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which monster do you hate the most?

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Imps. Just because of how stupid they look in the game.


I want dem cool-lookin' guys with red skin and horns from the cover art

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Barons. I'd say it's the most boring monster to fight - it's tanky as hell and lack any interesting mechanics, esentially being nothing but an imp with way more health. Other than being "the door with legs", there's few scenarios where they couldn't be replaced with hell knights.

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Pain Elementals by far. I actually never use my Chaingun while playing until I run into one of those f*ckers.


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Cacodemons and Spectres, just space stealers that come out of nowhere. I like the hard enemies like Archvilles and Revenants, but I just get sooo bored of fighting cacodemons.

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I have a few gripes on some enemies but I find them interesting enough, what demon I will never understand is the spider mastermind, They are just a big bullet sponge with a high fire rate of hitscan bullets and they are tedious and boring to fight against

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Is it cheating to say Afrits?

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as a player:
Lost souls because of how annoying they are to get rid of thanks to their health, combined with how aggressive they are.

as a mapper:
Can't really decide, because there's ways to use almost every monster in some clever or fitting way, either as a surprise/meme encounter, or as a fun combat set piece.
But I'd have to say the Spiderdemon, due to how often she gets irrecoverably stuck, and how fast she dies in slaughter maps.

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I don't really hate any Doom monster much at all, even the more 1 note enemies like Barons and Masterminds are moreso a ehh to me


But my hatred for Quake's VORES transcends topic relevance. Anyone who complains about the Revenant's homing missile needs to get chased down by a VORE's to let them know just how good they have it in Doom, they'll be coming back to the revenant and be all like "oh man, you mean I can OUTRUN and even DODGE homing missiles?? what a concept!!"

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5 hours ago, No-Man Baugh said:

But my hatred for Quake's VORES transcends topic relevance

Maaaaaaaaan Vores ain't got nothing on those SPAWNS - those disgusting blob things that jump at you lost soul-style except more frequently and bouncily, and fuckin explode damaging you if you're too close when they pop (which is most of the time).  Plus they're small and dark coloured, making them even harder to hit, and have a tendency to fall in the water that you have to swim through, where your movement is slowed (and it's also dark, because it's Quake and it's episode four and Sandy Petersen was going through his asshole phase and seriously fuck Spawns)

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Revenants and Pain Elementals.


If I ever make a megawad, I won't use Pain Elementals - I'll replace them with a custom monster, because they're kinda redundant to me.

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On 12/30/2023 at 8:56 PM, Astar said:

I want dem cool-lookin' guys with red skin and horns from the cover art

I was always disappointed as a kid that they never showed up, especially the one with the mechanical arm.

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Posted (edited)

Archviles can be somewhat challenging to deal with but sometimes annoying depending on the map. Pain Elementals and Lost Souls however are usually more annoying to deal with.


Outside of Doom, I really hate the Vores from Quake

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ummm... The Lesser Balrog from the game Angband. got firebreathed to death in my last run cos I was wearing speed gear instead of protection gear and hadn't noticed how much trouble I was in


i love all the monsters of doom

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My monster hatred rate from 0 to 10 (0 I like them, 10 I hate them)


Zombiemen = 3

Shotgun Sergeants = 6

Chaingunners = 8

Doom Imps = 4

Pinky Demons = 3

Pinky Spectres = 4

Lost Souls = 6

Cacodemons = 2

Pain Elementals = 6

Revenants = 5

Fatso = 3

Arachnotrons = 6

Hell Knights = 2

Barons of Hell = 2

Arch Viles = 5

Spider Mastermind = 6

Cyberdemon = 2

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On 12/31/2023 at 11:14 PM, dylux said:

Pain Elementals by far. I actually never use my Chaingun while playing until I run into one of those f*ckers.



Plasma gun destroys them quickly shall you have it.


In my maps I often use pain elementals in large open areas along with cacodemons.

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On 12/31/2023 at 5:44 PM, fruity lerlups said:

Cacodemons and Spectres, just space stealers that come out of nowhere. I like the hard enemies like Archvilles and Revenants, but I just get sooo bored of fighting cacodemons.


I'm 100% with you on the tomatoes. People often say how barons are boring to fight against, but these flying menaces are in a league of their own when it comes to bogging down the gameplay. 


