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Snow Wave (Christmas Community Project)

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I'm going to keep refining it for a bit but pretty excited with how the first draft of my map came out. :)


Edit- I wasn't sure if I needed to claim a map spot or not but if so may I have one? It doesn't matter which spot. Ty





Edited by senpaigru

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Hello, I have been working on another map. been real busy with work / illness though so its looking pretty bare. let me know if anyone wants to have a go at doing a detail pass.


Title: Ring O' Bells
Author: Smiling Imp
Music: "Tears of Sylph" from Y's: Vanished Omen
Link to level: https://doomshack.org/uploads/ring_o_bells.wad
Difficulty settings: Yes








also, I made another update to my other map. fixed more texture alignments and also now the secret blue key fight is different and better (and more festive)

get it here: https://doomshack.org/uploads/HotstartColdplace_v3.wad

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@Smiling Imp looks quite nice, I wouldn't say it's not detailed, texture work looks really decent and pleasant to eyes. There's still plenty of time to finish it the way you want, but if you can't, I'm sure someone can help, including me. 

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I will get around both levels tomorrow as promised, past two days I was knocked out by my new medication. I played them today, but I still have difficulty to put my reviews in proper sentences, I hope tomorrow will be better as my mind should be less clouded. If there are more levels waiting for reviews, please let me know. 

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41 minutes ago, Misty said:

I will get around both levels tomorrow as promised, past two days I was knocked out by my new medication. I played them today, but I still have difficulty to put my reviews in proper sentences, I hope tomorrow will be better as my mind should be less clouded. If there are more levels waiting for reviews, please let me know. 

 i hope you feel better bud, sorry youre feeling so out of it

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I finally finished a very rough layout of my map. I told myself I would make a fairly small map when I started working on this... well that didn't happen. I'm a bit stressed out about the deadline being in 2 weeks and I still have so much work to do on this map, but I won't give up.

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I can grant extention if it will be needed, it depends how close to the finish line you will be. 

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@senpaigru I gave a run of your level as promised. I'm pretty sure you're fairly new mapper so my review will focus on things you could improve in the present and future. There's list of things I saw and created list while playtesting map:


  1. Texture selection - there are many textures that clash with each other, as you can see many mappers stick with similar theme textures, from time to time breaking them with beams and supports to separate them. In other words keeping texturing concise and streamlined. My suggestion would be study levels you love and take texturing lessons from there. Also, alignments, those can be tricky in such format like boom, you need use upper and lower unpegged flags from time to time. Sometimes, you need align them manually(you can reset offsets in texture selection window) or using shift+a(vertical) and a(horizontal) automated alignment, you can also use ctrl for both. 
  2. Level is really wide and there's lots of space. - smaller sizes are better at the times, no need long corridors and huge rooms. That also doesn't give opportunity for engaging gameplay as players can get away from any encounter. Besides, at the start of the tunnel, some monsters have deaf flag and can't attack, only when player approaches them.
  3. Always check if there are softlocks, I found one at the plasma gun area. In boom format you need tag sector and line action you use with same tags(like you want lower floor you tag lift and lift action with same tag). 
  4. I noticed that you posted sky in the flat section, it needs to be in PP_START and PP_END lumps. If you need help, please tell me, I will fix it.
  5. Music selection is really nice and fits the mood. 




You could add some supports and beams around.

place where I got stuck.

From what I can tell you have plenty of promises, just keep working on your craft and gain experience. If there are any things I could help with, please message me.

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Good review ! This map needs a lot of rework. When i was playing it i was thinking that this map had a lot of Hell revealed vibes. Maybe there’s something to dig here.

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@Smiling Imp I gave a run of your level. I know that your second level needs more work, but I still noted some things that might interest you:


  1. I feel, shootable bell gimmick needs more notices, but I guess that falls on me, it's easy to think it's supposed to be decoration, might recolour it. In other ways, I would put some blinking lights where these are supposed to be, to make players ask questions. 
  2. It needs some lighting differences elsewhere, areas look so nice and fresh, but flat lighting makes areas look dull. 
  3. I liked music choice, fits really well map.
  4. I feel it needs more gun choices, chaingun would be cool to have there, it would help snipe those bells down.
As I said, if you could give guidelines where to detail map and what to include, I could finish this level for you, unless you plan finish it for yourself. If extension needed before deadline, notify me. 

