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DoomGPT: An AI-directed Doom II mapping project (v1.2)

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@Lutz Absolutely, would like to get some feedback first and do that with a more polished release.


@BeefGee Yeah, go ahead and suggest a track and a custom name for your map if you want something changed, it'll be done for the next update! Sorry for the late reply btw, I've been on vacation and haven't had time to check on Doomworld.


@spineapple tea Perfectly reasonable, I had just updated the thread title to announce that the first version of the wad was out. I would've named the release thread something very similar if not the exact same had there been one, so would it have made a big difference?

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You awaken to the rhythmic drip-drip-drip of something wet hitting stone. It's a grim awakening, the air thick with the metallic tang of blood and the cloying sweetness of decay. Your vision swims as you focus, taking in the nightmarish tableau around you.

You're sprawled on the cold, damp stone floor of what appears to be a desecrated mausoleum. The walls, once grand in their morbid Gothic splendor, are now defaced with crude demonic sigils and sprayed with a macabre graffiti of crimson handprints and clawed slashes. Jagged cracks mar the surface, oozing with a sickly-green luminescence that casts long, grotesque shadows that writhe and twist like tormented souls.

Above, the vaulted ceiling is lost in darkness, save for the occasional flicker of unholy light that dances through gaps in the boarded-up windows. From somewhere beyond, a chorus of guttural growls and inhuman shrieks sends shivers down your spine. You clench your fists, the rough metal of your shotgun biting into your palms, the only comfort in this charnel house.

The air is thick with the cloying scent of blood and decay, a putrid miasma that assaults your senses. It hangs heavy in the stagnant air, clinging to your clothes and hair like a shroud. Every breath is a struggle, each rasping inhale burning your lungs like acid.

But through the haze of terror and revulsion, a steely resolve begins to form. You're not here by chance. You have a mission, a grim purpose etched in the fires of your rage. And you will not falter.

With a deep breath, you push yourself to your feet, the groan of rusty hinges echoing through the mausoleum as you rise. The shotgun feels heavy in your hands, but its cold familiarity is a grounding point, a tether to sanity in this maddening realm. You take a tentative step forward, each floorboard groaning under your weight like the tortured moans of the damned.

The shadows flicker and writhe, taking on monstrous shapes that leer and gnash unseen teeth. But you press on, your gaze fixed on the blood-soaked corridor that stretches before you. You know what awaits you in this hellhole, but you also know that there's no turning back. This is your path now, paved with blood and bone, and you will walk it until your vengeance is complete.

So step into the darkness, marine. Let the crimson dance begin.



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On 12/17/2023 at 10:17 PM, iddq_tea said:

And 1.0 is out! I decided to release it early, the final text file will be added later, if it still exists (let's hope so!)


If you find any issues, please report them here, and if you feel like a map feels out of place or unfair in terms of difficulty progression, tell us what you think can be done to improve it! Happy dooming!

Great to see this project get released!

I've played up to MAP15 and I noticed that the monsters that teleport in after you press the first switch at the end of MAP15 were removed. May I ask why this was done?

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was expecting something far worse based on the thread title but this is extremely tasteful and creative. well done ! looks fantastic and im excited to play.

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On 1/11/2024 at 11:49 AM, particleicicle said:

Great to see this project get released!

I've played up to MAP15 and I noticed that the monsters that teleport in after you press the first switch at the end of MAP15 were removed. May I ask why this was done?

Can you give me screenshots of what you mean, I was tweaking the maps and fixing bugs and I cannot remember what you mean from the top of my head

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7 hours ago, Korni27 said:

Can you give me screenshots of what you mean, I was tweaking the maps and fixing bugs and I cannot remember what you mean from the top of my head


This is a screenshot of the released version and the one I submitted side-to-side. The closet that the enemies were in was removed. Also, as I was taking this screenshot I noticed the likely reason for this, because it seems I accidentally broke the sound propagation to this area at some point so the monsters never wake up. Whoops. Don't know how I didn't notice this.

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On 12/20/2023 at 4:55 PM, BeefGee said:

Congrats everyone on the release! It's all looking good so far.


@iddq_tea Couple of questions; If I'd known custom music was being chosen I would've liked to pick something for my map myself. Can I choose one for the next update?

For that matter, if I knew custom titles were being chosen I would've liked to choose one myself too!

Also, why was the icon reveal in my map changed from the insta-switch to a lift? I personally much prefer what I did in my original map. If there's some sort of technical reason (like the map breaks in certain source ports or something) then sure. But otherwise, if it was a design decision I'm pretty against it.


Happy to talk via DM's or in discord if that's the better place to have these discussions.

