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The Doom Confessional Booth

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9 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

I still need to finish a map for PSX Doom: GEC Master Edition. I've just been so busy with other stuff...

As a Console Doom fan, I hope you and all the GEC Master Edition mappers a good one. Looking forward to a "final" release (and a PsyDoom update to support it :P ).

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DOOM 64 has the most consistent theming, art style, level design, difficulty curve, atmosphere and texturing of all the classic franchise and beats DOOM and DOOM II by a mile, altough it isn't as frantic and fast-paced as those and it still has a dissapointing final boss, like every good DOOM has, I guess...

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I think that DOOM Registered (not Ultimate) is the real DOOM 1, DOOM64 is the final part, and don't like what they did in DOOM (C)(R)(TM) -- protagonist is no longer YOU but some kind of extermination warrior or whatever.

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I'm not sure if this counts as a confessional, but I never got into (much less heard of) Doom growing up as an impressionable kid up until hearing about the Columbine massacre and it wasn't until I played Doom 3 when my twin brother borrowed the Xbox version that I got to experience those games since I didn't have a computer of my own at the time.

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As a Doom purist, my first big exposure to Doom after playing the Xbox ports were crazy GZDoom gameplay mods like broodal duum


It was only up until a month ago I really started to sit down and play through the old IWADs on UV (as of writing this, I just finished Ultimate Doom) on a source port more true to the original game like DSDA Doom.

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I've only very recently learned how to do the teleport sequence on E3M7: Limbo and commit it to memory so I never have to waste time again.

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I too think that doom registered (not ultimate) is doom 1. Final doom and doom 64 are spin-offs. And ultimate doom's 4th episode is an add-on. (doesn't mean they are bad)


For me the main doom games are: doom1, doom2, doom3, doom3roe, doom2016 and eternal. Period. Though being a retro gamer I don't play the last two.


And I hate gzdoom. (and mods made only for it)

And I hate sigil.

Edited by roboticmehdi2

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I like to build more than I like to play.  As a result, I do not play nearly enough of other people's work.  I'm working on Fernito's BOOMER wad.  I haven't finished Sigil yet either.


Oh, and some would consider this a sin.  I ony use GZ DOOM and a lot of dynamic lighting

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On 11/18/2023 at 8:49 PM, Lila Feuer said:

I've only very recently learned how to do the teleport sequence on E3M7: Limbo and commit it to memory so I never have to waste time again.


I don't struggle with Limbo anymore, but I can't say I memorize it. My algorithm for solving it is generally the following:

  1. Get the blue key from the left branch
  2. Take the blue door to the tunnels and get the red key
  3. ?????
  4. Do a bunch of straferunning to skip ahead, but try not to fall into an inescapable pit
  5. Once you hit the switch behind the yellow door, go through the most obscure teleport booth (the northeast one) to exit.

I like the level overall, it's a nice change of pace and the perfect penultimate challenge.

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I might've told this story before once but it's been years so I'll tell it again.


When I played Doom shareware and subsequently Doom II for my first full version Doom game I was very new to id's games, I would try the shareware for Quake 1, I briefly tried Quake II at a parent's friend's house on their computer and didn't know what it was called for a while or that downloading the demo would reveal it was the same game, because I recognized the blaster you start the game with. Really though my first first person action game with blood was actually Hexen but I'm getting off topic, but I didn't make the connection to Doom or that it was the same engine.


So getting to the point, somehow I had managed to dodge Wolf 3D for a while. So imagine my surprise and childlike horror (I was like 10 almost 11 or something but still) when I was, as I'm sure we all did early on, was cheating through Doom II eager to see all the new content and monsters it had compared to the Doom 1 shareware I played to death, and promptly warped to MAP31, only to be greeted with swastikas on walls and portraits of Hitler, along with the dark and foreboding music. The absolute fucking confusion at what I discovered in this game. I'm just worrying like "Should I even be here? Are the creators of this game Neo-Nazis? What if my parents see this and they take the game away from me?"


Thankfully, I was pretty inquisitive as a (failed) home schooled child with unrestricted access to early Internet so looking through Doom fan pages, mainly because I liked looking up pictures and write-ups of the monsters, I couldn't help but notice the "weird blue guys" that were only showing up on this level (besides MAP32) with a handy description. "These guys are a reference to id's previous game Wolfenstein 3D." Prompt me downloading the demo and putting two and two together with some context. Imagine my relief! And there were people who thought id were devil worshippers.


So yeah, I was; and still am a slow dork!

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Aside from the architecture, when playing a custom Doom wad, I pay attention to literally NOTHING.