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@Misty thank you for playing my map and giving me notes to work on. You are right, I'm pretty new lol, this is my second map. I've been working hard to get better and learn so I'm sorry for the jank and stuff, I'll keep working the map and try to improve it a bunch between now and the deadline. 

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Rough 10 days left, how's mapping going? If small extension needed after deadline, just let me know. As for myself, I started collaboration with @NecrumWarrior, I hope we will finish it in time. Meanwhile, there couple of screenshots as update:



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An extension won't be needed as far as I'm concerned, I'll be able to finish my map in a couple days.

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I would say 75% of the map is done. I’m taking a break right now ( because of sigil 2 and eviternity 2 of course) but i will probably finish by the end of the week.

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I'll have something more in depth soon! I'm working on decorating and the MIDI! Can't spoil all the surprises yet but I am rapidly speeding towards the finish line! image.png.3490651209af95ebd0a8d68746bf5d2b.png

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Title: Frostbite
Author: CblBOPOTKA
Music: Frostbitten Paradise by James Paddock
Link to level: frostbite v1.4
Difficulty settings: implemented
Comment: Snowy landscapes with dominant blue color





Update v1.1:
- added details to the starting location, including snow patches
- did my best in nerfing lower difficulties

Update v1.2:
- added snowflakes by Major Arlene

Update v1.3:
- fixed incorrect lines port complaining
- nerfed more waterfall fight

Update v1.4:

- fixed visuals for software

Edited by CblBOPOTKA

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@nightly I gave a run of your map as promised in server. I found it enjoyable, but there are some things you might want consider and take care of, I'll write it in the list(I'll leave some screenshots in order too):

  1. It's really easy to get out map bounds at the start of the map with no escape or death. I would consider blocking spaces where player might get out and get stuck as result. 
  2. I would give lifts different light textures(where you go to get keys in both sides) to make them stand out more, that way it will be less confusing. Other thing I noticed with those lifts that it's possible to get stuck if player doesn't align themselves with lift sector, they can't use lift anymore - like them moving slightly forward. Give those lifts repeatable press function just in case if someone gets stuck.
  3. I noticed that some frozen water hurts player(especially at the start) and other areas doesn't, maybe giving them different ice texture could remedy such problem.
  4. Lowered floor already had some monsters dead and other one stuck - maybe redistributing them around the map could solve the problem or replacing some with floaties like cacodemons or lost souls.
  5. I feel bfg9000 should be available sooner, I had fight hell knights and chaingunners only with plasma gun and rocket launcher. 
  6. It's possible to escape map before archvile resurrects monsters, I'd suggest moving it earlier in the map. 
  7. It's more my personal preference, but I feel start place with switch could use some teleporting monsters or lurking monsters. 
  8. Lower difficulties could also use some pickup bonuses at the start.






Overall, I enjoyed your level so much, reminds me Sunlust early maps with light sequences and map setting. Keep it up!

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I was trying to finish this map tonight, but unfortunately I still have to make the final area. Here's what I got done for the red skull key which will open the 3 key door!


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@CblBOPOTKA I gave a run of your level. This one falls on harder scale for sure, above my skills, so please take some suggestions with some grain of salt. 

  • I feel hmp skill could slightly nerfed more at harder battles, like cutting off cyberdemons by one and archviles and replacing some meat shields like hell knights to imps or maybe giving backpack earlier.
  • Some starting areas with brick flats could use some snow splotches, like creating melting effect around them. 
  • Loved doomcute areas, really nice touch. One at the start is highlight for me.  

Overall, besides having some difficulty curve for me, map looks great! Today I'm having hard to think more, if you need something clarified, please reach me out. 

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