Oh right, I believe someone pointed out how this sector isn't affected by anything, which was true, and I didn't know what this monster closet was for, so to make it simple I deleted it, maybe it was an earlier version of the map but those sectors weren't connected to anything and prevented some beta testers to get 100%

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good megawad so far, but theres a hom in one of map 16 buildings, the pshaped one nw of the central building:



hall of mirrors map16.jpg

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10 hours ago, TMMMS said:

good megawad so far, but theres a hom in one of map 16 buildings, the pshaped one nw of the central building:



hall of mirrors map16.jpg

Thanks for reporting! It will be fixed :)

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6 hours ago, iddq_tea said:

Thanks for reporting! It will be fixed :)

yeah! map16 was made with UDB which really fucks up the map geometry :)

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17 hours ago, TMMMS said:

theres a hom in one of map 16 buildings, the pshaped one nw of the central building


yeah! map16 was made with UDB which really fucks up the map geometry :)

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Another problem I need to fix is the broken images on the main thread.. should be done soon! I am away from home and don't have too much time to gather screenshots at the moment.

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Posted (edited)

spotted another missing texture on the right/south side of the secret door to the plasma rifle in map17s final area.


also i can only find 3 out 4 secrets. i found the plasma rifle, the bluarmor, the soulsphere but i dont know where the 4th secret is.

Edited by TMMMS

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1 hour ago, TMMMS said:

also i can only find 3 out 4 secrets. i found the plasma rifle, the bluarmor, the soulsphere but i dont know where the 4th secret is.

Press the south elevator button in the courtyard's east building, then run outside and south to the door in the alley...

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9 minutes ago, Lutz said:

Press the south elevator button in the courtyard's east building, then run outside and south to the door in the alley...

i got that one already all right, that is how i got to the soulsphere.

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9 hours ago, TMMMS said:

i got that one already all right, that is how i got to the soulsphere.

Across from the "fancy" apartment door (before you first enter the main courtyard), there is a tiny switch that opens a small closet in the hallway

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yes thats it thank you i could have sworn i hit use on that wall before


thats the frustrating thing about doomcute it can make the map look great and immersive - chapeau to whoever did map17 btw - but it can make it hard to tell what can be itneracted with

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On 3/1/2024 at 2:47 AM, TMMMS said:

spotted another missing texture on the right/south side of the secret door to the plasma rifle in map17s final area.


also i can only find 3 out 4 secrets. i found the plasma rifle, the bluarmor, the soulsphere but i dont know where the 4th secret is.

I am unable to find the missing texture, can you please take a screenshot?



Also the WAD has been updated! There is now a changelog to keep track of changes.


@BeefGee You didn't respond last time, but if you still want to pick a different track or name for your map, go ahead! I'm free for the following two weeks and can update it quickly if requested.

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Posted (edited)

@TMMMS Ah, classic OpenGL screwing up textures again. It appears completely fine on the software renderer (which was what I originally tested it on), sadly I'm not sure what causes it nor how to fix it, but I will ask around. Thanks for reporting!


EDIT: I fixed it by removing the tiny sector behind it, I don't know what the significance of that sector was so let's hope I didn't break the map :p

Edited by iddq_tea

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@iddq_tea OK thanks!


I see you've gone for a "pun on the original map name" theme for all the maps, so I'm actually cool with just leaving the name you guys came up with.


As for the music, I've attached a deliberately wonky cover of "In the Dark" I made. I tried to write a track that sounds kinda like the original but cursed in the same way the maps themselves are. I guess the track technically needs a name too... so I call it "In the Dark Web".


Also, I'd love to have one last go at restoring my map to it's original state, with the insta-floor at the very end to introduce the icon. I've tested it myself in several source ports and it works totally fine for me. It's just a standard insta floor, just like any you'd see for monster pop-up traps for example. Not sure why it shouldn't work for anyone else? Happy to move a discussion about this to DM's if that's easier.


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@BeefGee Sure, go ahead and reupload the fixed map, I'll update the thread with both your changes then! :)

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On 5/9/2023 at 1:53 PM, BeefGee said:

all fixed! see attached.


here's what I got when I asked for the music (disappointing result IMO, I've included it in the attached WAD):


me: which music track does map24 use?


ChatGPT: Doom 2 MAP24: "The Chasm" uses the music track "Adrian's Asleep", which was composed by Robert Prince for the Doom 2 soundtrack. "Adrian's Asleep" is a moody and atmospheric track that features heavy use of synthesized strings and a slow, plodding rhythm that helps to create a sense of foreboding and danger as you navigate the map. The track is often cited as one of the most memorable and effective pieces of music in the Doom franchise, and has been used in several custom Doom maps and mods over the years.


Awesome! It's just this copy of the map here ^^


Thanks for agreeing and getting onto it so quickly :)

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Posted (edited)

played it with a friend and had a ton of fun. map28 was one of the biggest highlights, shoutout to oceanmadman. that map kicked SERIOUS ass and was genuinely unsettling because of how unhinged the architecture, atmosphere and music was, lol. clever use of shadows too


Edited by Guydoom

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@BeefGee Sorry for the delay but it's been done! I like your midi, it's very fitting indeed :)


The thread has been updated with version 1.2!

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2 hours ago, UnknDoomer said:


sorry for that hidden walkway on map 08. The AI told me to.

That was how you were supposed to get to the switch that lowered the blue key.

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