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Posted (edited)

i am making a wad but i cant change the name of the maps. if someone whould be able to do that for me it whould be apriciated. thanks 


here are what i want to levels to be named (in order)(you can change it but dont change to much) 1 : mountain pass. 2 : dead city. 3 : sewer system. 4 : hell temple. 5 : ravine. 6 : milatairy base.

(edit: yes i have tried and it was to difficult for me. im still new to wad making)

(edit2:pls only reply if you have done it for me. not "here is a tutorial on how to do it" as I HAVE ALREADY TRIED TO DO IT AND IT WAS TO DIFFICULT FOR ME WHEN FOLLOWING THE TUTORIAL. so pls only respond if you have done it thanks :)'

(edit3: dont respond anymore the issue i was facing is gone thanks)

Edited by AnguirusFan1

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Posted (edited)

Just insert a MAPINFO text lump into your map





You can add more lines in place of the commented lines as per MAPINFO/Map definition with Slade3, for example the new sky for map01 from OTEX 1.1, or just delete them




   sky1 = "OSKY04", 0.0
   NEXT = "MAP02"
    // ...

    // ...
   NEXT = "MAP03"
    // ...

    // ...
   NEXT = "MAP04"
    // ...

    // ...
   NEXT = "MAP05"
    // ...

map MAP05 "RAVINE"
    // ...
   NEXT = "MAP06"
    // ...

    // ...
   NEXT = "MAP07"
    // ...



Edited by Kappes Buur

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I'll go ahead and link Doomkid's tutorial on how to add map names to your work: while it focuses primarily on making name graphics and DeHackEd, there's a bit in there about MAPINFO and you can add a MAPINFO lump in the same way that you would for DeHackEd ones. Hopefully this is helpful.

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1 hour ago, AnguirusFan1 said:

that was the tutorial that i tried to follow.

Well, elaborate. Where in that tutorial are you starting to misunderstand? And how about @Kappes Buur's suggestion? What are you not getting?

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If you want to achieve what you are asking for, then you must be familiar with the program Slade3.

Whereas a map editor such as Ultimate Doom Builder, DoombuilderX or Eureka is used to create the basic architecture of a map it is Slade3 where you have insert or edit additional lumps. Lumps like MAPINFO, new textures like the OTEX resource, new sounds, etc.


I have shown you a screenshot how this is done with Slase3 and gave you a working MAPINFO lump. Yet it seems that you do not understand that process. That is where learning and reading the wikis comes in.


To help you out, I know it can be tricky at first, to finish your map I attached a resource map with the map names and new skys for map01 and map02. Follow the pattern to give other maps a new sky.


Either load both, your map and the added map, into GZDoom to play or load both into Slade3 and copy/paste the added map to the bottom of your map.


Good luck





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wait now that i did that (yes the names are working thanks the tutorial that i followed was to complicated) but the skybox is has a missing texture. even tho it has f_sky1 i dont want a custom skybox i am still new to wad making so how do i fix the skybox.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, AnguirusFan1 said:

wait now that i did that (yes the names are working thanks the tutorial that i followed was to complicated) but the skybox is has a missing texture. even tho it has f_sky1 i dont want a custom skybox i am still new to wad making so how do i fix the skybox.


You copied this directly, and it's complaining about not finding OSKY04?


   sky1 = "OSKY04", 0.0
   NEXT = "MAP02"
    // ...


Kappes Burr said that the sky was an example of something to add into map info. If you don't want a custom skybox, then don't include the line referencing the custom sky. This is why it's important to not just copy things, but understand what they are. If I recall correctly, your MAPINFO will have to include the NEXT line, though, to tell the game what map to go to next.


Also "military" is spelled "military," not "milatairy."