1 baron with 1000 health or 10 or so tomatoes with 500 health, tendency to just float away when hit, harder to engage in infights due to their flight and the fact that their corpses can obscure your vision? Yeah... I'll take the baron on any day of the week.

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The basic zombie is an absolute waste of space and potential. Sure, I know that it's supposed to be a starting enemy, but come on. Lethargic and pose very little threat; the only time that it's actually dangerous is when you're both tremendously low on health and out of ammo and there's a zombie present on the map, an occurrence that is almost as rare as a unicorn.


Barons are, similarly, a complete waste of potential. I wouldn't really mind the 1000 health if they had at least made him somewhat aggressive. But no, he's docile as hell. 90% of the times he doesn't feel like that he wants to attack you, moves like he got a sprained ankle.


Cacodemons are... fine. Yeah, they aren't as boring to fight as the barons as they're far more aggressive and attack more frequently, but 500 health is a bit much. Barons at least with their 1000 health are often used sparingly, but cacodemon clouds are relatively more common. These often group up to be 3000 or 5000 health in total, so they can get a bit boring to fight against. E4M2 is a prime example of this BS. 


The hate I don't really understand for is Keens and SS. They're supposed to be just easter egg enemies, what's there to even hate about them? Keens especially don't even pose as enemies. Some of you people are really strange, what is wrong with you. 

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1 hour ago, yakfak said:

ummm... The Lesser Balrog from the game Angband. got firebreathed to death in my last run cos I was wearing speed gear instead of protection gear and hadn't noticed how much trouble I was in


i love all the monsters of doom


Yesss lol. There's so many monsters in angband that turn things from bad to worse in moments. The rod of tp other has been a lifesaver so many times lol. My current run is in a situation of not having potions to heal, so I need to go back to early floors to gather potions.


Also, sling ftw lol


On-topic, I don't hate any monsters in doom. They're my chess pieces to be set up in differing combinations to make my art work. That said, if I had to pick my least favorite, it'd be either spectres or barons, prolly spectres. I tend to use a lot of rockets in my maps, and demons and rockets stress my few players out enough, don't need to add poor visibility to an already frustrating experience.

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On 12/26/2023 at 5:58 AM, Cruduxy Pegg said:



lol point taken. Even I'll admit, they can be tedious. If it were up to me, I'd retain their core design, but reduce their invincibility window by half, thereabouts.

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I've never understood why people HATE certain monsters. Sure, pain elementals and lost souls are annoying, but what other points are there to make them "bad"? It's kind of more of a threat level and personal preference thing for me. In that case, arachnotrons and spiderdemons are probably my personal least favorite (gameplay wise), mostly because they can't really serve as much of a serious purpose or threat as other demons in most official maps.

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On 12/23/2023 at 11:01 AM, Cutman 999 said:

Pain elementals. They're not annoying sometimes; they're annoying all the goddamn time.

I second this.

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15 minutes ago, Amaruψ said:

The basic zombie is an absolute waste of space and potential. Sure, I know that it's supposed to be a starting enemy, but come on. Lethargic and pose very little threat; the only time that it's actually dangerous is when you're both tremendously low on health and out of ammo and there's a zombie present on the map, an occurrence that is almost as rare as a unicorn.


Barons are, similarly, a complete waste of potential. I wouldn't really mind the 1000 health if they had at least made him somewhat aggressive. But no, he's docile as hell. 90% of the times he doesn't feel like that he wants to attack you, moves like he got a sprained ankle.


Cacodemons are... fine. Yeah, they aren't as boring to fight as the barons as they're far more aggressive and attack more frequently, but 500 health is a bit much. Barons at least with their 1000 health are often used sparingly, but cacodemon clouds are relatively more common. These often group up to be 3000 or 5000 health in total, so they can get a bit boring to fight against. E4M2 is a prime example of this BS. 


The hate I don't really understand for is Keens and SS. They're supposed to be just easter egg enemies, what's there to even hate about them? Keens especially don't even pose as enemies. Some of you people are really strange, what is wrong with you. 

I think zombieman is actually a direct translate from Wolfenstein 3D's Trooper. A good translation from Wolfenstein 3D should be Shotgunner, because its damage is bigger when the enemy is too close. A real starting enemy would be Imp with lower HP, because the attack easier to dodge. Current Imp HP feels like they're tankier than it should be when you trying to kill them with pistol.

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