twisted Metal 1024
UAC Research Vessel #1024
Xenus: Lost Base


Map Packs:


1024-4: Directors Cut
Halvung 1024
Katamori 1024: The Lost Era
Liberate 1024


I'll be scouring the web for more examples of restriction-themed single levels, but in the meantime, some suggestions would be very helpful. Please let me know of single levels that have restrictions in this thread, and I will immediately add them!



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Another update!


Added, 2023-10-24:




Nine Circles


No Future Hope

Casting of Bones

Doubts Even Here

Senators of Volition

Industrial Outpost






No Health

Doom 2 In a Nutshell

The Dime Birthday Level Collection





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Another update again!


Added, 2023-10-24:


Single Levels:


1024 Units of Suffering
Angel's Asylum
Dead Starport
Jaws 1024
Jaws 1024 #2
Quartzite Quarrel
What is this?........A Siege for Ants?


Still looking for more single level restriction-themed maps, if you know any I'm missing right now, let me know!

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Hi Colton!

Will there be in the future a general download link for all that great big pack of wads?

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14 hours ago, FEDEX said:

Hi Colton!

Will there be in the future a general download link for all that great big pack of wads?

That was something I was thinking. I already have a big folder with all the WADs in it, but I'd need to get this folder better organized before making it available. I'm also not 100% sure if all the projects would allow redistribution in that fashion. I'll have to check the readmes. I imagine most will allow it.


1 hour ago, DoomGappy said:

You should become a maintainer/helper of this section of the wiki, @Arrowhead. Your thread already has more things than there are listed there.

I've thought about starting to do some editing for the Doomwiki - mainly just listing WADs and the like. Which section are you referring to? For some reason, your link doesn't go anywhere for me. But yeah, for sure something worth thinking about.

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17 minutes ago, Arrowhead said:

That was something I was thinking. I already have a big folder with all the WADs in it, but I'd need to get this folder better organized before making it available. I'm also not 100% sure if all the projects would allow redistribution in that fashion. I'll have to check the readmes. I imagine most will allow it.


I've thought about starting to do some editing for the Doomwiki - mainly just listing WADs and the like. Which section are you referring to? For some reason, your link doesn't go anywhere for me. But yeah, for sure something worth thinking about.


This one: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Category:PWADs_with_specific_design_restrictions


Don't know what happened, but it's a restricted level page. 

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Does this fit into restrictions? A WAD using only flat colors.


Oh, it's already there. Well, take the free bump, let's hope someone likes the thread.

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35 minutes ago, DoomGappy said:

Fresh out of the oven, @Pistoolkip's one texture, limitless flats, wood5 only map.

Nice, I'll get it added.





Added, 2023-11-24:



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Shameless self plug and I dont't know if it qualifies but my wad Doom Beneath has no medikits on UV, only 9 health bonuses (also a secret supercharge on the first map and a berserk before the boss fight in the last map)

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I'll be getting back to this soon - I'll add the couple or so I've missed from earlier.


This includes resuming work on the WIP Excel spreadsheet!


If you have any examples I've missed - obviously there will be a few from the last 5 months, let me know in this thread - or feel free to DM me, (I'm never bothered by that) - I will incorporate the new suggestions into the existing database!

First on the main post, later on the WIP spreadsheet.

As always, I appreciate any suggestions / help - this is a community effort after all!


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1 minute ago, DoomGappy said:

@Arrowhead, why are Angry Quilt, Angry Quilt 2 and Tribute Quilt on the "Portion of Larger Level" section in the map pack category instead of single level? On that front, would Box Doom (which is coming out, I promise) be under the same category? 

Ah, that's a good point.


Yes, you are correct - AQ, AQ2 and TQ are technically single levels each - that's an oversight on my part.


And yeah, you are also correct - Box Doom would fit that 'category'.


What do you propose I re-name this category - 'single level comprised of contributions from many authors' seems a bit wordy, lol.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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I gotta get back to that excel doc sometime soon, too.


I've just been juggling a few other projects + some IRL stuff right now, but I'll get to it soon!

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6 minutes ago, Arrowhead said:

What do you propose I re-name this category - 'single level comprised of contributions from many authors' seems a bit wordy, lol.

Comapped single level (5+ mappers) or something like that? It is technically a comapping effort (box doom will have like 60 mappers listed as the author)

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1 minute ago, DoomGappy said:

Comapped single level (5+ mappers) or something like that? It is technically a comapping effort (box doom will have like 60 mappers listed as the author)

I like this.


I'll re-name to: 'Co-mapped single level, (5+ Mappers)' , and move those three projects to 'single levels'.


We can always change it if we come up w/ something that works better, this is all very WIP of course.


I appreciate the feedback - I'll implement the above change now.




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compilation threads like this are always nice for people like me who are sometimes too lazy to sift through idgames or the map releases thread ;)

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