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Anyone else worried that Bethesda will ruin the new Doom game?

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I have faith in ID, they've always made near perfect games for the Doom Franchise, but ever since Bethesda was the publisher, and seeing the absolute failures that they have released, makes me think that they will slowly do the same to Doom.


The mere fact that micro-transactions exist in Eternal is a red flag, and I'm afraid they're going to evenutally turn the game into a CoD clone with demons, with battle-passes and all.


Anyone else feel this way?


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Gamers love being shocked about AAA publishers pulling the same shit they always have and always will


Also it helps to actually watch the trailer because nothing about it suggested CoD other than the fact that you are a soldier that shoots things with guns

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Nah, why should I?

If the game is bad, I just won't buy it. There's no point in making a big deal out of this.


Besides, no matter what anyone says, there are still talented people working on the development of NuDoom who at least know what they are doing

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One thing I will say is that Hugo Martin's direction is--to a significant degree--what has made modern DOOM the success it is. Just look at the direction DOOM 4 was going in before he came onboard and resurrected it from development hell. (pun intended)


The thing about Hugo is that he is intelligent, always looking for inspiration in other media, and most importantly in the classic DOOM games. He understands how to innovate, but staying mostly true to the core of what DOOM is. 


That being said, there will always be risks that Id Software will take to push the franchise, and inevitably there will be unhappy fans. You can't please everyone.


I say we should keep an open mind. I think a more grounded DOOM game is a welcome change of pace. The addition of new weapons, the new melee combat system that synergizes with the gunplay & shield mechanics looks pretty bad-ass. 


I understand the concerns. I share some of them with you, but for now I remain very optimistic. 


Have a look at this.

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no, and this is a stupid question ngl

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3 hours ago, AtomIsTired said:

I have faith in ID, they've always made near perfect games for the Doom Franchise, but ever since Bethesda was the publisher, and seeing the absolute failures that they have released, makes me think that they will slowly do the same to Doom.


The mere fact that micro-transactions exist in Eternal is a red flag, and I'm afraid they're going to evenutally turn the game into a CoD clone with demons, with battle-passes and all.


Anyone else feel this way?



You're not wrong with Bethesda's pisspoor reputation and general contempt towards gamers..  the very audience a gaming publisher exists to serve...


I wasn't aware of micro-transactions in Eternal. Im guessing they were a multiplayer thing? I played Battlemode for about 2 hours, and never touched that abomination again.


I hope someone was fired over that.

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Posted (edited)

I'm not worried because a game being good or not in no way affects my life. I have enough games and mods to play to keep me busy till 20 years after my death. If it's bad, I don't buy and move on. Quite simple.

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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, Doom-X-Machina said:


You're not wrong with Bethesda's pisspoor reputation and general contempt towards gamers..  the very audience a gaming publisher exists to serve...


I wasn't aware of micro-transactions in Eternal. Im guessing they were a multiplayer thing? I played Battlemode for about 2 hours, and never touched that abomination again.


I hope someone was fired over that.


Not sure what OP was referring to. There is no such thing as microtransactions in DOOM Eternal. All cosmetics were free. One master level (Cultist Base) was initially a pre-order "reward " but was later bundled with some cosmetics as an option to purchase so that you didn't miss out on it if you're willing to pay.


Same goes for most of the cosmetics, they are available for purchase if you missed out on the events that allowed you to unlock them for free, and in fact, all of the events have been recycled about 3 times or more by this point. 


As for the multiplayer, it's no classic deathmatch, but it's pretty awesome. Asymmetrical pvp format is not for everyone, but at the highest levels, Battlemode is incredibly fun and surprisingly well balanced.

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Bethesda published DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal, both were fantastic games and received widespread praise. DOOM 2016 has overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam, and DOOM Eternal has very positive reviews. I think it's safe to say DOOM 6 will release just fine and Bethesda as publishers aren't going to drastically mess it up to the point where it affects the quality of the game or release.


"Microtransactions, yuck! Red flag, gamers!" Microtransactions are great in my book, as long as they are purely cosmetic. Gives more money to the developers, artists and publishing crew that put everything together.

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4 hours ago, AtomIsTired said:

I have faith in ID, they've always made near perfect games for the Doom Franchise, but ever since Bethesda was the publisher, and seeing the absolute failures that they have released, makes me think that they will slowly do the same to Doom.


The mere fact that micro-transactions exist in Eternal is a red flag, and I'm afraid they're going to evenutally turn the game into a CoD clone with demons, with battle-passes and all.


Anyone else feel this way?


So you have faith in ID but also fear it will be a COD clone down the line.


That really makes very little sense. You fear something that only exists in your own head.

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I'm not worried about Bethesda.



I'm worried about Microsoft.

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33 minutes ago, Gez said:

I'm not worried about Bethesda.



I'm worried about Microsoft.

As long as the DLC for Dark Ages isn't Marswar and Dystopia 3.

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3 hours ago, Fireseth said:

Microtransactions are great in my book, as long as they are purely cosmetic. Gives more money to the developers, artists and publishing crew that put everything together.

The only problem with this is that (to my knowledge) it doesn't give more money to the developers, artists and publishing crew who put everything together. These people get their wage, and everything else after that is absorbed by the company. 

There are performance bonuses if the game does well but that's different to the idea that if you buy a helmet skin for $5, the person who designed it gets a little kickback. They don't. 

