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Otherworldly Ossuary [MBF21]

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Hye there! just had ago of this one!


I was gonna make a recording but I kept dying haha :P Didn't manage to complete it yet as its very slaughter like.  Not really my kind of cup of tea. But I do like the environment puzzles. Aesthetics are on point as usual. Awesome texture work. 


Might have a go of finishing it later, but that's all I can say for now :)


Cheers :)  



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I haven't actually played a single player map in quite some time, but "ossuary" is hands down my favourite word in the English language, so I was kind of obligated to give this one a spin.

And HMP reminded me that I really haven't played in quite a while...

I even struggled for ammo on HNTR because I wasn't utilising infighting as much as I should've been.

But the single weapon focus, short run time and aesthetics make me want to see a little series of just specifically this - small arenas and making the player work within limitations.

Can't gush enough about the palette, either: it has an exceptionally regal, autumnal and otherworldly look to it - really gives the map it's own sense of place.

That little "ganbatte, skeleton-chan!" at the end was the cherry on the liquefied bone sundae.

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28 minutes ago, Daytime Waitress said:

"ossuary" is hands down my favourite word in the English language

Have you been to the famous one in Sedlec? Here's a link to the pictures I took in 2011:


Obviously, this was before they banned photography there.


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7 minutes ago, Grazza said:

Have you been to the famous one in Sedlec? Here's a link to the pictures I took in 2011:


Obviously, this was before they banned photography there.



I'm not in Europe, unfortunately :(

Though I did have a rummage around in my post history because I do remember commenting on someone's snaps from an ossuary - but it turns out that was Matthias' trip to Brno.

Which makes at least two Doomworld members we have posting about their ventures to 'em!

Thanks for sharing Sedlec, btw - that chandelier is out of this world.

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@Daytime Waitress Thank you so much for the kind words! This map is harder than what I usually do, so I understand it might not be everyone's cup of tea.

I'm glad you had fun despite it's difficulty.

This was an interesting experience, so I'll probably do more of this single weapon, quick to finish maps in the future :D

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Posted (edited)

- Map does not work correctly in GZDOOM (use it at your own risk);


@AshtralFiend, works smooth with latest GzDoom 4.12.2. Completed under 7 minutes on UV. Video will be a little later.

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11 hours ago, UnknDoomer said:


Nice going! Always fun to see new videos for this map :D


Gzdoom nerfs one of mbf21 options, the one that makes possible for enemies with large hit boxes climb down small stairs. This makes some fights easier, and others unfair (that cyber that was guarding the door was supposed to go down the stairs)


Thanks for playing!

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