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A true classic doomer would play classic doom what percentage of their time

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If you ever turn the game off, you're not a real Classic Doomer™. Personally, I keep it running at all times on two computers simultaneously, to double my Classic Dooming time, in addition to a toaster that I modified specifically to run Classic Doom. I also never sleep, just because that would mean less time spent playing Classic Doom, and I wouldn't want to put my Classic Doomer™ status in danger.

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You aren't a true Doomer unless you beat it exclusively to Imp Encounter, don't have any communication skills with women (the great enemy of all gamerstm), constantly remind everyone that GZDoom default settings indeed look like shit (they do) and most importantly you have published at least 5 vanilla compatible maps with no less than 450 revenants. Also I'm sure fascism is preferred but might be optional.


Now, I'm not a true Doomer yet, but after years of disappointing my parents I am sure I will get there soon.

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Let's see. There's 24 hours in a day, so if you play 2.4 hours a day, which is already quite a bit, that's only a peasantly 10% of your time.

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All I tend to have time for which is rare these days is occasional classic deathmatch with friends. It’s more enjoyable for me to catch up with them over frags than to play alone. 

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to be a TRUE classic doomer you had to have played doom and ultimate doom and doom2 and tnt and plutonia and all the classic 90s maps all vanilla and also on the dwango dialup client playing deathmatch 24/7 just like joe romeo and jahn carmac you must get at 99% in all of the stats ona ll (leave a monster to tell the tale to the other monsters) of the maps and must cause interger overflow on the frags in deathmatch and win the jaon crmakc ferrari vroom vroom

Edited by Argent Agent

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1 hour ago, Stroggman said:

I play Doom 2 pwads like 90% of the time and my steam library gets played occasionaly so I am hardcore

90% Doom


9% Steam Library


1% food, hygiene, work, and sleep

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A classic Doomer is product of the 90’s which means to not over think these things. Take things as they come and chill. 

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i'm a true classic doomer (dying several times in trinity1.wad because I refuse to dodge or look around or do anything except walk straight forward towards my enemies and then press fire when i'm at point blank)

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If you don't play exclusively the first eight levels of the first game, the first eleven of the second, and Plutonia Experiment, can you even call your self a classic doomer?

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a true classic doomer would SUCK LOTS ELEPHANT DICKS!

A TRUE CLASSIC DOOMER WOULD TAKE eighty seven fucking SHITS in four minutes

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all i've done for the past two years is play doom.


i haven't seen my family, but i've heard them pounding at my door, begging me to come out.

i have a dwindling stockpile of food that has kept me going. i yearn for the day that it runs out, allowing me to be nourished solely by doom.

my own feces, the expulsion of the toxins that prevent me from consuming only doom, coat my surroundings.

my skin has begun to fuse with my chair; i am becoming one with that which holds me.

vermin have invaded my space. i sometimes feel them crawling on me or gnawing on my emaciated body. they help me stay awake so i can continue to play doom.

i am slowly withering away, i can feel myself decay. but that is okay. as long as i can still play doom, then nothing else matters.


i am...a true classic doomer.

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90% of what time? Of their total time in life? Or of time spent gaming, i.e. what fraction of the total time spent on games in general?

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A true classic doomer has no time think about how much time he spends classic dooming due to all the classic dooming all over the place

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i will probably never playthe original levels for ultimate doom or doom 2 ever again in my life, not because I hate them, I actually think the last episode of doom 2 is fantastic, just because ive played them too much and I just dont feel inspired by them. Plutonia otoh I will always come back to.

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