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Melodic Spaceship

Doom (and Chex Quest) FamiTracker NES Covers

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These are conversions of various classic Doom game soundtracks done in FamiTracker, which can be listened to on my YouTube channel or played in-game via a set of mods. The mods have the music stored in NSF format and thus require a source port based on a newer ZDoom codebase (mainly GZDoom, Zandronum and ZDoom 2.8.1). You are also free to use these covers in your own mods provided that proper credit is given.

Most of these use DPCM samples derived from here: https://github.com/mdsvx/samples/tree/master/Roland%20MT-32


The Ultimate Doom:


YouTube uploads:




Mod download: DoomNESCovers.pk3


Doom II: Hell on Earth:


YouTube upload:




Mod download: Doom2NESCovers.pk3


TNT: Evilution:


YouTube upload:




Mod download: TNTNESCovers.pk3


The Plutonia Experiment:


Eventually, I'm going to cover the Plutonia MIDI Pack but to tide you over I've arranged a mod for the original recycled soundtrack.


Mod download (original recycled soundtrack): PlutoniaNESCovers.pk3


Chex Quest Trilogy:


YouTube uploads:



Mod download (Chex Quest 1 / 3): Chex3NESCovers.pk3


Mod download (Chex Quest 2): Chex2NESCovers.pk3


Mod download (Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition): Chex3VanillaNESCovers.pk3


Up next: Vote here!

Edited by Melodic Spaceship : add chex 3 vanilla mod

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Just finished doing the Doom 2 covers! A link to the YouTube upload has been added to the OP, and a music mod should be coming soon!


Next, I'm planning on doing TNT: Evilution. Since only the sources for Tom Mustaine's tracks are available (albeit in the form of tracker music, but that works well enough as a reference to me), I'd like someone to tell me if they know the actual tempos of the TNT music, since MUS doesn't save the tempo value.

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Are these fully NES compatible (only 2A03) or are you using expansion chips? It sounded like there were more than 2 pulse waves in some songs but it may just be YouTube compression making things sound weird. Any chance of the source modules being shared in the future?


Great work! I was doing a 2A03 cover of Soldier of Chaos from Final Doom a while back but didn't finish it. Doing the entire soundtrack of both Doom and Doom 2 (and all of the Chex Quests!) takes a lot of effort.

Edited by Individualised

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Most of them are pure 2A03, except for the tracks introduced in Chex Quest 3 which use the VRC6 expansion chip.


I might consider releasing the source modules in the future, but some of them will possibly need to be cleaned up a bit first.

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I completed the TNT: Evilution covers! The YouTube upload and music mod link have been added to the OP.


Notably, the text screen cover is not a more straight cover like the others, but I decided to do an extended remix of it instead. Because the unspoken rule is that all covers of it must be extended remixes. I also made a MIDI version of it which is included as a bonus track in the YouTube upload.


By the way, I actually made a script to automatically generate the percussion tracks from a MIDI for some of these covers, though in some cases it will have manual adjustments afterwards or be entirely manual instead.


Next, I'm doing the exclusive tracks from Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition (which is incidentally also by me so this might be a shameless plug). I actually already did one of them (Spooky Chex) but I just need to do Intro Soundtrack and Outro Soundtrack.

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10 hours ago, TMMMS said:

plutonia midi pack next?

I'm going to consider PlutMIDI at some point, but that has a unique track for every level unlike most of the "official" soundtracks, totaling to a whopping 35 tracks meaning it would take a good while to complete. One thing I might consider is to do a partial set of PlutMIDI covers at first containing only like 10 favorite tracks, and do the classic re-used Doom 1/2 tracks for other levels in the music mod. And then maybe do the full soundtrack later.


Additionally, I can release a music mod for Plutonia with the classic soundtrack re-used from Doom 1 and 2 if anyone wants it.

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43 minutes ago, TMMMS said:

what about heretic?

That's also planned, and it might possibly be the next set of covers after I do the Chex 3 Vanilla ones. I did play through Heretic fairly recently.

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listening to your doom ii cover album i was reminded that doom ii does feature tracks from wolfenstein 3d


is that also in your plans?

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10 hours ago, TMMMS said:

listening to your doom ii cover album i was reminded that doom ii does feature tracks from wolfenstein 3d


is that also in your plans?

It's something I was considering for the future. One difficulty is the fact that no Wolfenstein 3D source ports seem to support the NES music file format I usually use in my mods, although I could maybe just make it for Wolfenstein 3D TC instead.

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I have now covered the exclusive tracks from my own Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition project! The OP has been updated with the YouTube upload and link to the new mod.


And as for what I'm covering next, I'm going to have that decided by a community post poll on my YouTube channel. The possible options you can vote for are Heretic, SIGIL and the Plutonia MIDI Pack. I don't know yet when the deadline of the poll should be.

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