(edit2:pls only reply if you have done it for me. not "here is a tutorial on how to do it" as I HAVE ALREADY TRIED TO DO IT AND IT WAS TO DIFFICULT FOR ME WHEN FOLLOWING THE TUTORIAL. so pls only respond if you have done it thanks :)




If you want to do something, like Doom editing, you have to put in time and effort to learn it, the same as me and everyone else here. If there's something you don't understand, people can help you to understand, and if there is something truly complicated then someone might provide an answer. However, we have lives of our own to lead, our own things to do, and we aren't going to spoon-feed you answers if you're not willing to meet effort with effort. What you're asking for is pretty simple. I'm sure you're quite capable of learning how to do it with a little more focus and effort.


Whenever I see anyone who is new to editing I always I recommend to them that they read or at least skim through the basic tutorials:



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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Stabbey said:

Also "military" is spelled "military

Good catch, thanks Stabbey.


23 hours ago, AnguirusFan1 said:

(edit: yes i have tried and it was to difficult for me. im still new to wad making)

I realized that, that's why I gave you a finished solution.


23 hours ago, AnguirusFan1 said:

i(edit2:pls only reply if you have done it for me. 

Hmmm, understood.

7 hours ago, Kappes Buur said:

That is where learning and reading the wikis comes in.



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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, AnguirusFan1 said:

(edit2:pls only reply if you have done it for me. not "here is a tutorial on how to do it" as I HAVE ALREADY TRIED TO DO IT AND IT WAS TO DIFFICULT FOR ME WHEN FOLLOWING THE TUTORIAL. so pls only respond if you have done it thanks :)'



I can only fathom you aren't a adult if you think this is going to help you out. Learning is one of the cornerstones to adulthood and with you doing the forum equivalent of a tantrum, my only advice is to take the advice given to heart and learn. Till then im skeptic.


Atleast i can now finally be an old fart and say ''kids these days....''


23 hours ago, AnguirusFan1 said:

(edit3: dont respond anymore the issue i was facing is gone thanks)

Report the post. But since i figure by your answers in this thread that a tutorial on how to do that would prove to be a severe demonstration of your limited patience, ill do it for you.

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Posted (edited)

im sorry sometimes i get pretty mad even when i later realise that was a big overreaction. think i forgot to take my meds acouple days ago. sorry. when i dont take my meds my feelings become like 2X. higer highs and lower lows. AND STUPID ADHD ATUISM BRAIN GOD DAMMIT. yea im a kid. (tecnically a couple months into 13) so what. dosent mean im stupid my brain is just not finished. and i dont hide im a kid. i just dont say it in my bio. i just dont think its needed. and i dont want people to hate me just becuse im a kid. but if people ask i answer willingly

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30 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

I can only fathom you aren't a adult if you think this is going to help you out. Learning is one of the cornerstones to adulthood and with you doing the forum equivalent of a tantrum, my only advice is to take the advice given to heart and learn. Till then im skeptic.


Atleast i can now finally be an old fart and say ''kids these days....''


Report the post. But since i figure by your answers in this thread that a tutorial on how to do that would prove to be a severe demonstration of your limited patience, ill do it for you.

im sorry sometimes i get pretty mad even when i later realise that was a big overreaction. think i forgot to take my meds acouple days ago. sorry. when i dont take my meds my feelings become like 2X. higer highs and lower lows. AND STUPID ADHD ATUISM BRAIN GOD DAMMIT. yea im a kid. (tecnically a couple months into 13) so what. dosent mean im stupid my brain is just not finished. and i dont hide im a kid. i just dont say it in my bio. i just dont think its needed. and i dont want people to hate me just becuse im a kid. but if people ask i answer willingly

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Full disclosure, if I was in a position to do as the OP asked I would have done so in conjunction with me linking the tutorial: that way they could've perhaps gleaned how to do it from having a clear example in their possession and gotten a better understanding of the tutorial as a result. What I wouldn't have done is immediately resort to condescension in response to someone who is clearly just starting out on their mapping journey and doesn't have a firm grasp on the fundamentals yet. If y'all want your advice to be taken onboard, learn to coach it in encouraging language.

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