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[WIP] Doom 64: Unseen Evil - Run it back, Doom 64 style!

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I've been following this thread for a long time, but i have to say it, that mastermind design it's so fucking good. When other mods try to make a D64 mastermind they rather copy the arachnotron sprites and just recolour them, or make a weird ahh design that doesn't fit in, but this one looks like something official.

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On 10/3/2023 at 2:56 PM, DankMetal said:

I've been following this thread for a long time, but i have to say it, that mastermind design it's so fucking good. When other mods try to make a D64 mastermind they rather copy the arachnotron sprites and just recolour them, or make a weird ahh design that doesn't fit in, but this one looks like something official.

I'm a lot more impressed with the Chaingunner model. The ones I've seen are just Zombiemen carrying chainguns, and frankly, they look pretty dismal, especially when entering their attack state.

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On 12/16/2023 at 8:38 PM, JimFlasch said:

Is there a release date for this yet? I'd really like to see it in action.


Not yet, unfortunately. I've been preoccupied with getting a demo out for one of my other projects, so other projects like Unseen Evil haven't been getting my full attention. I'm excited to get back into it, though! I'm particularly looking forward to finishing up the Chaingunner, fixing up his proportions, and all that.

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(this mod is still active, new updates were posted on twitter but guests have the post order screwed up on accounts)
how exactly does the terraformer's lighting system work? does it average out colors from a texture? also, i think it might be a good idea to include a fallback palette like @Craneo's patch64 does for custom maps

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On 2/15/2024 at 4:17 PM, Donowa said:

(this mod is still active, new updates were posted on twitter but guests have the post order screwed up on accounts)
how exactly does the terraformer's lighting system work? does it average out colors from a texture? also, i think it might be a good idea to include a fallback palette like @Craneo's patch64 does for custom maps


At the moment, the lighting system works off of predefined colors for specific textures, with added modifiers and restrictions based on what surfaces affect it (liquid flats will leak their sector color out onto adjacent sectors based on how similar they are to the reference sector, some sector colors have more priority over others, etc.)


I may consider doing a fallback palette! Currently, the primary focus is on vanilla Doom and Doom II, but I do want to branch out to supporting more mapsets, especially ones with custom textures.

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By the way, I agree with Donowa: "Patch64" is one of the Great Graphics Mods! It allows you to play from the Map without Darkness in the Locations. Darkening only in places where the shadows are in place by default. The only thing I don't like about "DOOM 64" is the Dark Palette of everything.


For the sake of interest: "Are you planning to turn off the Darkness on the Levels in Mod?"

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To clear up some confusion. Doom 64 doesn't have a global palette, so global palette attempts for Doom 64 I don't think would get the atmosphere quite right, although it still may look cool. The primary culprit for the Doom 64 darkness is the multiplicative (sometimes called modulated) colored lighting. When this lighting system is used, the brightness has to always be darker than the default texture brightness.

The benefits of this, is that the textures will never be oversaturated. So there will be no detail loss. However, this comes at the expense of brightness.

To simulate the colored lighting of Doom 64, I think @DrPyspy's approach is quite good. And it sounds like it may be based on a palette of light colors rather than a global palette? It would be cool if there was some randomization of that. So indoor areas can be colored differently depending on map. Maybe textures for lights can choose a random color, then based on the distance of sector centers (not the most accurate) the color fade off can be calculated accordingly. Or maybe some averaging system, where all sectors, based on texture, are assigned a color then averaged in some sort of blurring way weight their neighbors. Then of course colored skies would apply a color based on the sky for outdoor areas. Just some stream of ideas!

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1 hour ago, Immorpher said:

To clear up some confusion. Doom 64 doesn't have a global palette, so global palette attempts for Doom 64 I don't think would get the atmosphere quite right, although it still may look cool.

like i said, fallback palette. it would be used for custom textures to make them stick out a little less.

