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Different settings for different gzdoom's?

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I have a gzdoom folder with a lot of folders inside that contain a gzdoom in each one, i do this for running different combinations of wads, for example: in one folder i run eviternity with hxrtc, in other folder i have a different megawad running with brutal doom, etc


the problem is if i change volume, crosshair scale, or whatever in one gzdoom this one affects ALL the others, so my question is how can i create different configs for each combination of wads




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I'm pretty sure you can make a copy of the .ini that has the configs, rename it, then create a shortcut for gzdoom and add the parameter -config "file name" to load the settings, and -file "wad name" to load the wad with it, all with the same version of gzdoom

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At this point it might be best to use a frontend with different commands and setups, wouldn't it? I'd recommend Doom runner.

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29 minutes ago, rouge_means_red said:

I'm pretty sure you can make a copy of the .ini that has the configs, rename it, then create a shortcut for gzdoom and add the parameter -config "file name" to load the settings, and -file "wad name" to load the wad with it, all with the same version of gzdoom


where's that ini? i don't have any

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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, rouge_means_red said:

Should be in the same folder as gzdoom.exe

Only if portable, normally it would be here: "C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\GZDoom".


You should copy that gzdoom.ini inside one of those GZDoom folders and rename it as gzdoom_portable.ini (so your configs will stay), then create (or copy) one gzdoom_portable.ini for each GZDoom folder you'd like to have.

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1 hour ago, CacoKnight said:

Only if portable, normally it would be here: "C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\GZDoom".


You should copy that gzdoom.ini inside one of those GZDoom folders and rename it as gzdoom_portable.ini (so your configs will stay), then create (or copy) one gzdoom_portable.ini for each GZDoom folder you'd like to have.


it doesn't work, even adding the .ini in each folder and adding it inside the .bat i'm using as executable

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4 hours ago, CacoKnight said:

Only if portable, normally it would be here: "C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\GZDoom".


You should copy that gzdoom.ini inside one of those GZDoom folders and rename it as gzdoom_portable.ini (so your configs will stay), then create (or copy) one gzdoom_portable.ini for each GZDoom folder you'd like to have.


sorry, i forgot to add ''_portable'' to the .ini, it works now, thanks!

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