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Yeah... this was a really dumb question I asked; this may sound like the lamest excuse ever, but I wrote this incredibly sleep-deprived. Thank you for your opinion on the matter. :P

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Not really. I can't make a good judgement on whether a studio will ruin a game until that game comes out.

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15 hours ago, AtomIsTired said:

I have faith in ID, they've always made near perfect games for the Doom Franchise, but ever since Bethesda was the publisher, and seeing the absolute failures that they have released, makes me think that they will slowly do the same to Doom.


The mere fact that micro-transactions exist in Eternal is a red flag, and I'm afraid they're going to evenutally turn the game into a CoD clone with demons, with battle-passes and all.


Anyone else feel this way?


Nah, they owned ID for a while yet Doom Eternal and Doom 2016 came out. Worst I can expect is a lot of DLCs and bethesda account requirement. Oh wait...

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Posted (edited)

Given the current atrocious state of the AAA video games industry, I'd be lying if I said that I had no concerns at all about the potential for exploitative monetisation of the new Doom game. I don't think it's very likely, as it seems that Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal did well enough to prevent the bean counters and "line go up" types from taking a stronger hand in the creative direction of the series. So I hope this newest entry has a similarly strong showing.


Of course if the worst does happen, then it's not going to be anywhere near the level of personal upset and impact as say, being made homeless or losing a loved relative. But I do think it would be entirely valid to feel disgruntled over the poor treatment and direction of a video game series that, up until that hypothetical point, I would have enjoyed.


For the time being, things are looking good. I'm looking forward to further reveals and seeing how the game is received upon release. Fingers crossed, touch wood, etc etc.

Edited by NoXion

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But I need to buy this 4.99 dlc that gives me a rainbow mohawk and so does the rest of the world!  

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Nope. They haven't ruined Doom 2016, neither Doom Eternal. They ain't gonna do a thing that could harm Doom The Dark Ages sales.

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Honestly no, not really.


I personally don't care for it since i've played 2016 and eternal. I still think it's nice there making the doom guy for a whole new generation but alas i prefer the classics since i don't have to pay for a membership nor buy then one at a time. (i was making a joke about paying for content since the triple A games are like that now).

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After seeing the fates of C&C, Diablo, Starcraft, Dungeon Keeper, Ghost Recon, Assassin's Creed, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid...

I tend to have little faith that any trend of good games coming from the AAA space will maintain itself in perpetuity. As it is said, die a hero or live long enough to be a villain.


But one can always hope Doom remains an exception, and while I'm not the biggest fan of the new Dooms they're clearly games made with some strong degree of passion from the programmers and artists involved (well, Mick Gordon incident aside).


I'm not optimistic if I'm honest, but of all the AAA games in the latest crop of announcements, it's probably the only one I might actually consider buying on release...
but more likely I'll wait for reviews and probably a special because the current exchange rate means $70 hits the wallet extra hard, and it's not likely to get better...

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12 hours ago, Sneezy McGlassFace said:

The only problem with this is that (to my knowledge) it doesn't give more money to the developers, artists and publishing crew who put everything together. These people get their wage, and everything else after that is absorbed by the company. 

There are performance bonuses if the game does well but that's different to the idea that if you buy a helmet skin for $5, the person who designed it gets a little kickback. They don't. 

It's safe to assume that micro-transactions for anything doesn't mean Bethesda or Id Software will be handing out fat checks to specific developers, artists, etc. Commission-based cosmetics are a thing in the videogame industry, but we cannot assume this without any evidence or anything from Id Software themselves.


"Money being absorbed by the company" is usually never a bad thing. When videogames become a success for companies, executives usually want to reinvest into the franchise (as what happened with DOOM 2016, DOOM Eternal and now we have Dark Ages) which provides business expansion, which can definitely help generate more employment opportunities within the company whether that's in the artistry department or the development studio, etc. TYPICALLY, when a company becomes even more successful, employees will receive more benefits, improved salaries (I don't think they get wages, as you mentioned), etc. Id Software doesn't have a horrible track record when it comes to how they treat their employees, with the exception of Mick Gordon (he wasn't even an "employee" in the first place, he was a contracted musician).

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Anyone else worried that they'll be beaten half to death with a rusty plumbing fixture by a morbidly obese man wearing a Chuck E. Cheese™ mascot head and absolutely nothing else before the new Doom game comes out?

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Posted (edited)

The comment they made about "streamlining" the gameplay and inputs in the GameSpot interview were a little concerning to me. All of the micromanagement and twisting around of all of your fingers of Eternal felt like the greatest thing new-Id had going for it in my eyes.

I suppose it's fine if they're just referring to things like combining the "Use" and "Melee" key, or like, how they mention, the creation of the Shieldsaw being inspired by the combination of the "Shield" and "Chainsaw" input.


I'll definitely give it a shot either way, but it kind of smells like they might be dumbing down their original vision for the fundamental gameplay mechanics because it doesn't work well enough on gamepads. And they do mention ease of use on gamepads specifically in that interview.

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30 minutes ago, Kinsie said:

Anyone else worried that they'll be beaten half to death with a rusty plumbing fixture by a morbidly obese man wearing a Chuck E. Cheese™ mascot head and absolutely nothing else before the new Doom game comes out?

That's a weirdly specific fetish Kinsie.

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