1 hour ago, Immorpher said:

The primary culprit for the Doom 64 darkness is the multiplicative (sometimes called modulated) colored lighting. When this lighting system is used, the brightness has to always be darker than the default texture brightness.


iirc there were also some weeks during important parts of the dev cycle where it was developed without lights in the studio, and they only realized how dark it was when they were playtesting, resulting in them adding the brightness slider

Edited by Donowa

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As someone that traditionally plays Doom on low monitor brightness, being able to tweak brightness levels so all the rooms and textures remain visible is a big plus, especially in a mod based on a game that's already quite dim and not the easiest to navigate.

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new weapon animations as well i see


i wasnt expecting a new soundtrack however i guess your not content with aubrey hobges ps1 track

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Legitimately excited for this one! I didn't know you were gonna refurbish all the Doom 1 and 2 stages, I thought it was just graphical changes or a new levelset entirely!
I'm genuinely curious - how do you plan to do the Wolfenstein SS? And the Romero head? Ohh, or the Keens? Now I'm very curious.

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ayo i’ve always wanted to see the original doom 1 & 2 in the style of 64! you are doing god’s work my man

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On 3/26/2024 at 8:11 PM, TMMMS said:



new weapon animations as well i see


i wasnt expecting a new soundtrack however i guess your not content with aubrey hobges ps1 track


Just so there isn't any confusion, I should note that the PSX and N64 soundtracks will both be included! Additional original in-game tracks will be provided either on the first release or in future updates, depending on how things go.


On 3/27/2024 at 12:31 PM, JimFlasch said:

Looks good! How close are we to a release of this mod?


It's coming along! The Terraformer and the texture set have almost reached completion, and the Icon of Sin just got its sounds finished yesterday by @Cardboard Marty! I've just got to hunt down a bunch of mapsets that have the Icon of Sin so I can make sure he is generally compatible with different setups.


The weapons are pretty much ready, aside from the Unmaker which I haven't started on at all (aside from porting over the lasers for the Spider Mastermind.) As for monsters, all but two are ready to go!


On 3/27/2024 at 3:20 PM, GermanPeter said:

Legitimately excited for this one! I didn't know you were gonna refurbish all the Doom 1 and 2 stages, I thought it was just graphical changes or a new levelset entirely!
I'm genuinely curious - how do you plan to do the Wolfenstein SS? And the Romero head? Ohh, or the Keens? Now I'm very curious.


For the most part, maps just receive procedural retextures and Doom 64-style colored lighting (alongside the new lighting effects), but some maps will get some extra touchups, including fixes for softlocks and bugs, and occasional additions to shake things up. These are all handled on the fly by the ~TERRAFORMER~, so no modified map files are required! There is another feature regarding maps that I haven't let any details loose on yet, but I'll be posting about it in the near future.


As for the Wolfenstein SS and the Keen... 🤫

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12 hours ago, DrPyspy said:

 Just so there isn't any confusion, I should note that the PSX and N64 soundtracks will both be included!

If I may ask, are they from the original releases or the remastered releases?

12 hours ago, DrPyspy said:

As for the Wolfenstein SS and the Keen... 🤫

A Williams/Midway character cameo? 👀

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Not sure if this has already been answered, but what is the connection between this project and "D64ifier"?  A successor, merged project, unrelated?

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3 hours ago, Robo_Cola said:


Not sure if this has already been answered, but what is the connection between this project and "D64ifier"?  A successor, merged project, unrelated?


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The Spider Mastermind firing Unmaker tracers feels so right. I'm so excited to see this release.

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shame aubrey hodges didnt get to make icon of sin sounds


id hoped there were unused sounds like the ps1 archviles but i guess not

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Definitely a project to keep an eye on. Doom 64's  my favourite atmospherically and a conversion project is a neato idea.

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I'm not gonna lie, that Spider mastermind looks sick and really imposing, the death animation looks amzing as well.

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On 4/6/2024 at 1:03 PM, TMMMS said:

shame aubrey hodges didnt get to make icon of sin sounds


id hoped there were unused sounds like the ps1 archviles but i guess not


I imagine someone could ask him about his hypothetical take on the Icon of Sin's sounds if they're really curious.

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