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Exoterrestrial (MBF21, Minicharge) IDGAMES

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Played through the first 3 maps so far and I can attest to the fact that this is an enjoyable set 😀 I usually dont go in for the slaughter stuff but like you said they are "mostly easy" despite still offering some challenging situations. There are plenty of of demons to both scare the shit out of you and make the player feel like a doom god. I am utterly incapable of discovering any of the secrets so far and it has left me with anywhere from 100 missing kills up to hundreds of missing kills. Unsure what Im missing as after scouring the maps nothing looks promising, only one blue lit "door" on map 2 but again, nothing stood out as a way to open it. Oh well, I am still enjoying myself without 100%. Thank you for making/sharing this.

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@NoReason you are one of my favorite mappers and this set is an awesome counterpart to your speedmapping experiments. I feel like your fight choreography and slaughter dynamics are super unique and satisfying to play, and this consistent (and beautiful) styling added an unexpected depth to playing through these maps. Really really good, please make more stuff like this!

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Great WAD, I have to echo what Bank said about this being a really nice counterpart to the NoSp series. Very satisfying slaughter that would be accessible for anyone whom considers that series is too much for them to handle, or who might prefer their slaughter with a super/minicharge seasoning.


Map01-04 casual UV playthroughs (v0.27.3 -dsdademos), Map02 is quite a silly recording because I totally missed half of the weapons in the map. - exoterre-maribo.zip


Thing you may or may not want to fix: in the north end of Map01, there's a little ledge you can jump through and softlock yourself in, it's kind of a tempting jump when thinking about potential places for secret. Rough image below, also happens like 5 or 6 minutes into the Map01 demo above.




Edited by Maribo : weird punctuation

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This is funny, I was gonna mention the same exact softlock and completely missing two weapons in map 02 for half of the map, lol


What I can add is two things: 



- In map 03, there is no chaingun on HMP or lower, unlike UV where you get one from chaingunners. It barely registers as a "missing weapon" since more than enough shells and rockets, and the pistol in minicharge is surprisingly nice, though given that there are still boxes of bullets scattered around the map, there could be a chaingun somewhere.

- In map 05, the midtex here (RK place) can be seen bleeding through the floor, in software mode.


I mentioned in Vile's stream something about infight acting up but I couldn't reproduce anything that I had happening before soooo I'm gonna assume it was typical stray SSG bullets and misguided friendly fire. Also I now get why these cyberdemons perform differently on infight, it's because of the smaller blast radius and so they aggro less things at once. It also took a couple funny instances to realize why they wouldn't fight back, umm, dark cardinals. Used that to my advantage of course lol. Also these guys are super lazy, but maybe they learned a few things in the latest version ?? ...



Good good good stuff, thanks for making this. My laptop handled everything sans the credits map pretty well :D

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I appreciate the bug reports and feedback so far, I fixed the softlock on 01 since I can't think of an appropriate secret for that, although it would be a cool place for one. I also fixed the missing chaingun on 03 on hmp and lower, as well as the bleeding midtex on 05. I've updated the OP with a new version.


22 hours ago, Bytefyre said:

@NoReason I have this DSDACR lump you can add to the WAD.  I originally made it for NoSp2/3, and since the palette is the same, the color definitions seem to work just fine.






Strange that the extended hud looked normal for me by default, I guess it's an issue with later versions of DSDA. It's probably past time I update anyway, although I'm not sure it's something I even consider an issue. Thanks though.

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Fucking amazing, I mean,

It's not that I expected anything. You always make great maps.

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3 hours ago, NoReason said:

Strange that the extended hud looked normal for me by default, I guess it's an issue with later versions of DSDA. It's probably past time I update anyway, although I'm not sure it's something I even consider an issue. Thanks though.


You're welcome, NoRe!  It has to do with the introduction of dynamic color ranges in 0.26.  The base DSDACR lump in dsda-doom.wad defines color ranges for the ex hud based on the standard IWAD palette, basically calculating an average of two RGB values to produce each color.  However, that won't account for PWADs which have any sort of palette swaps in play, so what ends up happening is any value which falls outside the defined ranges of the PLAYPAL ends up producing gray (which is what happened to green), or the value might not correspond to the color which appeared pre-0.26 (which is what happened to blue).  In those cases, custom DSDACR lumps are required to supply the correct RGB values for any desired colors.

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Had a damn tough time with the cramped fight in map03! Went much better in map04 tho :)


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3 hours ago, thelamp said:

What a map


Just finished watching, I'm glad the set was (mostly) enjoyable. Thanks for the videos!

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Has someone been able to find the yellow key in map 5? I'm about to punch the wall.....


Edit: NVM found it already.

Edited by Gorxen

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what a wonderful set! I only played the first 3 maps proper, but the other two look amazing and I can't wait to sit down and play map05 proper because it is a looker. I continue to really admire your encounter design - your maps are one of the first I go to when I am struggling to come up with high monster count encounters. also gotta callout @Psyrus' midis, they are so good

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There are a few projects, although this isn't really the place to discuss such things. Besides, I'd rather keep it to myself in case I decide to trash them.

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