After I fire up a custom wad made for Doom, my end goal is to make it to the end of the level(s) as quickly as possible and kill any demon that comes between me and that goal. I don't pay attention to enemy placement, I don't stop for every item (unless I absolutely need it), I don't try and adventure across the map or kill every remaining enemy, and I most definitely don't hunt for secrets. If there is a keycard needed to activate the exit, finding that colored key is all that matters. Not the secret backpack hidden behind a purposefully misaligned texture, not the last few hit scanners in a room I didn't check, and not the three health bonuses I missed at the player start.


Worst of all, if I find a bug or somehow manage to slip into an area without flipping the proper switch, I will not go back. I will take advantage of it.


Unfortunately, this hinders my ability to accurately play and rate other people's maps, though I try my best.



Oh, and I also save after every minor enemy fight.


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I've only beaten Doom 2 once, and I'm going to keep it that way for now

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I just realized that I can use Boom conveyors for teleporting monsters, it took a huge stone off my shoulders cause I thought that I would need to adapt rooms so monsters can hear or see me, but that's just a one way for doing this.

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On 11/30/2023 at 3:06 AM, chomorkuz said:

i've been playing Doom for 4-5 years now but never actually bought it, the copy i have is pirated


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On 11/29/2023 at 9:06 AM, chomorkuz said:

i've been playing Doom for 4-5 years now but never actually bought it, the copy i have is pirated

Please do the right thing and purchase a copy on GOG. Its only $10 and like only $3 or $4 on sale. You won't be able to play mods like Mordeth without it. If you don't want to buy Doom, there is always FreeDoom :(.


EndDoom screen on a legit copy for reference:


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Posted (edited)
On 11/29/2023 at 1:06 PM, chomorkuz said:

i've been playing Doom for 4-5 years now but never actually bought it, the copy i have is pirated

Hell yeahhhh, same. Those text screens won't get me. The FBI should be against drug dealers and human trafficking, not after me

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On 11/19/2023 at 9:58 AM, EraserheadBaby said:

I like to build more than I like to play.  As a result, I do not play nearly enough of other people's work. 

I have this exact issue and want to remedy that this year by playing more community stuff, playtesting, providing feedback, etc. 

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I'm so happy when I'm making maps for myself. like I can just proceed without blocking on anything

been finding myself in the habit of making a whole (albeit simple) map in 3-4 days

as soon as I turn that into a *project* all my energy zaps out of me... making things intended for release subverts that enjoyment and makes it a drag

ambition is stupid I don't want one


same with music but with music it's terminal, I can no longer enjoy the process on any level

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Posted (edited)

It's more related to doomworld but, of course, linked to doom (the doomworld confession is dormant since 2017...) :


I must say that I’m an old fart and when I subscribed to this forum I genuinely thought I would have been surrounded by others (because in my tiny mind, the concept of forum is pretty much « old fart » itself). Now, months after months, I discover that, not only most of the people here are younger than me but some great mappers and/or players are below twenty !
As a teacher (yeah… yeah…) there is of course a part of my mind thinking «youngster, you should first do your maths ! » but to the hell with that ! These young people are so talented (and I’m pretty sure they also do their maths), bravo ! It really impress me !*


* Not at all that I thought that nowadays youngsters are good for nothing, just that I didn’t expected them here…

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Posted (edited)

I have a habit of previewing megaWADs by idclev-ing to each level and running around a bit before I reach them naturally. Spoilers don't matter much to me.

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Lord forgive me, as I have committed a great sin, the worst of all.... I haven't played through the master levels of doom yet....

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1 hour ago, HLRaven said:

Lord forgive me, as I have committed a great sin, the worst of all.... I haven't played through the master levels of doom yet....

You're not missing much. Some cool maps but kinda forgettable.

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8 hours ago, HLRaven said:

Lord forgive me, as I have committed a great sin, the worst of all.... I haven't played through the master levels of doom yet....


I have been playing Doom wads since 2015 and I have yet to play the master levels. Although I have watched videos of some of them. I'll pass.

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14 hours ago, ReaperAA said:


I have been playing Doom wads since 2015 and I have yet to play the master levels. Although I have watched videos of some of them. I'll pass.



But I have to admit, I haven't finished _all_ of them yet, too.

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6 hours ago, DoomGater said:



I am spoiled by modern polished Doom wads :p

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You guys haven't finished the master levels? Jeeze, there are are some good maps in there. Dr. Sleep's maps and Sverre Kvernmo's maps are definite highlights imo. Maybe its just because I like 90's wads tho tbh. Also just because it's old doesn't mean it's not polished ;)

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