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[Community Project] Death by 1000 Lines: Ultimate Doom 1000 line megawad - limit-removing, cl3 - slots filled! DONE! (development thread - please close)

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Hey everyone, we're making great progress here but I thought now would be a good time to check for updates from mappers we have yet to see a first or second map from:


@DJVCardMaster, @DukeOfDoom, @Blast_Brothers, @Walter confetti, @Track Federal, @Oxyde, @Scionox, @knifeworld, @dac, @Hayden49


Everything good? There's still no rush, but I'm hoping to have all submissions in and be compiling a release candidate by the end of the month :) let me know how you're getting on!

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2 hours ago, Somniac said:

Hey everyone, we're making great progress here but I thought now would be a good time to check for updates from mappers we have yet to see a first or second map from:


@DJVCardMaster, @DukeOfDoom, @Blast_Brothers, @Walter confetti, @Track Federal, @Oxyde, @Scionox, @knifeworld, @dac, @Hayden49


Everything good? There's still no rush, but I'm hoping to have all submissions in and be compiling a release candidate by the end of the month :) let me know how you're getting on!

My map is almost ready, I will post it here soon

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2 hours ago, Somniac said:

Hey everyone, we're making great progress here but I thought now would be a good time to check for updates from mappers we have yet to see a first or second map from:


@DJVCardMaster, @DukeOfDoom, @Blast_Brothers, @Walter confetti, @Track Federal, @Oxyde, @Scionox, @knifeworld, @dac, @Hayden49


Everything good? There's still no rush, but I'm hoping to have all submissions in and be compiling a release candidate by the end of the month :) let me know how you're getting on!

Oh god, I totally forgot about this, is there a deadline yet?

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14 minutes ago, DJVCardMaster said:

Oh god, I totally forgot about this, is there a deadline yet?


No solid deadline as yet, but I'd like to have all the maps in by the end of this month if possible. Its not strict though!

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2 hours ago, Somniac said:

Hey everyone, we're making great progress here but I thought now would be a good time to check for updates from mappers we have yet to see a first or second map from:


@DJVCardMaster, @DukeOfDoom, @Blast_Brothers, @Walter confetti, @Track Federal, @Oxyde, @Scionox, @knifeworld, @dac, @Hayden49


Everything good? There's still no rush, but I'm hoping to have all submissions in and be compiling a release candidate by the end of the month :) let me know how you're getting on!

Everything is still fine on my end, progress is just slow as usual. I'll have something out for the soft deadline.

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6 minutes ago, Somniac said:


No solid deadline as yet, but I'd like to have all the maps in by the end of this month if possible. Its not strict though!

Sadly, in that case, I don't think I could finish mine, I'm OK by giving the slot to someone else. I have to pack my project up, aswell as having a really heavy semester at Uni. Apologies in advance.

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I've been keeping an eye on this project but I haven't shared my level yet. Latest addition was a three days ago, I finished up adding the secret exit and I heavily edited some of the architecture to allow for 20 more lines (which I will definitely need to finish teleporter closets).

I don't have anything of great value to add to this at the moment but end of the week is a deadline I won't miss!


I'll also take the time to review all the maps provided, there should be more than enough to work with.

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Still made nothing, sorry. I was taking it easy since this project didn't have a deadline, so...

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I've started E4M8 but still not close to done. It'll be the next map I finish tho, rather than a map for a personal project so don't worry. I wouldn't drop my E4M8 mapslot cuz I want to use one of my midis again.

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I'm still working on my map, though it's been a few days since I've touched it. I should be able to get a rough draft done by the end of the month.

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I haven't started on map yet but i planned out most of it so shouldn't take too long once i do.

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Thanks for the updates so far everyone! @DJVCardMaster that's cool I totally understand, its no problem. Good luck with uni!


This means E1M3 is open, I'd take it but I've used both my slots, so if anyone with 1 map or someone totally new wants to claim it, then go ahead!


Let's call it the end of this month for submissions as a soft deadline, but I'm cool with extending it beyond that if anybody needs more time.

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I would love to make another map for this project

I'm down for a map with an easier difficulty

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23 minutes ago, DankMetal said:

I would love to make another map for this project

I'm down for a map with an easier difficulty


Nice one, its all yours!

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Posted (edited)

Finally got the first version of my map done. Sorry for taking so much time.


Name: +1000 Degrees Celsius.

Slot: E1M5

Music: Standard ("Suspense"), may change it in the near future.

Tested: Chocolate Doom.

Co-Op start: Yes.

Difficulty Levels: Yes.




Link: 1klines_e1m5.zip


Open to any kind of feedback! :) 

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30 minutes ago, DukeOfDoom said:

Finally got the first version of my map done. Sorry for taking so much time.


Name: +1000 Degrees Celsius.

Slot: E1M5

Music: Standard ("Suspense"), may change it in the near future.

Tested: Chocolate Doom.

Co-Op start: Yes.

Difficulty Levels: Yes.




Link: 1klines_e1m5.zip


Open to any kind of feedback! :) 


Nice map. I have no clue how to get to the fourth secret, the one with the backpack on a wall

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Posted (edited)



It's not a secret per se, just a nice bonus in one small niche around the yellow key room. The pillar is flashing lights in case you don't miss it out.

Or perhaps, did you run into a problem where the lower floor after the yellow card pickup did not work as intended?

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@Track Federal - this feels like one of those maps that'll play completely differently pistol-start vs. continous, which is really cool. Pistol-starting it you really have to fight your way to the available weapons while under constant pressure, but its not too hectic as you can reach either the Berserk, RL or Chaingun pretty quickly. Despite that this map does a good job making a fairly small monster count seem more threatening. I enjoyed it!


@DukeOfDoom - really nice use of space with the main area and the way the map progresses through the various parts around it. I'm tempted to say make it a bit more difficult, as not much happens when you pick up the blue key in comparison to the others. I sort of thought the big FIRELAVA wall in the middle was going to drop and release some monsters, that might make it a bit more climactic? Other than that though, I thought this was great! Especially the start, like E3M3 there's a bit of a scramble for weapons which is good fun.


26 maps down, 10 to go! I'll get these added to the wad.

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Thanks for the feedback! I added several new stuff in my map, here's the updated version.


In short:


1. The blue key room has its own ambush.

2. Added teleporting enemies at certain parts of the level.

3. Removed some linedefs in favor of adding some others, including the lowering lava wall ambush (thanks for the idea!)

4. Some other stuff and pickups and such.


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As I'm a bit rushed for time with personal things, I didn't get enough time to clean & polish this level as much as I hoped for the deadline I set myself, but definitely expect a v01 some time in the near future!

The section representing Inferno's hell isn't fully completed yet, but this version is close to the final product anyway.



E3M6 (I haven't chosen a name yet)

Music: Nobody Told Me About id

Tested with DSDA Doom 0.27.5


Notable features:

  • The level's theme is that all 3 episodes of Ultimate Doom got merged by an ever expanding void, familiar locations in a single trip to Hell
  • All 3 keys have dynamic positions depending on the difficulty level
  • The 4 players for coop start in disjointed locations

I'm really happy with the fact that the teleporter closets are not actually closets, rather a simple yet effective trick!


Mandatory download link in a .zip! ➡ E3M6_Oxyde_v00c.zip

Secret exit is included also!

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MAP: Fireblu Dreams
MIDI: "party_is_dead.mid" by Ribbicks
NOTES (optional): Pacifist puzzle platforming map on HMP/UV, straightforward map on HNTR, also accidentally 1x1 map. Uses exactly 1000 lines.




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Posted (edited)

@Oxyde - I loved the "shattered realities" feel to this map and having each segment reference a particular episode is a really nice touch. It felt a little easy though, despite the 100+ monster count. Don't be afraid to throw some more in there! Maybe a few mobs to mow down with the plasma gun after it gets picked up, or a few more heavy enemies. Otherwise I have no complaints, this is a creative interpretation of the episode theme and I'm looking forward to the finished map!


@Scionox - this map is a trip! It feels very dream-like with the contrast of the FIREBLU void/black highlights and the Cybers appearing like giant shadows. I'm not yet able to beat it on HMP or UV though. I can see what the player is meant to do, it just calls for some pretty precise movement and some trial and error. Without compromising your idea, is there any way it could be made a little more forgiving? If not, I'm happy to accept it as-is, with the caveat that its probably beyond my own abilities :p which is fine, I don't speak for all players & this map stands alone in the wad as a unique challenge for sure.


Now at 29 maps submitted, and overdue an update to the current build which I'll attempt to fix ASAP!

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@Somniac I'd normally make HMP platforming bit easier but that be pretty line-expensive sadly, esp. w/o boom compat, and i already hit limit XD so instead just added few more refills for HMP hopefully that helps
Download: FirebluDreams.zip

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Should be coming out soon-ish. As in tomorrow if everything goes well.

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Posted (edited)

Let's do this.


MAP NAME : We All Fall Down


MUSIC : "Shotgun Shawarma" by RogueAkai & Sumo (From the Alien Vendetta MIDI Pack)

NOTES : Version 01 02 of probably some. The thing placement is a bit wonky, mostly because the non-linear design is me going a bit out of my comfort zone. No difficulties so far save for the finale being a bit meaner on UV. I will keep working on this map, this is mostly to get it out before the weekend is over and before the month is over too.


LINK : IN BIO nah it's right here.


SCREENSHOTS : See above post.


e: Did a few visual updates I was too half-asleep to correct yesterday.

Edited by dac

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MAP: Insomnia Dam
MIDI: (unmodified, again might make a midi for this or find one that fits, not sure yet)
NOTES: Made this map last night after a bad fit of insomnia. It was 4 AM and I thought I'd bore myself to sleep by plopping down some lines, before realizing that this type of map would be perfect for the project. I think it's more E1 style than anything, but could still fit and be in line with the rest of the episode. No skill levels in just yet.


Download here: e4m91k-try4.wad (120kb)


Spoiler for screenshots






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@dac - Sorry to report I ran into a softlock at the red key room. From what I can see, sector 121 isn't lowering causing the player to get stuck there. I was really enjoying the map though, it has a great layout and progression and there's enemies around every corner. Fun hot start too, and overall it reminds me a little bit of your map from 1000 Lines 3.


Red key room:




I noticed one or two cases of textures bleeding too, minor issue but worth pointing out (not sure what's causing them here):




The main issue though is the softlock, once that's sorted I'll replay the map as I really want to see the rest of it :p


@JustAthel - this is a nice breezy map that feels good for the secret slot. Big fan of the use of lowering a liquid floor with a texture change :p the start room reminds me a bit of the original E4M9 but the map definitely has its own thing going on. Enjoyed it!


We're now at 31 maps and getting ever-closer to the finish line. Once the issue with E4M7 is sorted I'll update the main archive as we're now about +6 maps over the last one :)

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